10 thoughts on “James Earl Carter, Jr., 1924-2024

  1. He lived a long and purposeful life almost beyond comprehension. I’m sure he was pleased that he got to vote against Stump, twice!

    I've told this story here before but when I turned 18 in 1979 Jimmy had just reinstated registration for the draft. Me being a not too bright dope smoking punk rocker I said "hell no I won’t go” and registered as a conscientious objector. When it came time to vote (my first time ever) in 1980, I voted for Barry Commoner (Citizens Party) because he was an environmentalist but mostly because he wasn't Jimmy Carter or Ronald Reagan. I remember my Mom telling me that I wasted my vote. A couple years later while I was in Army Basic Training (hell no I did go) I realized as usual my Mom was right. I always regretted and still do regret that vote thinking I played a part in Reagan getting elected. I think Jimmy's life since his time in politics has shown him to be the most genuine and honest person ever to hold the office of the presidency.

    If I was in charge of his funeral, I would not allow one single politician there at all. None of them. I would have a small, televised service attended by friends and family only.

    • If it's any condolence, I also voted for Barry Commoner the same year, and even donated some money, because he was an environmentalist and I was very idealistic and naive about how politics worked. Learned my lesson after 2000 when I voted Green in California, where it didn't harm Al Gore, who lost anyway.

  2. There's three weeks before Trump is crowned. I'm not sure what's normal but I'd like Carter's service to wiund up a day before Trump takes office with the public statement that the family requested Carter not be dishonored by any part of his commemoration overlapping a day of Trump's reign.

  3. I saw a headline at Bloomberg (article behind a paywall) that said there will be a state funeral. So it's going to be a mess. Jimmy Carter deserves a state funeral, but he deserves one without that ghastly orange beast looming over it. Maybe he’ll be persuaded to stay away.

  4. If there is an active God, the "ghastly orange beast" needs lightening protection if he attends.  Of course, the pillar of salt is always an option.  Himalayan salt for color of course.

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