12 thoughts on “Be Happy

  1. Have a Merry Christmas,everybody ! Or whaterever holiday you celebrate. It's been a pleasure reading your commentary through out the years. Keep it up.

  2. There's a line from "Apollo 12" after the explosion that crippled the spacecraft and when the outcome was very much in doubt. A presidential flack is trying to get the odds of failure and the flight director says, "I believe this will be our finest hour." 

    We're in for a bumpy 2024 – no argument. The outcome is absolutely uncertain.  But I think the choice between democracy and fascism will become more pronounced and distinct. Yes, the cultists will revel in the celebration of christian nationalism. We're gonna see random acts of violence, I predict, and the feds may intervene in one or two organized plans of domestic violence. I think the main groups are thoroughly infiltrated. I also think Trump will be less subtle in his requests for acts of violence against specific members of the judicial system.

    Why would Trump openly call for violence against Chutkan, Smith, and Willis? Because Trump needs those cases to go away before evidence and testimony sway large numbers of voters in the polls. Trump can't let the narrative change to one where he is losing in court and in the polls. The perception of inevitable victory can be self-fulfilling and the reverse is equally true. 

    Suppose that a majority of the USSC is "political" to the degree they will shave their decisions to make (or prevent) things from happening. I don't think a majority on the High Court approves of Trump but perhaps three or four conservatives would side with the sane liberal justices in a decision that would kneecap Trump before the primary season in the hope of promoting any of the others to defeat Trump.  (Trump has pretty much declared war on the Federalist Society.)  Might that goal be accomplished if the CO decision is upheld even if it happens because the USSC decides NOT to hear the appeal? Other states would be empowered to remove Trump from the ballot or by court action, decide not to count votes for Trump on a state-by-state basis. The USSC might (or might not) rule that even in the states Trump was counted, he's not eligible. This situation is created if the USSC does NOTHING!

    Nobody is saying this is a possibility but IMO, most of the conservatives on the USSC do not want Trump AND they do not want Trump's blood on their hands. Their lack of integrity makes the option of hoping the problem will go away if they let the lower courts take the heat while they shut up and do nothing. (I think the USSC will openly strike down the assertion of absolute presidential immunity because they'd be granting it to Biden when they give it to Trump. And Biden is in the White House.) I think the USSC wants the Trump trials to proceed without delay and unless there's a legitimate constitutional issue in an appeal, I don't think the USSC will take any of the civil or criminal appeals. 

    We're gonna get major clues in the next 30 days how the USSC will (or won't) put their thumb on the scale os the election. Trump expects the High Court to intervene and prevent all the cases from proceeding. (You don't have to tell me that the USSC has no jurisdiction to stop NY or GA. I'm saying Trump expects and requires it.) If the Supremes sit on their hands, the truth will emerge and prevail. The next month defines the battlefield for the next ten months. One side or the other may be granted a huge advantage.

    Agree bigly with Maha. Be happy, all. We have the task of a lifetime ahead of us in the next year and we need to meet the occasion with joy, love, and dedication. 

  3. Happy Holidays to all. (Hoping I qualify as a Mahaian!!  I'm a long time reader, but a late-to-the-party commenter…)

    Yes it's going to be a tough slog. I hope the D party and Biden's campaign figure out how to catch up quickly with the young-ish vote.  Problem is (as identified on "Eleventh Hour" last Friday) the hard right is light years ahead of the progressives when it comes to social media.  I think the guests on that show are right that a major reason for the drop in Biden polling support is that the right is all over TikTok and the Dems have about zero penetration with their message. And you can bet all the foreign trolls are both well trained in misinformation savvy with TikTok and Insta. I'd volunteer to help out but I don't know how to get involved above the local level (my state is not a worry). And I'm not on TikTok cuz it annoys the heck out of me.

    Peace to all. 

    • "Yes it's going to be a tough slog. I hope the D party and Biden's campaign figure out how to catch up quickly with the young-ish vote"

      I'm more concerned about the democratic base than I am "young voters' they often don't show up anyway. Biden needs to do two things soon, tell Bibi NO and explain why the border is a mess. Ignoring those two issues is not working!

  4. The time of daylight is increasing.  So is the joy that inspires through the ages on this tiny dot in what we now know as a very vast universe. A bit of order in all the chaos. Enjoy.  


    • "The time of daylight is increasing"

      Yes, generally around the second week in January I start looking at sunrise-sunset data, the additional few seconds of daylight everyday works!

  5. Good will toward men? I think the pressure is getting to him. I heard an earlier Christmas message from Trump and he sounded like he was channeling Billy Graham. What happened?

    Donald J. Trump Posts From His Truth Social



    Merry Christmas to all, including Crooked Joe Biden’s ONLY HOPE, Deranged Jack Smith, the out of control Lunatic who just hired outside attorneys, fresh from the SWAMP (unprecedented!), to help him with his poorly executed WITCH HUNT against “TRUMP” and “MAGA.” Included also are World Leaders, both good and bad, but none of which are as evil and “sick” as the THUGS we have inside our Country who, with their Open Borders, INFLATION, Afghanistan Surrender, Green New Scam, High Taxes, No Energy Independence, Woke Military, Russia/Ukraine, Israel/Iran, All Electric Car Lunacy, and so much more, are looking to destroy our once great USA. MAY THEY ROT IN HELL. AGAIN, MERRY CHRISTMAS! Donald Trump Truth Social 02:38 PM EST 12/25/23


      Stumps Christmas joy offering 2023, warm and fuzzy!

  6. Trump slams Rep Debbie Dingell for not being grateful enough about husband’s funeral (msn.com)

    Here's a story worth reading. Not that it would come as a surprise to anyone here, but it serves as a reminder for just how sick and demented Trump is. Personally it makes me wonder how a person as despicable as he is could even be considered as somebody worthy to vie for a position of honor in our great country. It tells me there is something seriously wrong in the spirit of the American people to even look twice at such a foul creature.

    His constant comments of how everybody grovels before him pleading and begging with tears for a touch of his benevolence and favor shows the depth of his delusional sickness of his dispensing magnificence. It's hard for me to comprehend how any person can be so devoid of humanity and decency can hold the place he does with the American public.

     He's just a bag of shit whose stench of wickedness sears the nostrils of God.


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