Trump Doesn’t Know How to Run Against Harris

I have confirmed that this is an authentic Truth Social post from Trump.

I’m going to go out on a limb and say that Trump posted this because he desperately wants it to be true. He feels the election slipping away from him. He wants Joe Biden back as his opponent. He’s not all that tightly tethered to reality, in other words. As I understand somebody said on Morning Joe today, Trump is “losing his freaking mind.”

And then when it was announced that Tim Walz would be the veep nominee, Trump sent out a campaign email saying “He’ll unleash HELL ON EARTH”. This guy.

Alexandra Perti had a fine time imagining Trump and Vance touring the seven circles of Tim Walz hell. People from the State Fair Butter Sculpture Circle kept trying to give them a hot dish.

Trump and his supporters keep talking about the “Radical Left” when in fact they are the most radical elements in U.S. politics. And I think one of the deft things the Harris-Walz ticket seems poised to do is make that fact really obvious. We are the normies. Those people are weird. Trump seems stuck in permanent rage mode these days. It’s all he knows how to do. And he’s boring. Vance is pretty much a laughingstock already. I don’t think either one has it in him to adjust and begin running an effective campaign. Of course, those who are getting all of their information from the right-wing media echo chamber will believe whatever nonsense is generated to smear the Democratic ticket. But that’s not everybody.

In other news: As you may have heard, yesterday Squad member Rep. Cori Bush of St. Louis lost her primary to St. Louis County Prosecutor Wesley Bell. People are going to try to read all kinds of implications into this that probably aren’t warranted. Wesley Bell’s positions on issues are nearly identical to Bush’s. The difference between them may be more of style rather than substance. He did get a lot of AIPAC money because AIPAC seriously doesn’t like Cori Bush, but in that district I doubt people were voting on that issue. He used to be on the Ferguson City Council and then became St. Louis County’s first Black Prosecutor, replacing a White conservative.

I mentioned Bell in a post back in 2018. As I anticipated, I’m seeing some hand-wringing about Cori Bush’s loss being a threat to Progressivism.  But I think Wesley Bell will be a fine representative who is just a better fit for the district than Bush was. When I first heard he was running in the primary I suspected he would win. Rep. Bush had become something of a showboater who inexplicably voted against some of President Biden’s initiatives, such as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Act. That one cost her union support and probably didn’t make any sense to her voters, either.

13 thoughts on “Trump Doesn’t Know How to Run Against Harris

  1. Never fear MAGA, for Steven Cheung is here.  Did Trump choose him be his Oddjob because he imagines himself to be Goldfinger?  Absolutely, they say.  Just wait til he gets his hands on Fort Knox, after grabbing himself some Pussy Galore.

    Good god ya’ll.  Had somebody told me twenty years ago that would be my most serious response to an even more ridiculous post from an actual Presidential candidate on something he owned called “Truth Social”…

    Joe didn’t say this, well, not exactly this way at least, but there’s nothing sadder than the tears of a clown when no one sane is around.

    I like Walz because he seems to walk his talk, which is the only real way you can judge anybody, by observing consistencies in doing vs. inconsistencies in talking. 

    Trump meanwhile, has gone well beyond just sad.

  2. I was having coffee at MoKaBe's at Grand and Arsenal in STL City on election day and got to say hello to Cori as she and her group swung by. People were applauding her and giving hugs. Its the kind of thing people forget when a person is abstracted into a headline or social media post. There are actual humans involved. 

    I voted for her, but I also have known Wesley since before he was in politics. It's so strange to have such personal encounters with people showing up in the New York Times.

  3. Trump said today on Fox that he'll debate Harris "in the pretty near future." I seem to recall a promise like that regarding his taxes in 2016. We're still waiting. He'll promise what he thinks the public wants to hear but delivering is another thing. He's feeling the heat.

    I suspect Trump wants Harris to NOT do an event on September 10 that gives her the chance to call Trump chicken and then use a 90-minute event to showcase her agenda. I think Trump wants something "scheduled" as far out as possible to shut up attacks on him but I seriously doubt Trump will KEEP an appointment (but he'll reschedule.) The other thing is that Trump wants the old rules (mike mute and no live crowd) changed. Harris should refuse – those rules make the debate fair.

    I think Fox would be OK if Mike Wallace was one of the moderators. If ONE person is asking serious questions, then half the debate will be valuable. Harris needs to put a spotlight on the almost $800 million Fox paid in damages for knowingly spreading lies about the 2020 election that Trump lost. 

    Trump Commits To Debating Harris In ‘Near Future’ (

    In other news today…  "Biden says he doesn’t have confidence in a peaceful transition of power if Trump loses."  CNN

    "Biden on Wednesday also warned that Trump was preparing to challenge the election results again in November as he did in 2020, including by putting in place sympathetic local election officials."

    Good. If Biden is aware, then he will prepare. But that scheme blows up on Trump if the House flips to Democrats (plus a little.) The election MAY be forced to the US House – that would be AFTER the new Congress is seated. 

    When Trump assimilated the RNC as a cash cow, he eliminated funding for a "ground game." There are no provisions for a GOTV machine for Republicans at the national level. Harris says (I paraphrase) she's going to field an army of volunteers with a funded staff of election pros directing the campaign in each of the swing states. This is where the rubber meets the road in elections. 

    There's speculation, now supported by tweets like the one at the head of this post, that Trump is melting down. (Shades of the Wicked Witch after being doused with a bucket of water.) What Harris and Walz are doing is keeping the pressure on. Walz delivered a zinger about the crime rate being down under Biden/Harris, even if you factor in Trump's crimes. Beautiful! As a bonus jab about the VP debate… getting JD off the couch. Ouch!

    The more crazed and panicked Trump gets, the more people will drift away. A person who decided not to vote at all because they can't vote for Trump cast a vote for Harris by skipping the election. We won't pick up many Republicans but Trump could lose them. And that will help the downticket.

    • "I think Fox would be OK if Mike Wallace"

      I'm pretty sure Mike Wallace works for CNN now? I'm not sure it matters who is the moderator, FAUX is in the tank for Stump but I don't think that should keep Harris from debating, She has the truth on her side as long as there isn't a magat audience to drown her out she'll mop the floor with that big bag of shit!

      • I'm wrong two ways. It's Chris Wallace – Mike was his iconic father. And yes, Chris left Fox. 

  4. I see the draft dodger's "cadet bone spurs" campaign is trashing Walz's military career saying he retired because his unit was going to be deployed? Of course it's a lie but that doesn't stop msnbc, cnn, FAUX from repeating the lie? I'll say this the GQP is not shy about looking hypocritical, they've got some big stinky balls! Here are some clues for the democrats:

    1- Harris record as a prosecutor: Trump is a rapist, convicted felon

    2 Walz let Minneapolis burn: January 6th

    3- Walz retired to avoid being deployed: Cadet bone spurs

    • “Of course it’s a lie but that doesn’t stop msnbc, cnn, FAUX from repeating the lie?” The MSNBC crew corrected the lie several times last night. CNN did correct the lie that Walz retired when he did to avoid going to Iraq, although the correction is buried about halfway down this story.

      • Its the lies mixed in with the truth about his demotion that will muddy the waters, watch them use this ad nausuem.

      • I was watching one of the msnbc daytime shows, Katie Tur I think and they just ran the headline, showed Vance's comment and said the Harris campaign had not responded for a request to comment. The problem is the GQP just throws lies at the wall, it's good that some booble-heads push back I quess but I would rather see them just ignore the lies or somehow counter them without giving the actual lie airtime. Trump lies because he wants them to repeat the lie, he's not concerned about the pushback he just wants the lie out there.

  5. The biggest lie prize for politicians may still go to Ronald Regan.  His whopper about the private sector being superior to the public sector for any function has stranded two astronauts in space, or low earth orbit at least.  We all should know what a horror you get when your state decides to privatize its prison system.  This country needs to get some sense on this issue and quit its blind belief in the private sector's proper role in relation to the public sector.  This will have to wait until the republican party returns to sanity.  You can bet Trump is not working on fixing any lies while laying low at Mar-a-Lago. Not his or Regan's.  Those with his type of weird just work on finding new lies that might get the money and popularity rolling his way again.  That and perhaps a quick tummy tuck before he requires the same wide-angle lens they use for Chris Christie.  

  6. I think the republicans may need to reconsider their strategy by replacing their presidential candidate as well with someone more relevant, Trump is getting too old. I mean dems had the common sense to strategically replace Biden and now they are up in polls. It's something GOP need to consider if they want some traction.


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