It Just Keeps Getting Better

Justin Elliot:

A significant portion of the seed money that created Mitt Romney’s private equity firm, Bain Capital, was provided by wealthy oligarchs from El Salvador, including members of a family with a relative who allegedly financed rightist groups that used death squads during the country’s bloody civil war in the 1980s

But, y’know, the world turns round and round. Once upon a time money went from U.S. taxpayers to the Reagan Administration, which sent it to the right-wing government in El Salvador, which used it to form death squads, which terrorized the country, so the wealthy oligarchs had to find a safe place to dump their money. So they unloaded several million into Bain capital, and Mittens made several fortunes, and now he’s tapping on some of that wealth to run for President. Ain’t capitalism grand?

Also — in the New York Times, Michael Shear writes that Romney’s wealth was not an issue in 2008. Now it is. The times, are they a-changin’?

South Carolina Primary Eve

Nate Silver’s most recent data:

South Carolina VOTE
Newt Gingrich 35.4% 62%
Mitt Romney 32.7 38
Ron Paul 16.0 0

Obviously Newt’s recent racist tirade won over much of the Confederate vote in SC. But there’s also this, Nate says:

Some of this, I suspect, is because voters in both parties seem to have developed a resistance to falling in line when the news media expects them to. There were numerous reversals of momentum in the 2008 Democratic primaries, some of which seemed to represent an open rebellion by voters against the news media’s expectations of how they might behave. Even candidates as strong as George W. Bush in 2000 — who may have been the best non-incumbent primary candidate ever, with exceptionally strong fund-raising totals and polling numbers — have encountered a few bumps along the road.

Personally, I think seeing a bunch of smug, overpaid “pundits” on television schmooze about how Candidate X is “inevitable” before votes are cast does pre-dispose some of us to support Anybody But X. The only thing that’s saved Mitt’s ass so far is that the “Anybodies” are such nobodies.

From what I’ve read, Mitt had a really bad debate last night. He got booed for his tax return evasion. Richard Adams says Romney as much as admitted that his tax returns are a political liability. He also actually referred to his own Massachusetts health reform plan as “Romneycare.”

On top of that, the Romney campaign is circulating a video that shows Mittens being insufferably 1 percentish toward a heckler. Someone off camera asks Romney what he plans to do for the 99 percent, and Romney replies —

Let me tell you something. America is a great nation, because we’re a united nation. And those who are trying to divide the nation, as you’re trying to do here, and as our president is doing, are hurting this country seriously. The right course for America is not to try to divide America, and try and divide us between one and another. it’s to come together as a nation.

And if you’ve got a better model — if you think China’s better, or Russia’s better, or Cuba’s better, or North Korea’s better — I’m glad to hear all about it.

But you know what? America’s right, and you’re wrong.

This is what they think is a “good” answer? Someone said Romney might as well start wearing a top hat and a monocle.

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Rick Perry is out, and Huntsman dropped out a couple of days ago. So we’re down to four — Newt, Santorum, Ron Paul, and Mittens. There’s another debate tonight; I suggest following it on the Richard Adams blog.

Elsewhere — Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker has turned down $37 million from the federal government intended to set up the health insurance exchanges mandated by the Affordable Care Act.

Mr. 1% Pays 15%

The big news this afternoon is that Mittens admitted his effective tax rate is only about 15 percent, This is not a big surprise to those who’ve been paying attention. And that clacking sound you hear is coming from the rightie blogosphere furiously defending the right of the obscenely wealthy to hang on to their dough while benefiting from the taxes paid by the rest of us. Still, I doubt it will help Romney much.

Panties in Twists

The Washington Post‘s Glenn Kessler wasted no time ripping up the “King of Bain” documentary and giving it Four Pinochios. The errors were pretty much the same ones picked out in Fortune yesterday. Kessler works real hard at pretending he’s not defending vulture capitalism.

Meanwhile, see Steve Benen:

As recently as two weeks ago, Romney had a fairly specific number in mind when it came to the jobs created by his vulture-capitalist firm.

“I’m very happy in my former life; we helped create over 100,000 new jobs.”

A few days ago, the total dropped.

“People here in the state know that in the work that I had, we started a number of businesses, invested in many others, and that over all created tens of thousands jobs.”

This morning, the Romney campaign unveiled a new ad, which moved the goal post again. Greg Sargent picked up on the new message:

The ad claims Romney only created “thousands of jobs,” which is the latest shift in his campaign’s claims.

So, over the course of two weeks, Romney has gone from “over 100,000 jobs” to “tens of thousands” to “thousands.”

By next week, he’ll be bragging about all the jobs he created by tearing down and rebuilding one of his homes.

Elsewhere — Tbogg is fact checking some of the fact checks. Mistermix says “Citizens United Is Kicking Romney’s Ass.” E.J. Dionne says a debate about capitalism is long overdue. Steve Kornacki writes about how not to sell a top 1 percent agenda. And not to be missed — the Brooks Versus Krugman smackdown, by Andrew Leonard.

Is Mittens Slipping Already?

One poll has Mittens’s lead in South Carolina nose-diving. And see the latest number’s at Nate’s place —

South Carolina VOTE
Mitt Romney 25.5% 43%
Newt Gingrich 24.7 41
Ron Paul 16.4 8

Yesterday, Mittens had a 31.8 vote projection and 55 percent chance of winning. Newt’s vote projection is about the same as yesterday’s, although his chance of winning has gone up. Santorum has slipped a bit lower overnight, so he’s not getting the former Romney votes. It looks as if the votes falling away from Romney are being picked up mostly by Ron Paul, with some votes going to Perry and Huntsman.

Steve Benen has a post up about the impact of the Bain Capital documentary, which is posted below in its entirety:

Let’s also note the target audience. Ed Kilgore noted the video is “a heat-seeking missile aimed directly at the white working class id.” This is incredibly important in a 2012 context — if Romney is going to win the presidency, he’s going to need to crush President Obama with white working-class voters who tend to support the GOP anyway. This short film, with all the subtlety of a sledgehammer, tells this constituency that Romney is not only indifferent to their struggles, but he and people like him caused their economic plight.

So be sure all your bagger friends get a link to the documentary. This is something bigger than just Mittens.

Benjy Sarlin at TPM discusses whether the Bain story coming out this early in the campaign will inoculate voters from caring about it later.

“I would have preferred to wait, yes, to keep the bottle of whup-ass fresher,” one Obama campaign strategist told TPM. “At the same time — and this is important to note — having the Republicans eat their own actually makes the Bain story more potent than we ever could because it instantly validates it as a line of attack and falls on independent ears as a matter of legitimate debate, not as a partisan line of attack.”

And when the real Bain attack comes, it will be anything but old news to the voters it needs to reach. After all, it’s hardcore Republicans who are paying the closest attention to the GOP campaign and its Bain moment right now, and they’re not voting for President Obama anytime soon. …

… Once Democrats decide its time to make their ultimate Bain push, they’ll have the resources to flood the zone with TV spots, direct mail (likely referencing Bain layoffs in targeted swing states), and a small army of Democratic lawmakers and operatives reinforcing the story 24/7 on cable news. Think 2004, when the entire GOP apparatus (including, awkwardly, Mitt Romney) worked in unison to drive home the John Kerry “flip flopper” meme.

And consider the irony that distribution of this little film is made possible by a SuperPAC; this is what the GOP establishment wanted.

Update: In a new post, Nate Silver is urging caution about reading much into the decline in Romney’s numbers. We’ll get a clearer picture in a couple of days. Romney appears to be gaining in Florida. I postulate, though, that South Carolina television is being plastered with outtakes from the Bain documentary, but Florida television is not.

Newt Recants

Ooo, somebody must’ve taken Newt to the woodshed. He’s telling people he made a mistake criticizing Mittens’s record at Bain Capital. What were the puppet masters going to do? Close Callista’s Tiffany’s account? Oh, the humanity …

Fortunately, the SuperPAC preparing to saturate South Carolina with Romney vampire squid ads says it is not backing down. And you can watch the entire “When Mitt Romney Came to Town” documentary online.

Guess the Veep!

Might as well have some fun with this, even if we are on the Titanic and guessing whether it’s going down bow first or stern first — David Weigel has a must-read post up comparing the Romney road to the nomination with the path John McCain took four years ago. It’s called “Haven’t We Lived Through This Primary Before?” and it begins,

I’m thinking of a Republican primary. It starts with a candidate (John McCain/Mitt Romney) who ran once before, came in second place, and won over the party’s elite class without winning over its base. Other candidates, understandably unwilling to accept this, line up: An under-funded social conservative (Mike Huckabee/Rick Santorum), an elder statesman who’s walked to the altar three times (Rudy Giuliani/Newt Gingrich), a libertarian who wants to bring back the gold standard (Ron Paul/Ron Paul).

The BooMan takes the comparison further. Who will be this year’s Sarah Palin? Marco Rubio? Chris Christie?

In Weird News — Haley Barbour is retiring as governor of Mississippi. On his last day in office, he granted full and unconditional pardons to 193 criminals. In addition, last week he pardoned five convicted murderers who had been doing custodial work at the governor’s mansion. Some of the other pardoned convicts also had been found guilty of murder, although none were on death row.

However, he failed to pardon the Scott sisters. Go figure. At least they were both given early releases last year.

Anyway — just seems odd.

On to South Carolina

Mittens has a formidable lead in South Carolina polls, and it’s going to be fun to see how it holds up in the coming week.

Steve Kornacki says that Newt and Perry — mostly Newt, though — will be bashing Perry Romney with Bain Capital. Thanks to his recent but short-lived surge, Newt has money.

Gingrich will head to South Carolina intent on exploiting every one of Romney’s vulnerabilities in the state, and he’ll be aided by at least $5 million from a casino magnate, Sheldon Adelson, who is bankrolling a Super PAC that aims to do to Romney what Romney did to Gingrich in Iowa.

The South Carolina campaign is just beginning, Kornacki says.

Romney enters South Carolina as the favorite. A poll last week, just after Iowa, put him at 37 percent, his best showing of the entire campaign and nearly 20 points ahead of the next candidate. The numbers showed that Romney is very capable of winning the state, especially if the rest of the field remains split (Santorum finished second in the poll with 19 percent, while Gingrich was at 18 — meaning that together they accounted for the same share of the vote as Romney). But the numbers also came with a giant asterisk: Millions and millions of dollars in vicious attack ads aimed at reminding South Carolinians of all of the many reasons they have to be suspicious of Romney had not yet run.

Those ads will hit the airwaves tomorrow and won’t stop until the 21st. Romney may still emerge with a victory, and thus the nomination. But it’s not going to be pretty.

On the other hand — Jonathan Martin and John Harris write at Politico that the GOP establishment is rallying around Romney now.

These influential voices — who include many fund-raisers and other sorts of people who are unwise for politicians to alienate — will greet the kind of scorched-earth tactics necessary to slow Romney’s march with hostility.

— Many conservative activists, while not especially enthusiastic about Romney or his establishment backers, are appalled by the odd turn of campaign rhetoric in the closing days of New Hampshire, with Newt Gingrich and Jon Huntsman taking aim at Romney’s record running the private equity firm Bain Capital. These people, who include radio commentator Rush Limbaugh, are apoplectic that anti-Romney Republicans are making common cause with anti-business Democrats.

Of course, in Reality World, opposition to Mittens’s style of cancerous vampire squid exploitation capitalism is not “pro business” at all, since it actually destroys business. But in the minds of the GOP establishment, capitalism really is the ability of a handful of rich people to manipulate the lives of thousands of people and then walk off with the money. And protecting that ability means more to them than duty, honor, country, or anything else. They’d sell their grandmas first.

And you know every cog in the noise machine, from Rush Limbaugh to Faux News, will be ordering the people of South Carolina to vote for Mitt, or else. Because from now on he will be branded the only true Republican in the race. Just watch. As for Newt, the genuinely demented James Taranto is calling him “Barack Hussein Gingrich.”

Taranto also says that Gingrich’s attacks against Romney now will inoculate Romney against similar attacks in the general election. I don’t see why that would be true, however. Romney really is a disgusting piece of work. Unlike George W. Bush, who was able to keep the shoddy details of his “oil man” career mostly hidden from the public in 2000, Romney’s dirty laundry will be in plain view from now until November, assuming he’s the nominee. If anything, it might actually help Obama that Republicans are dishing this stuff now. It makes the attacks seem nonpartisan and more credible to the public.

Update: See also Joan Walsh, “GOP Rallies Around Vulture Capitalism, Not Romney.”

It’s an interesting moment. Multiple news organizations reported that even close allies are telling Gingrich to cut out the attacks on Romney, but he’s already purchased an estimated $1.5 million in South Carolina airtime for his “House of Bain” spots, plus a nasty ad claiming Romney had “governed pro-abortion” in Massachusetts. What’s Gingrich going to do? He hates Romney, but he loves predatory capitalism as much as Limbaugh does. He doesn’t believe his own Bain Capital attacks. Can he continue to hurt Romney without damaging his own chances to return to the right-wing gravy train when he goes down to defeat? Trust me, the monied interests are not interested in hiring anti-capitalist “historians” to not-lobby for them. Gingrich is torn between vengeance and greed. Sucks to be him. Fun to watch.
