We Have a Speaker

It looks like there’s about to be a Speaker. The Republicans are hanging together and voting for Mike Johnson of Louisiana. I believe he has the votes.

Josh Marshall:

Moments from now Mike Johnson of Louisiana will become Speaker of the House and I just found out that Johnson and his wife have a podcast about ‘religious conservatism’, basically a heavy focus on abortion bans, opposing gay marriage and the like. Before entering Congress Johnson was a ‘religious liberty’ activist. It’s on Apple Podcasts and Spotify and the rest. You have to figure that opposition researchers are going to be listening to it pretty closely. The first episode I’m listening to is Episode 12 “The Truth about January 6th that You’ve Never Been Told”. After that there’s Episode 14 “Post-Roe America: What Happens Now?” Johnson supports an absolute national ban on abortions.

I understand that Johnson also is opposed to sending aid to Ukraine. So this ain’t good.

3 thoughts on “We Have a Speaker

  1. The Johnson guy's the "whole package" – like, as in 'asshole package!' That's why the RepubliKKKLANS voted unanimously  for him!

    He's a fascist,  a misogynist, a racist, and any and every other hateful “ist” you can think of!

    Btw: This is me, gulag!

  2. I have no idea who this Johnson is but I hear he's just another typical christo-facist GQP'er. Given his unanimous support from the R's I'd wager that I'll come to despise him eventually. But right now I don't feel the urge to punch him in the face like I did every time I saw "my kevin" and Gym on the tee-vee, so I'll call that a win for now!




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