Watch this space!
Oh, that’s cute. Can I call you Joe? Nice.
Palin is looking at the camera and Biden did not.
OK, we’ve got the canned remarks out of the way.
She’s pointing at predator lenders and corruption. Personal responsibility.
Joe is getting in the quote about deregulating health care.
Palin: Taxes taxes taxes booga booga booga
As mayor she left her city in crippling debt. Someone should bring that up.
Biden is repeating the middle class tax cut. There you go Joe, look at the camera.
Palin: Redistribution of wealth. I hate that term.
Government is the problem.
Crossing state lines to buy insurance; I still don’t believe that’s possible.
Biden — ultimate bridge to nowhere. Good line.
Energy plan — Palin had to take on the oil companies. She broke up a monopoly?
Ooo, the bankruptcy bill. Greed and corruption don’t have anything to do with the bankruptcy bill. But Biden wasn’t on the side of the angels with that one.
We don’t have enough fossil fuel resources to eliminate dependence on foreign oil.
Don’t care as much about the climate than we do? Foreign countries will laugh.
OK, guys, how do you think it’s going so far?
Same sex versus heterosexual couples, no discrimination, says Biden. Hospital visitations, life insurance, benefits. Property.
Ooo, she just glows when she talks about the surge.
Funding the troops.
Ooo, white flag of surrender! Here we go!
I think she’s losing it. She’s repeating her talking points and not responding to what Biden said.
Al Qaeda is defining our war.
At least she can pronounce the name of whozits of Iran.
We’re in favor of diplomacy but not with people we don’t like.
McCain has pain and won’t sit down in Spain.
I honestly don’t know how this might be going over.
Here you go, Joe! No different from George Bush’s.
Um, little girl, Kim Jung Il already has nuclear weapons.
Ooo, we’re building schools in Afghanistan. Sure.
Bosnia. Kosovo. Bosnia.
She still sees like a ditz to me, but how will an independent voter see this?
The SNL writers are taking notes.
Pointing backward.
I just flipped to CNN to see the focus group line. The gang at MyDd says the squiggly lines like Biden.
Ooh, they’re right. As soon as Joe talks the lines swing up. Women like him especially.
She’s not answering the achilles’ heel question.
Palin speaks, the squiggly lines are nearly flat. This is fun.
Joe almost choked up.
Maverick maverick maverick. Oh, and the lines just went flat. Wheee!
Joe is challenging the “maverick” thing. The squiggly lines go up.
She appoints people of all parties in Alaska, as long as they are her friends.
OK, what did you think?
Y’all go ahead and talk among yourselves.