I don’t know what’s going to happen with the continuing resolution the House sent to the Senate. Adam Schiff released a statement explaining why he’s going to vote no, His reasons are compelling to me.
Speaking of senators, if you missed Lawrence O’Donnell last night, please just watch the opening segment here.
I’ll write more tomorrow, I promise.
More uncertainty. More horror. More silly performances.
One fact will soon be apparent. Capitalism is like a shark, which must keep moving or die. Hoover got it to soup-line status with tariffs. How bad this insanity will take us depends on how fast we get the crazy performing artists into rubber rooms and real politicians back to work. Meanwhile the shark of capitalism will need life support. It is slowing fast.
I agree with Shiff's comments but what is missing is that yes the GQP controls everything so it's easy to say that a government shutdown is on them. But once that CR left the house the only way to stop it is for the democrats in the senate to refuse to invoke cloture (filibuster). If they do that then the shutdown is technically on them? They are certainly in a bad place if they provoke a shutdown it sure makes it hard to rally against what Eloon's DOGE is doing? It is as Schumer says a "Hobson's Choice". Something tells me that if Mitch McConnell was the minority leader he would find a way to blame the majority?
As far as what Stump said about Schumer being a Palestinian, well I'm not surprised it is the same level of desolate ignorance he displays every time he speaks. I'm not sure it is that same as WWII Germany when the NAZI's decided who was Jewish. It is certainly antisemitic and islamophobic but I just think it is Stumps decaying illiterate brain on full display. He is as Swami would say just a big bag of shit.
I get the perils of dems being blamed for the shutdown, and I know the media uses a negative double standard when it comes to the democrats, but republicans are not giving them any credit for advancing the CR, which couldn't have happened without democratic votes in the Senate. Instead, in typical republican fashion, as when democrats extend a hand, republicans always make sure they draw back a stump. They're mocking them now, calling Schumer "weak" and that they did this in spite of democrats. And this in the wake of Trump's wicked ass saying Schumer is no longer a Jew, but a Palestinian now. Giving the tell that, although being a Palestinian isn't a bad thing, he and his bigoted crowd makes it out to be. Its utterly shameful no reporter in that room had the courage to challenge him on it. If there was any question as to the usefulness of the press, forget it. They demonstrated their uselessness. Also, how embarrassing that was to have the ambassador from Ireland sitting there, and having to get a taste of US bigotry first hand, from the US President sitting there talking like a Grand Wizard of the Klan, no less?
Given all this, and knowing republicans don't reciprocate, couldn't Schumer at least have held out for some concessions? Did he have to make it so easy for them? For example, demand they remove the rider that cuts $1 billion from the DC budget, which makes no sense at all other than as just use of the government to do a political attack on Trump's opponents, in this case to visit more pain on DC, as if removing thousands of DC residents from their jobs wasn't enough. And given the millions of people out there, judging by the response to these town halls, I don't think the voters would have blamed the dems for shutting down the government, in the cause of at least voicing their concerns. The government is effectively already shut down, given all the firings causing intentional degredation in services, etc.
Schumer says this gives them until September, and its a move that allows them to "live to fight another day." The best they can do between now and then is highlight for all to see, all the things the Musk/Trump/GOP is planning to do to voters as they legislate to flesh out what's to be cut, to mobilize public opinion. All well and good, but its the only leverage they have, and that means democrats are going to have to do a whole lot better than they have in getting the word out.