About the Asymmetric News Coverage

This weekend much discussion broke out on the Web about why the “legacy” media keeps normalizing Trump while nitpicking Harris. See, for example, this substack article by Margaret Sullivan, who was a media columnist for the Washington Post and before that the public editor for the New York Times. In brief, in the headlines Trump’s racist ranting gets normalized, while Harris is unnecessarily criticized in what Sullivan called a non-story.

There’s not a simple explanation for this. See, for example, Josh Marshall, Yes. Political Journalism Remains Wired for the GOP.  Josh says the uneven coverage is not being driven by money or even partisanship but by deeply ingrained institutional culture. And I think he’s right. This has been true for many years, from way before Trump got into politics. If anything, the bias was worse during the Bush II years than it is now, IMO. Remember Media Whores Online? It was all about calling out the right-wing bias in news media. That site went offline 20 years ago.

Speaking of right-wing bias, Kamala Harris has agreed to be interviewed by Fox News. I’m not sure that’s a good idea. But it probably won’t hurt, I guess.

Under the heading Why Is This Election So Close?The Guardian reports that the app being used to coordinate the Trump’s campaign “ground game” is a mess. The app doesn’t work half the time, leaving the campaign partly blind as to where their canvassers are going and what they are actually doing. The campaign insists everything is fine.

And under the heading What Trump Hath Wrought — FEMA efforts iin North Carolina are being hampered by threats against FEMA workers. One fellow was arrested today .

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