What Is Trump Hiding About His Health?

There is continued grumbling about why Trump won’t release real medical information about his bleeping ear. You know, the one with the conspircuous bandage that he obviously stuck on himself.

Yesterday he released a letter written by Rep. Ronny Jackson, his former White House physician,

Jackson wrote that he has “evaluated and treated” Trump’s wound on his ear daily.  … Jackson stated that Trump sustained a 2 cm wide wound from the track of a bullet “that extended down the cartilaginous surface of the ear.” No sutures were required for Trump’s wound, Jackson said, but “there is still intermittent bleeding requiring a dressing to be in place.” … Along with treating his wound, Jackson wrote, medical staff at the hospital “provided a thorough evaluation for additional injuries that included a CT [scan] of his head.”

The hospital system where Trump was treated declined to weigh in on the contents of the letter.

Of course, the hospital can’t release medical records if Trump doesn’t want them released. But if all they did was evaluate the state of his head, it seems odd why he wouldn’t just go ahead and release them. The only obvious reasons for not doing this are:

(1) The “wound” is just a minor abrasion that is barely visible by now and certainly doesn’t require a maxipad stuck on the side of Trump’s head, or (2) there is something wrong with Trump’s head. Hmmm.

Of course, as part of any exam the hospital would have taken Trump’s blood pressure, which I am betting is in the stratosphere somewhere, and listened to his heart and lungs and probably noted height and weight.

I seriously wish reporters would start hounding Trump to release real medical information about himself, especially considering he’s only three years younger than President Biden, and if he got another term by the end of it he’d be older than Biden is now. If Biden’s frailties are an issue, what about Trump? Who’s to know if he’s nothing but a stroke waiting to happen?

See also Emptywheel.

Speaking of medical records, I decided to do a mini-fundraiser to help pay for an unexpected medical bill. My insurance dumped a big co-pay on me for an echocardiogram I had last month and some smaller co-pays for some other tests. I’m actually doing pretty well, but because of the TIA I had in 2022 I’m being monitored. And I would be happy to release the results of the echocardiogram if I can figure out how to get to them. The doctor just called me and said he didn’t see anything alarming, which is as much as I wanted to know.

So if you can spare some change, here is the gofundme link and here is the PayPal link. Thank you!

12 thoughts on “What Is Trump Hiding About His Health?

  1. Biden's out, if only Trump woyld peacefully step aside due to his obvious medical issues.

    • Keep in mind, Trump is running not out of a sense of idealism or purpose for the good of the country, but for himself.  Namely, to keep his ass out of prison, and to further grift off the presidency.

  2. And endorsed Harris.  

    My hat's off to Joe for making a difficult decision. I get that Biden wanted to defeat Trump as badly as I want Trump to be beaten. Putting the ball in the hand of another pitcher hurt him. But the "World Series" of politics is upon us with Democracy, not a pennant on the line. 

    Any Democrat who snubs Joe Biden needs to get an open-palm slap upside the head. Biden's term was NOT a failure. The extent of Biden's alertness is no longer an issue. Move the focus to Project 2025 and women's rights and a corrupt USSC.  Joe shut down the narrative that was working for Trump with the assistance of the media. 

    Let's start talking about REAL issues and REAL facts.

  3. Getting thru the Democratic Convention next month will be a bit rocky, but it's going to be all better by September. I am stoked by the 1) resolution of the Biden's age / infirmities issue (instead of hanging over the ticket like an ominous cloud), 2) the influx of young energy (YAYYY!!), and 3) the coming ugly showdown between 21st century people and the Neanderthal misogny, racism, and flat-out ugly spirit, from the Republicans. The public is going to see exactly who these people are, instead of being confused by Joe Biden's age. 

    It's almost as if the Democratic brain trust waited until JD Vance was anointed, two extreme MAGA types, Hannibal Lecter, anyone? And then the Borg reconfigured and brought forth an accomplished brown female.

    Some people are going to try to turn it into an open convention, meaning the top slot is open, and so this will be Kamala's (and Biden's) first challenge, to secure her slot. IMO it's totally impractical to change at this point.

    Then comes the exciting choice for VP. I would love to see Harris-Whitmer, a dream ticket, but we have a nice deep bench to draw from.

    Biden deserves massive praise for bowing out. It goes against everything in his DNA. He's the model of graciousness.

    • Really agree with all you said. Regarding an open convention, as voters I think we need to let it be known to the potential "alternates" who put themselves out as potentially better than Harris will be remembered for putting personal ambition ahead of unity. 

      I was reading up on this today. No major polls show anyone close to Harris (or Biden) against Trump. Except HRC and she is not interested. (Praise Allah.) Newsome isn't a real contender, nor is Whittimer. But if Newsome even looks like he's lobbying for the job, I'll email the governor's office that I hold divisive politics against him and will for a LONG time. This is the moment for Democrats to follow Joe's lead and close ranks behind Kamila. In 2028, they are welcome to try to primary Kamila – but no BS in August when the election is in November. 

    • Like Doug, I agree with Moonbat. IT's been quite a day, and as things have evolved I've been seeing some small but significant nice things emerging from the change. I think the country and the free world should be eternally grateful that Biden not only won in 2020 but also built a solid foundation for the direction we need to move in going forward (rebuild our economy from the bottom up and the middle out; address the real problems people will face going forward, ie. infrastructure & climate change to name two; identify the threat of divisiveness and disinformation to our country). Biden doesn't need to have a second term in order to continue to press those issues, and passing the torch is already showing benefits to our cause.

      I'm all in on a unified Dem party taking it to the Trump party. 

  4. Bless his heart. I am angry beyond words but I will vote solid D and send hundreds of cards GOTV.

    But am seriously considering dropping out of the Party. Kamala better have it in a walk or I will become (I do not know what to say. Dangerous?, Distraught? or just totally defeated?). 

  5. I am reminded of the scene of the greatest, his hands shaking from Parkinsons, lighting the Olympic flame.  His time defined spectacular, and so did his exit. Athletics goes on, and we will see Simone Biles in Paris challenging father time in Paris, another greatest. 

    Others can say in hindsight when she reached her peak, but she is older than the age when mathematicians are said to be too old.  I recall the age of 25 is cited as the expected beyond their peak age.  Most of us peak in math sometime in grade school.  Oh, those fractions and percentages take many out.  What they don't get negative numbers do.  For those who do not yield, imaginary numbers and many more abstractions remain.  Simone is 27 and still naming new moves.  She is in a world without peers or comparisons.

    Joe Biden may have named a new political move, one that saves democracy.  Hindsight will make that call.  It is quite the innovation and a move I recommend for many politicians much younger than he is but who peaked long ago.  Some in grade school.  You can fill in the names.




  6. I wish Biden would have stayed in, I hate to see the chattering class win, plus I think he has the best chance to win. Oh well I want to stay positive but I'm not sure this country will for vote for Kamala, I sure as hell will but I know "democrats" who won't. It's going to be an uphill climb assuming she gets the nomination. I guess we are going to find out. The big question is: what will all the magats do with their "fuck joe biden" and "let's go brandon flags"?



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