What Is and Isn’t Reported

It turns out the Las Vegas Tesla cybertruck guy had a political motive after all. This is from Josh Marshall, who is a pro who is careful with facts:

…there is a pretty striking lack of attention to the political motives he expressed in at least two documents or what I guess we might call minifestos that investigators found on his iPhone.

Those documents denounce Democrats and demand they be “culled” from Washington, by violence if necessary, and express the hope that his own death will serve as a kind of bell clap for a national rebirth of masculinity under the leadership of Donald Trump, Elon Musk and Bobby Kennedy Jr.

Did you miss that stuff?

Yeah, me too!

It’s also still true that the Livelsberger possibly was suffering from PTSD and traumatic brain injury, and his second marriage was falling apart. But it seems peculiar (cough) that news outlets aren’t reporting this part of the story. Some news outlets have reported that these notes were found on his phone, but I haven’t found the parts where he said some of this:

Military and vets move on DC starting now. Militias facilitate and augment this activity.
Occupy every major road along fed buildings and the campus of fed buildings by the hundreds of thousands.
Lock the highways around down with semis right after everybody gets in. Hold until the purge is complete.
Try peaceful means first, but be prepared to fight to get the Dems out of the fed government and military by any means necessary. They all must go and a hard reset must occur for our country to avoid collapse.

Or this:

Consider this last sunset of ‘24 and my actions the end of our sickness and a new chapter of health for our people. Rally around the Trump, Musk, Kennedy, and ride this wave to the highest hegemony for all Americans! We are second to no one.

All the news stories I’ve found about the notes just say he wanted his death to be a “wake-up call.” And that’s it. You can find the texts from Livelsberger’s phone here, courtesy of the Nevada Current.

It may be that news outlets didn’t want to inspire more armed insurrection, but I think the public needs to know that this guy was a Trump-loving terrorist. There will be more.

Here’s another outrage: I didn’t mention this earlier, but last month a guy in Virginia was found to have a huge stockpile of explosives in his home. FBI agents who searched the home found more than 150 homemade bombs. This was the largest seizure of homemade weapons in FBI history, the agency said. He also had an unregistered short-barrel rifle and has been stockpiling ammunition for that. Further,

[Detective] Cardwell testified that Spafford, in conversations with the informant, allegedly expressed a desire to “bring back political assassination” and had been using a photograph of President Joe Biden for target practice at a shooting range where he was pursuing a 300- to 400-yard sniper qualification. 

Brad Spafford, the bomb maker, has been connected to a far right movement called No Lives Matter that apparently just wants to burn everything down. If convicted of everything he appears to be guilty of, he could face decades in prison. But here’s the kicker — a federal judge released him on a $25,000 bond. Um, what? I understand he’s supposed to stay with his mother and not possess any firearms. Let’s hope he doesn’t kill anybody before the trial.

In other news: Ann Telnaes, the Washington Post cartoonist, has left WaPo after it killed one of her cartoons. This is it:

I guess Jeff Bezos was offended.

President Biden has awarded Presidential Medals of Freedom to Hillary Clinton and George Soros, which should make the MAGAts happy. It’ll give them something to be mad about. He also honored Robert F. Kennedy, Sr. — so not the Lesser — and the late George Romney, Mitt’s father, who was governor of Michigan.

18 thoughts on “What Is and Isn’t Reported

  1. Somehow the Washington Post needs to be saved from Jeff Bezos.  That is a great cartoon.  Bezos apparently killed it because it was too true.  That makes it even greater.  

    That the beast has declared open warfare on a free press demands solid action by the fourth estate.  Bezos has sold out one of the country's great news organizations for oligarchy status for himself.  I suppose he sees the need to go toe to toe with Elon.  Democracy's death in the darkness just has to be collateral damage to the greater cause of his oligarchy status.  The public must wrestle control from Bezos or elevate a paper in proper hands to its status.  

    Yes, the iconic mouse grovels also at the feet of the beast, its soul stolen.  It will and must rise from these ashes also.

    •  I suppose he sees the need to go toe to toe with Elon.

      In the current state I guess that means competing with Musk for Trump's favor and what he can get out of government.

      This is by many degrees worse than The Swamp Trump is always talking about when he's the biggest crocodile in it.  Hopefully this turns out to be the tar pits with these billionaire dinosaurs stuck in it and drowning in their own greed.

  2. Your right that's a great cartoon; Maybe Bezos didn't think his profile was flattering?

    CNN has a story about the teatard terrorist cyber truck bomber, but it is halfway down the website, I read that site every morning I didn't see it today until I searched for it. But we all know that only mooslims qualify for terrorist status in this country. White terrorists are ignored much like the five or six dozen Palestinians killed by the IDF cowards almost every day. Our media has its priorities and reporting the truth about right-wing extremists and the genocide in Gaza aint among them!

    Driver who exploded Cybertruck in Las Vegas railed about ‘political grievances’ and domestic issues before suicide | CNN

  3. Livelsberger’s call, if broadcast by the media, would be the beginning of a snowball effect bringing our country one step closer to the Purge Trump has openly fantasized about. One that likely will gather speed anyways. This is why I own an AR-15 and you should too.

    “A Winchester rifle should have a place of honor in every black home, and it should be used for that protection which the law refuses to give.”

    Ida B. Wells-Barnett

    You don’t have to be black to understand that no one is coming to help. 

    • This is why I own an AR-15 and you should too.

      Yes, we all already knew you're the problem and not the solution. There is copious data showing that higher rates of firearm ownership doesn't make people safer; it just results in higher rates of gunfire deaths. And I'm 73 years old and too arthritic to walk without a cane. I'm the last person who should be handling a high-caliber firearm; I'd probably take out most of my apartment building neighbors. And if the system becomes so broken that we have to resort to individual self-defense, then it's over already. If all you care about is saving your own individual hide, then I really am not interested in your opinions. 

    • I'd like to add that the only times in my life I've felt personally threatened by firearms involved hyper-excited men in self-defense mode waving handguns around to ward off some perceived (and in one case, nonexistent) threat to life or property. The nation already has way too many testosterone-addled men with big guns. It's that, and fear itself, that are our primary enemies. For my part, I'm reasonably certain that a senior citizen apartment complex in a fairly bucolic part of Westchester County is not going to be a primary target for the brownshirts, if they come. 

      • I’m sure folks like Ida B. Wells, who carried a pistol for her personal protection while investigating the lynching of black men after her close friend was lynched, or the Deacons for Defense and Justice down in Bogalusa, Louisiana circa 1965, would be just thrilled to know you are safe in Westchester today, even if you are supporting the nullification of the 14th Amendment in your suppression of the 2nd.

        P.S. Again, the AR-15 is not a high powered rifle. It was specifically designed to fire an intermediate cartridge. Even in your condition you could fire one with little trouble. My grandpa's bolt action deer rifle, chambered in the WWI military caliber of 30-06 is a "high powered" rifle, and you would have some trouble with that. The AR-15 is the perfect rifle for defense for those with disabilities. 

        • You’re seriously comparing yourself to a Black woman living during the time Jim Crow was taking over, and there were 150-200 lynching every year, usually with the blessings of local law enforcement? What’s going on now, even if it gets worse, it not in any way comparable. And notice what stopped the lynchings had nothing to do with guns. The solution to right-wing violence today, likewise. Like I said, you’re the problem. I’m done with you. Bye.

        • The Second Amendment, that most misunderstood and abused of the amendments, has nothing to do with any personal right to own a firearm.

          Gun nuts got lucky with Scalia. The cost? Thousands of lives. Scalia ignored history, and what he didn't ignore he invented out of thin air. Because he himself was a gun nut. 

          The Second Amendment enshrined, not personal ownership of firearms as a constitutional right, but the necessity for the citizenry to control their state militias, not the federal government unless the militia was federalized in an emergency. No one was talking about disarming anyone of their personal firearms, so there was no hue and cry to create a personal right to own one. There was concern that a national army was potentially dangerous, and the states therefore needed the right to maintain well-armed militias to attend to local emergencies, or invasions. This was what the militia was doing anyway.

          But you will seek in vain to discover any concern about individual disarmament, because citizens, not soldiers, composed the body of each militia, which was a state, not federal, institution. As Garry Wills documented, the militia was the primary fighting force for each state at the time. And it was a self-defense force. When the British invaded, they did not march on individual homes to find guns – they went for the arms held in the state militia armories. Because that is where the guns were.

          • Yeah, pretty much. The original idea with arming the militia was to require those enrolled (pretty much all able-bodied men under the age of 45, with the exception of ministers and merchant seamen as I recall, were required to enroll) was that the militia would be self-armed. The original Militia Acts of 1792 stipulated that all men enrolled were required to acquire a firearm that met some specifications I don't feel like looking up right now. But as I understand it, by 1812 most of the states had given up on that and were just issuing weapons.

  4. The NYT did publish an article about the Vegas dysmorphic pick-up truck detonator.  An army nurse was cited who knew him for some time.  She noted signs of psychological problems:

    Alicia Arritt, a former Army nurse who dated Sergeant Livelsberger in 2018 and was a friend of his until he died, said that he had been a generous person who leaned conservative but was rarely overtly political.

    After years of deployments, she said, he struggled with mental health issues that he tried to conceal so that he could continue to serve in the Special Forces.

    “He needed help, and he was afraid to get it," she said, “which is very common for guys who do his job.”

     Yes, very common.  Fortunately, most will not act it out the way he did.  Unfortunately, nothing will be done productively to fix the problem.

    The blame will be fixed elsewhere and use to promote a Fascist politic. 

    Incompetents and deviates will be appointed in high military executive branch positions.

    SNAFU will get more SNAFU and the horrors will continue and get worse.

    And Elon will continue to make ugly machines.  (He claims to be on the spectrum you know).

    Soldier Who Blew Up Cybertruck in Las Vegas Wrote U.S. Is Headed for ‘Collapse,’ Police Say – The New York Times

  5. I'm glad you reported on Ann Telnaes resignation. "Obey in Advance" as Timothy Snyder calls it. And on Josh Marshall's exposition of Rambo Cybertruck. 

    I've been reading how Musk bet the farm on the Cybertruck, which garnered a lot of initial sales, but are now piling up unwanted on dealers' lots. It's had a lot of recalls, which doesn't help. He could've continued with his earlier aim, of making cheap EVs for everyone, but instead focused the company on his rambo truck. Nice of him to decide that global warming isn't such a grave problem anymore.

    I'm waiting for the public to turn on this bully. Greg Palast has done some reporting on how Musk is the ultimate welfare queen. I'm particularly incensed by the fact that Chinese EVs have matured to the point where they're better than what's available here, and yet they face huge US tariffs.

    How would you like to own a new Tesla Model 3 that can go 353 miles on a charge, jump from a standstill to 62mph in 3.8 seconds — and costs less than $25,000?

    Sure, you’d buy. But you can’t. Because Tesla doesn’t make one. But Chinese manufacturer BYD does. How do you get one? You can’t.

    Because the US imposes a 100% tariff on all Chinese EVs.

    Willing to give up some range and size? You can get a BYD Seagull EV for $10,000 — just $2,500 after the $7,500 federal EV rebate.

    As one auto executive said, Chinese EVs are so good that without trade barriers, “They will pretty much demolish most other car companies in the world.” The executive? Elon Musk.

    Of course, lifting the tariffs would decimate our auto industry. And Musk could probably walk away from Tesla without much personal damage. He's so arrogant that his fall is going to come, sooner or later. Thank God he can't run for President here.

  6. When I made my flight, very few outlets reported my motive as anything more than "campaign finance reform."  I distilled my message to a two-page letter to Congress released to the press – and ignored. Yes, you could find it online if you searched but not in the media.

    There WAS a lot of reporting in the form of speculation – "What if he had been a terrorist?" Despite the best efforts of the media, my message got out – some. The media reports and excludes the narrative that's decided much higher up than the poor guy who writes the words. 

    Responding to Fredrick… I anticipate we will see violence over the next four years.  I do not see violence against violence as a viable solution. If you start shooting red hats, you legitimize senseless reprisal. Sufficient escalation leads to anarchy. In that condition, the most violent and ruthless win. (When the French Revolution spun out of control, Bonaparte was the result.) 

    There's a good chance that the GOP will lose control of the House in two years. With the omnibus bill they have decided to pursue, there sill be chaos in the House. Because there is no way Trump can have what he wants and the Freedom Caucus will get what they have been promised. There's a high probability that the cracks we've seen recently will get wider and deeper. Trump siding with Musk against MAGA  will not turn out well. Evangelicals will assert themselves against Trump to try to ban abortion nationwide. The best way to unify these factions who may otherwise rip the GOP alliance apart, is to use an AR-15 to murder MAGAs. 

    Ignoring the moral implications, it's bad strategy.

  7. So an aspiring sniper training on a photo of Joe Biden, maker of 150 bombs and member of a militia is released on a 25,000 dollars bail, while a mother who is simply and rightfully pissed off and has no way of carrying out her 'menace' will only be released on a 100,000 dollars bail!

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