The Vibes at the DNC

I didn’t watch any of the RNC Convention, so I can’t personally do a compare and contrast. But I snagged a couple of Associated Press photos, one of the RNC and one of the DNC. I won’t have to tell you which is which.

So which group looks like they’re winning?

I’ve been struck by how genuinely multiracial the Democratic Party has become. The  nonwhites at the RNC clearly were there for display purposes only.

My only problem with the DNC convention is that I’m old and in the eastern time zone. I just can’t stay awake for anything that happens after 10 pm EST or so. Last night I saw Michelle Obama being introduced, and the next thing I remember somebody — I think it was Jen Psaki — was giving a roundup of the night’s events. I slept through the Obama speeches, in other words. I’m making a point of finding the videos and watching them later today.

The roll call was a hoot, although a tad overstimulating for me. And that business with holding a simultaneous big rally in Milwaukee was inspired. The DNC has come a long way from the 2004 DNC Convention when the balloons didn’t drop. 

MSNBC is mostly just showing the convention with very little commentary, I notice. Their lineup is on hand but might as well have stayed home. Someone on social media was saying PBS was cutting a lot of stuff out.

Meanwhile, here’s just a little snip of Trump’s inspired “counterprogramming” event from Howell, Michigan, last night.

So has anyone run across the street for bread and milk lately? I hope you made it back okay. (And whose bright idea was this, I wonder?)

The much-dreaded protests have fizzled. The organizers were promsing 50,000 or more. Police estimated 3,500 protesters on Monday. Dana Milbank’s column on the protesters is worth reading. From his descriptiton those who did show up were what I’ve called the “vocational protesters” who show up at any leftie demonstration with giant puppets and megaphones to make spectacles of themselves. And, as usual, what few people were there quickly splintered into factions marhing off in different directions. Jill Stein was among them. She seems to be turning into the new Lyndon LaRouche.

So far, so good.

18 thoughts on “The Vibes at the DNC

  1. I think the Harris event was in Milwaukee not Detroit, it was the same hall that the RNC was in, excellent bit of trolling. I'd like to know why we allow police who are on the clock, in uniform being paid by taxpayers of both parties are allowed to stand as campaign props for that big bag of shit? Seems like a big fucking colfl8ct of interest to me? I only saw the Obama's both great speeches but Michelle's stood out, she really brought the hammer down on Stump, but in a "nice" way.

    • I don't know about Milwaukee, but many police departments allow their officers to wear their department uniforms when working security. I knew a LOT of cops who routinely wore their uniforms when working White Sox and Cubs games.

      When you think about it, rowdy drunks are more apt to knock it off if a uniformed city police officer tells them to than if it's a rent-a-cop.

      Those cops at the convention in Chicago were regular city cops.They're not "campaign props". They're the real deal, providing security.

  2. When this Gaza thing is over, the rarest award for any fighter on either side to get will be a good conduct medal. 

    It is sure good to hear the protest on either side is a bust.  You could not get that view from most of the news.  Odd.  Instead of fair and balanced news we get news that is fairly well tilted toward the sensational.   It's like ' if it bleeds it leads ' on steroids.  

  3. Most of the audience got it. When I first saw it, I wasn't sure if it was a great gag by Obama or my dirty mind. Watching it the second time, I noticed Obama cracking himself up (almost) before the delivery.

    But IMO, the Democrats are bearing down on Trump's insecurity in a few different ways. Somebody needs to do a cartoon of DJT in the costume of the wicked witch of Oz, protesting "I'm melting!" while Kamila,, as Dorothy, tosses a bucket of water labeled "DNC Energy." 

    Doing an event in Milwaukee at the site of the GOP convention, and blowing the roof off was pure genius. Linking an excerpt from Milwaukee to Chicago was icing on the cake. I read that the ratings for the first night beat the GOP Convention's first night. (Let's see if the lead builds.)

    RFK is openly trying to cut a deal with Trump after being spurned by the Harris campaign. I think RFK made an approach just after the shooting, but Trump wasn't in the frame of mind to deal. The campaign was riding high at that point before Biden stepped aside. I also read that it doesn't likely affect the polls we're reading as they are mostly head-to-head. But RFK was drawing off more Trump support than Biden support. Some of the Harris bump is from former RFK people – that halved RFK's standing to single digits. 

    Some have noted that Harris is not running on identity politics very much (if at all.) Unlike HRC who made her gender a central issue. My outlook has changed since Obama won – twice. In 2008, I doubted that Americans could get over Obama's skin color. They did. Harris inspires for who she is, not the boxes she checks. That was true of Obama, too. 

  4. We love Joe Trump?

    1000 Ukrainians a day being weapon's fodder don't appear in your minds? Democracy has been eliminated there, billions flowing into UK military and weapons industry and 20% into bribes and black channels…

    Germans (and other Europeans) needing to pay hundrets of billions for US fracking LNG and high electricity and Ukraine induced military spending (mostly to US), economy going down, deindustrialization…people freezing and starving…childten in poverty, students below social security level, pensioners f*****, wow, dems are good…

    You must be the good people…

    • We love Joe Trump?

      Do you not know that the second image is of the DNC? I take it you aren't big on reading.

      1000 Ukrainians a day being weapon's fodder don't appear in your minds?

      They do appear in my mind. That's one reason I support the Democrats. If Trump gets back in he's likely to send arms to Putin. Also global climate change appears in my mind, and reproductive rights, and a corrupt Supreme Court, and a lot of other issues. Just because I don't post about a subject in every. single. post doesn't mean it doesn't appear in my mind. And you just earned yourself a great big commenting ban from this blog. Goodbye. 


  5. School is back in session next week, it's move-in week now and the time to watch the spectacle is just not there.

  6. Probably not going to watch tonight my two least favorite democrats, Bubba and Nancy, no thanks. Biden should pull some strings and have Nancy's teleprompter shut down mid speech!

      • To me Bubba is a slime bag, the guy cheated on his wife over and over and was messing around in the oval office with an intern, sorry I'm done. Nancy was a big part of the effort to publicly drum Joe out of office because he's too old, she should look in the mirror.

        • Nancy had already stepped down from being 
          Speaker of the House, so she doesn't have to look in any mirrors. And note, we don't know precisely who did what regarding Biden's decision. Reporting can be wrong. Also, whatever role she played must have been hard for her. She's known Joe Biden for years. But she and her members of the House have internal polling that was probably telling her the Dems were going to lose seats in the House. That's what I understand. I think the past few weeks have shown us that this was all for the best. We'll never know if Joe Biden could have squeaked out a victory, but given the fact that Trump and his supporters are already laying the groundwork to steal back the election, a "squeak" will not do. He has to be destroyed. 

  7. It was great to see who I always call Uncle Bill last night.  He has lost a step or two, but he still has it as a speaker. He never lacked for practice.  His line – don't count the lies count the Is (referring to Trump) was novel, insightful, and damn funny.  He worked Hannibal Lecter in with a twist that was inspired.  I would have gone with having Hannibal as Trump's alter ego or image-ideal but Uncle Bill was never much for waxing psychological.  He would rather go full philosophical if he had to, with his line about it depends on what is, is as the stunning example.  He noted his age and that he was still younger than Trump.  He failed to mention mental age, where Trump has him beat hands down.  Trumps regression is such that he is rapidly approaching a rerun of the terrible twos at last count.  Trump's speeches are getting more like tantrums day by day.

  8. Off topic and almost buried by other news, a Texas Lawyer pleaded guilty to crimes related to 1/6 coup attempt.  Kellye SoRelle who was the general counsel for the Oath Keepers and romantically involved with Oath Keepers leader Steward Rhodes according to a NYT article.  Rhodes is now serving an 18yr. sentence for his actions on 1/6.  Also named in the article was Enrique Tarrio, leader of the Proud Boys. Ms. Rhodes met with him and Ms. SoRelle at a meeting in a parking garage on 1/5.

    Also from the article:

    By the following month, she had signed her name to two open letters to Mr. Trump that Mr. Rhodes had posted on the Oath Keepers website. The letters, introduced as evidence at Mr. Rhodes’s trial, called on Mr. Trump to take aggressive steps to remain in power. Those included invoking the Insurrection Act, a move Mr. Rhodes believed would have given Mr. Trump the authority to mobilize militias like his own to suppress the “coup” that was seeking to unseat him.

    All of this is relevant to the republican party's nominee and intentions on 1/6.  This connects a group of lawyers to the coup attempt and gives evidence supporting a conspiracy and not just the rouge actions of militia members.  All efforts to bring 1/6 actions to trial have been delayed.  These delays seem to negate the normal justice rule of innocent until proven guilty.  At this point, and as a presidential nominee, for all voters we seem to need to assume Trump as complicit and guilty until he and lawyers provide strong and convincing evidence he is not.  As this trial is forced on the court of public opinion, the rules of the justice system need not apply.  The people are entitled also to a fair and speedy trial one would think.  If not, we should at least get the facts to make a fair decision upon.  That lacking, then Trump, in the voters' mind, does not deserve it seems, a presumption of innocence.  It is only fair. 


    Former Oath Keepers Lawyer Pleads Guilty to Tampering With Jan. 6 Evidence – The New York Times (


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