
I don’t normally do “breaking news” stories, but the shooting at the Binghamton, N.Y. civil center may be an unfortunate sign of the times. More later, maybe.

[Update: I’m not giving her a link, but Pam “Atlas Shrugs” Geller predictably has blamed the shooting on (1) immigrants and (2) New York gun laws.]

The Iowa Supreme Court ruled in favor of the constitutionality of same-sex marriage. Much rejoicing in Liberal Land.

At the other blog, I get more political than usual and dump on Sen. Judd Gregg.

The Comment Box

Be advised I have noticed the comment box is missing. I have no idea how to fix it, but I have alerted my technical support team and hope to have it back tomorrow sometime.

Such a Day I’ve Had

First off, if anyone does wander here from The Guardian, please visit my Buddhism site at About.com. Thanks!

Now for the rest o’ y’all: I had an invitation in my inbox this morning to write an essay about the Dalai Lama for the Guardian “comment is free” site, and here it is. Written in a rush this morning. I’m afraid to read it. At least, I wish they hadn’t picked up that awful photo from About.com. If they’d asked, I would have sent them another one. Like maybe somebody else’s.

This has truly been Dalai Lama day, as this morning I also finished another essay about him for About.com, more of a bio. Today is the 50th anniversary of the beginning of the sequence of events that led to the Dalai Lama’s exile from Tibet (see Kundun). Like anything else Tibetan, writing about it requires stringing together at least five prepositional phrases. Oh, well.

New Design

As you can see, the Mahablog is now all new and shiny. I’m still working out the kinks, so have some patience while I iron it all out. Now back to your regularly scheduled blogging.