Trump’s Fading Mental Accuity News

Rachel Maddow knocked it out of the park last night with this opening bit.

If only everyone in the U.S. could watch this. For that matter, why aren’t other news people reporting this? (See previous post.)

By now you’ve heard about Trump’s Bizarro Bandstand episode from last night. But I think his performance today at the Chicago Economic Club was more interestng. Trump was interviewed by John Micklethwait, the editor-in-chief of Bloomberg News and previous editor-in-chief of The Economist. Micklethwait challenged Trump on tariffs Things got weird. After Micklethwait explains all the negative effects Trump tariff ideas would have on the U.S. economy, citing (among other authorities) the Wall Street Journal. Trump simply told Micklethwait that everybody else is wrong.

“What does The Wall Street Journal … they’ve been wrong about everything,” the former president continued, before turning his ire on Micklethwait. “So have you, by the way.”

The crowd in Chicago erupted in laughter and cheers.

“You’ve been wrong,” Trump said again.

Trump is very certain that his tariffs will force companies to build their factories in the U.S.  Continuing,

Micklethwait noted Trump’s plans would essentially halt trade with China, place at least a 10 percent tariff on European nations and have a drastic effect on the U.S. economy, where 40 million jobs rely on trade.

“That is going to have a serious effect on the overall economy,” Micklethwait said.

“It’s going to have a massive effect — positive effect. It’s going to be a positive effect,” Trump responded. “It must be hard for you to spend 25 years talking about tariffs as being negative and then have somebody explain to you that you’re totally wrong.”

Judging by the audience reaction, the business leaders of Chicago are as dumb as Trump. See Trump Crumbles When Pressed on Economic Policy in Tense Interview in the Rolling Stone. But I’m not sure who crumbled, Trump or Micklethwait. Micklethwait was a real nonpartisan journalist trying to get actual answers out of Trump, and his exasperation was palpable. But I predict this was the last real interview Trump gives. From now on it’s talks with friends-of-Trump only.

10 thoughts on “Trump’s Fading Mental Accuity News

  1. The crowd in Chicago erupted in laughter and cheers.

    "What magnificent clothes you have, Dear Emperor!" cried the Poorly Educated. “How gutsy and edgy!”

  2. Oh Rachael, I'll have to type this up but before I do I need to dry my eyes from tears of laughter.  The quote as best as I can transcribe.

    Sixty eight percent of economists say that prices will be higher under Trump than under Harris.  (then in Rachael's best sarcastic tone) Sixty eight percent of economists can't agree that today is Monday (The show was Monday) or that the Patriots suck this year (1 and 5 and at the bottom of their division)

    Yes. they don't call Economics the dismal science for nothing.  

    But true, republicans by default have a perception (illusion) of being better on the economy than Dems, as one of my old friends used to say.  I always do better when the republicans are in charge than the Dems.  That was before he bought a house with a liar's loan and lost it under Trump's administration.  Now, I do not know what he thinks because we lost touch after I moved.  I would guess he would still say the same thing.  It's that elephant memory problem thing which Krugman cites in his latest NYT piece.  Krugman posits that Trump thinks and talks like the economic conditions true many years ago still exist today.  Hmmm, now what mental condition does that remind you of?

    Trump stiffed Jim Kramer, his designated sycophant on MSNC for an interview yesterday.  Good to see he still operates under the Let No Good Deed go Unpunished policy he is known for.  Trumps not flipping on something at least.  That and tariffs, now his favorite words in the dictionary.  


    OMF-ingG, please yesss, do it!!!!  Donald McDonald is about to insult everybody who has ever worked at a fast food franchise, this is too good!  The prospect that a-hole is going to attempt to do some actual real work, for about 20 damn seconds for a photo op – I am giggling in anticipation!  A couple months ago I wanted all this to be over asap, now I wish it could go on a while longer!

  4. Stumps seventy seventh and I think last Defense Secretary came out pretty strong against Stump yesterday about his threat to sick the US Army on us liberals. Even the Hill covered the story. Hopefully this is just the beginning of former Stump cabinet and staff members to make a full throated public on air case against diaper don getting back to the White House before it's too late, I'm looking at you Mike Pence!

    • I would expect absolutely nothing from master of blandness Pence other than lofat sugar-free vanilla ice cream topped with Sunday school piety, I did however expect something from Rex Tillerson. Yeah, hopefully there will be more.

      • I think Tillerson is part of the "billionaires" club I wouldn't expect him to say anything that would cost him any $$$, they support Stump for the tax benefit and don't give a shit about the constitution or democracy. People like Pence and Esper are just run-of-the-mill shady millionaire GOP types, they know their careers are over, they have less to lose by speaking out I would think?

  5. Maddow did straight reporting. Using the WSJ as a business source?  The Journal is owned by Murdoch, not a liberal rag. The Economist?  Kudos to Rachel for a great piece.

  6. The NYT is reporting Trump went a bit mental with a group of his large donors over Harris beating him in money raised.  Finally, they document one of his major character flaws, he is a poor sport and gets mental when he loses.  He gets so crazy he has a pack of republicans afraid to publicly admit he lost against Biden.  

    Trump is the last person you would want at a friendly card game.  It would not stay friendly long.  How did he get by for so long without basic social skills?  How come reporters have previously failed to beat on him about this?

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