The Debate

(I plan to watch and post comments through the debate, although I planned to do that last time and flaked out. Wish everybody luck. I am making no predictions. Consider this an open thread to talk about whatever.)

I’m here. Fingers crossed. Here we go.

Did she just bait him to bring up tariffs?

It’s painful to me to hear him talk. But I think she’s pretty good so far.

I had to mute Trump. I’m just watching Harris’s face now.

I’m still muting Donald Trump. He looks like he’s getting worked up, though.

OMG, she’s saying people leave his rallies early. He can’t stand that.

They’re eating the dogs!

She’s laughing at him.

He’s going to have sparks flying out of his head in a minute.

She’s definitely got him rattled. Whether low-information voters can tell when he’s lying I cannot say.

She’s on offense; he’s on defense.

Well,  she seems to be doing well to me.

Um, isn’t this thing about over? It was suppossed to be 90 minutes.

Josh Marshall:

 In any war, in any sport, you maintain the initiative and you’re on the road to victory. Harris has controlled the entire debate. She’s effectively baited him in a way no other candidate has ever been able to do. It’s not like she’s going to rocket into some big lead. People aren’t going to abandon Trump. But she needed to show she can dominate him, be the one in control. She has. It’s as simple as that. She’s also gotten him to spend most of the debate showing his most feral and angry self. This debate was a rout. I don’t think there’s any other way to put it.

Just on a presentation note, it struck me that Trump, with his inch-deep greasepaint on his face, looked “blacker” than Harris.

Okay, I feel better now. I think Harris did what she set out to do. She completely controlled the debate. He looked weak and angry and afraid. I wonder how many people watched?

24 thoughts on “The Debate

  1. Not a prediction, but woolgathering and a hope: if rump walks around the stage approaching vice president Harris to "loom over her" like he did with Hilary Clinton, I hope she stops talking and says "what's that smell, it's disgusting. Dude, if you're sick, go to the hospital".

    Like I said, woolgathering.

    The New York Times is reporting that rump has confirmed he will implement Project 2025 if he wins the election.

    But if the NYT is fake news, does that mean he will not implement Project 2025?

    Or is he doing the "weave" like the 1967 Philadelphia 76er's?

    Or he is full of his own fecal material, and it is coming out of his mouth. Again.

    • The New York Times is reporting that rump has confirmed he will implement Project 2025 if he wins the election.

      I can't find this on the NY Times website. Link?

      • Cconvoluted, but it was reported in the "Daily Kos".on the 7th of  September.

        wish me luck in submitting. As always, sincerely.




  2. I'm for our team, but I wish she would have explained that other countries do not pay tariffs that we impose.  The American people pay those tariffs.  He keeps lying and saying that tariffs on China are paid by China. 

    • That is a complicated issue for Harris, the Biden administration has used tariffs aggressively on Chinese Steel and it has helped our domestic steel companies by keeping prices high enough, so they can make profits.. I'm no expert but I think the importer (company) pays the tariff which they pass on to the next in line customer. So for steel it makes Chinese steel more expensive on our markets which helps American Steel. That is a difficult concept on consumer goods especially since many have no real domestic competition. Tariffs can work when targeted to a specific industry but only lead to inflation when targeted to consumer goods from a country that makes most of our consumer goods.

      • Uncle: Yes, you have it right that the importer pays the tariff, not the foreign producer. And also you correctly pointed out that reasonable tariffs can have a beneficial effect when the importing country also has the capacity to produce what is being imported. And you're also right that tariffs need to be targeted to whatever is being imported. Bravo. 

        So, smart tariffs can be  good, stupid tariffs are bad. I'm not an expert, but like you, Uncle, I can see that it gets pretty complicated to understand all the ripple effects.

        But… I think there's something that needs to be said publicly and loudly. Any tariffs imposed by the US government are paid by American consumers.  Also by American companies, but they pass it on to the consumers. 

        Here's the thing.  The grifter-in-chief is selling snake oil to the marks. He's telling Americans that China is going to pay the tariffs. And he's telling the money grubbers on wall street that he's going to take in "SO MUCH MONEY" by putting tariffs on China that Americans won't have to pay any taxes!!  In reality, it is ordinary Americans that would be the source of all that "tariff income".  And that is why we call it a "nationwide sales tax."  Because it is. And that is why the money grubbers clapped at the New York forum when he made those idiotic comments.  They know that foreign countries don't pay tariffs, but they also know that huge tariffs TFG is promising will provide so much money from ordinary Americans that it will be used to justify more huge tax cuts for the super-wealthy and for corporations.

        THIS is not too complex to explain to the average American.

        • "But… I think there's something that needs to be said publicly and loudly. Any tariffs imposed by the US government are paid by American consumers"

          I agree it's just hazardous for Harris to do that in a two minute debate answer without opening the door for Stump to trash her for the tariffs she and Biden have in place now.

  3. I watched my dvr'd cub game but looked at con's live commentary blog, they seemed to think Harris killed it which means she must have done really well. Went over to brietbart and the headline was ABC and Harris team up to debate Trump, so I'm thinking she mopped the floor with his fat stinky ass!

  4. I didn't watch the debate, I spent the time in prayer and meditation for Kamala. Woke up early next morning and was ecstatic to read that Taylor Swift posted an endorsement for Harris. Yes, her fanbase are largely girls too young to vote, but they have older siblings and parents who do. And there's nothing more electrifying to a teen than someone important who encourages their idealism. I will never forget riding my bicycle to hear George McGovern give his stump speech in my hometown when I was in high school. He was only in town for an hour, a quick stop, but it made a life long impression.

    I'm reading Trump fuming about the debate, and am thrilled that the moderators (finally) fact checked him in real time. All good signs. 

    I had read that a Swift endorsement was unlikely, out of fear her fans would be harmed, based on the concerts she had to cancel in Europe. Thrilled that she took a chance anyway.

  5. I was quite amused to note that, even through his usual orange foundation spackle, his blood pressure spiked so high that the facial flush was quite noticeable.

  6. Harris turned in a masterful performance, which was amplified even more by the fact that Trump couldn't help but be himself.  As Lewandowski and others have insisted, "Let Trump be Trump" and that's what they got, an unmitigated disaster.   Harris set him up perfectly for voters to see this is what they would get with Trump as president.  A great night for Harris!

  7. For those who didn't see my response to Uncle above…

    Here's the thing.  The grifter-in-chief is selling snake oil to the marks. He's telling Americans that China is going to pay the tariffs. And he's telling the money grubbers on wall street that he's going to take in "SO MUCH MONEY" by putting tariffs on China that Americans won't have to pay any taxes!!  In reality, it is ordinary Americans that would be the source of all that "tariff income".  And that is why we call it a "nationwide sales tax."  Because it is. And that is why the money grubbers clapped at the New York forum when he made those idiotic comments.  They know that foreign countries don't pay tariffs, but they also know that huge tariffs TFG is promising will provide so much money from ordinary Americans that it will be used to justify more huge tax cuts for the super-wealthy and for corporations.

    THIS is not too complex to explain to the average American.


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