DNC Open Thread

I am watching the DNC convention; so far, so good. I may not have time to post tomorrow, but if you have any thoughts about the Big Whoop-Dee-Doo in Chicago, please feel free to comment.

6 thoughts on “DNC Open Thread

  1. I normally don't watch these things, debates, conventions, etc, I'm just not one for listening to overly egotistical politicians make mostly empty promises but my cubbies had the day off, so I watched a little. I thought Rep. Raskin had a good speech, he really went after Stump not only for J6, rape, 34 felonies, but he also emphasized what a horrible president he was, how he fucked up covid and an economy in shambles when he left office. I wish democrats would make his lousy economic record more of an issue. They have the facts on their side. The bought and paid for tee-vee news polls almost all show that people trust Stump more than Biden/Harris on the economy which is really complete bullshit. Democrats need to talk more about the fact that Stump lost more jobs than any other President in modern history. Yes the man is a morally vacant vile sack of shit, but he was also a complete failure economically, we all need to hear more of that! My Cubbies are back in action tonight so no DNC for me! I'll have to catch Kamala's speech on the you tubes!


  2. AOC is very charismatic, very effective speaker, easy to watch.  Her speech was pretty short, there must be youtubes of it on the web.

    I didn't catch it, but Warnock has gotten strong reviews for his.

  3. What Digby said today…

    "The Democratic Party is a party full of extremely talented, smart, ambitious women at every level and it’s no longer a novelty. What just a few years ago seemed like a treacherous attempt to make a great leap forward finally feels like normal. The party and the country are going to be much better off for it."

  4. I don't see anyone falling asleep in the DNC convention. I know they got pics of Trump nodding off. Somebody needs to drive that nail in, with a pic on the big screen in Chicago. Enthusiasm is infectious. 

  5. What a night.  What a show.  Not just the stars but the people that put it together and had the vision for the message.  What a pool of talent.  

    For me the testimonials of those republicans who gave short speeches on why they were voting for Harris and Walz carried the most weight. It is not easy to change sides and harder still to go public about it. Even more so as the republican party has gone more vengeful and cult like. They must have a great personal support group.  A bit of common thread on why is apparent, that they think the republican party left them not that they were the ones leaving it.  I like to think they too reject the perverted elitism that the republican party now seems to represent.  The stars of this show stand on the true merits of the elite you never see. The creative talent and those willing to competently handle the grunt work. It is only right that they get to spend a bit of time on stage with the stars. Better yet they get to see some of the elites that make it all happen backstage and beyond.  What a show. 


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