Another Day, Another Clown Act

I understand they’re about to vote again in the House. So let’s see how it goes.

On yesterday’s vote, Politico reports that Jordan’s strong-arm intimidation tactics backfired. See also Michelle Cottle, Jim Jordan Is a Lousy Strongman.

Update: There are 12 Republican votes for people other than Jordan and they’re still in the Gs. Ain’t gonna happen for ol’ Gym today.

Update: There are now 21 not-Jordan Republican votes, and they are still in the Ss. Gym’s doing worse than yesterday.

Update: I’m reading that Jodan expects another roll call vote tomorrow. We’ll see.

14 thoughts on “Another Day, Another Clown Act

  1. Gym Jordan lost two MORE Republicans than yesterday. He scored 199 today but he lost support by two. A Republican missing yesterday showed up today. I suspect Jordan will want to continue until he wins.

    The Democrats put up Jeffries and made NO appeal to bipartisanship in the nomination speech. If any Republican nominates Liz Cheney, I think the Democrats would break for it but I'm not sure if they would elect her until the Democratic caucus agreed on it.

    • Two of the twenty who voted against Gym Jordan yesterday voted FOR him today.  Four who voted for Gym yesterday voted AGAINST him today.  Net votes against Jordan increased by two.

      I am of the mind that Dems should support any rePuknican nominated by them provided that person did not vote to stop the election count on J6, is not an election denier, and who has unequivocably been on record since November/December of 2021 that Joe Biden was legitimately elected president.

  2. tRump's chosen one, rejected again more bigly, I like!  May the Dems proceed to divide and conquer.

  3. Former presiDUNCE Orange Oompah Loompah has extended his streak as "THE LOSINGEST LOSER" of an ex-president ever!


    With his support, Jagoff Gym Jordan is sure to continue to fail.

    Nobody deserves to continue to lose more than these two beyond obnoxious, moronic psychos!!!!!!!!!!*

    *Also too:  Throw Putin in there!

    Also three:  Ditto Xi!!

    Also IV:  Throw Bibi in there, because, c'mon, admit it, you know he richly deserves to be on the list of "World's Worst Assholes!!!"

    Also IV + I = V:  Add the head of Hamas to that list – whoever he may be at this particular moment!!!!

  4. I must say I am quite pleasantly surprised I figured that the more "moderate" wing of the GOP would just go along with the Election denier caucus and put Gym in. Hopefully they stay the course!

    In other GQP news, Marjorie "Jewish Space Laser" Green called today's peaceful protest by anti-war Jews in the Capital an "insurrection", where does the GQP find these cretins?

    • Marji 3-Toes is right on the money again!  It is obvious that today's Jewish lead protests outside the Capitol Building are a real insurrection and not the tourists who visited the Capitol Building on J6.  Proof:  Today there were more than 100 arrests.  On J6 there were no arrests. {sarcasm for those snark challenged}

  5. This looks like the "out" – from the WaPo

    The Republican Governance Group, a group of 42 centrists led by Rep. David Joyce (Ohio), overwhelmingly endorsed a resolution to give McHenry temporary powers as speaker until Jan. 3, giving the House enough time to work in a bipartisan basis to address a number of end-of-year priorities, such as avoiding a government shutdown in mid-November and sending aid to Israel and Ukraine.

    Such a resolution is consistent with past precedent: Twice the House has voted to temporarily expand the powers of the speaker pro tempore, in 1998 and 1918. Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.) said Tuesday that there was growing “momentum” in his caucus to pursue this option, and several Democrats have stressed that the House cannot afford to remain immobilized…

  6. OT: On Monday, Trump reported the A/G's home address in NY. That's Leticia James who probably isn't covered by a partial gag that specified "court staff." The incident is just now being reported (a little). We'll see how the judge responds tomorrow.

    Somebody is gonna get hurt – that's my fear, and Trump's hope. I'd like to have all the judges in all the trials get together with the intent of ending the game of whack-a-mole that Trump is playing. And all of the judges in a private Skype call should discuss the penalties that will be laid on Trump. I think that only one judge needs to lay one 3-day incarceration on Trump to shut him up. He's a wimp.

    This is the THIRD doxing by Trump that I know of. The first was Obama's address in DC. (That directly caused a J6 fugitive to visit that street – armed.) The second was the clerk for the judge in NY. Now the A/G in NY. You only have to look at what happened to Paul Pelosi to appreciate what Trump intends. (And Trump loves to joke about Paul Pelosi in speeches. Don't tell me Trump's not doing this intentionally.)

    •  I think that only one judge needs to lay one 3-day incarceration on Trump to shut him up. He's a wimp.

       Yeah, That's the ticket. And of course a round of sanctions for Trump's lawyers in edition wouldn't hurt. It could propel him into the White House, but that's risk worth taking.

      I like the idea of just three days in a lockup for the Trumpster. I think Jonah spent three days in the belly of a big fish and he got the message. Jesus spent three days in the tomb before he ascended to heaven. I can hear Trump now… Where I go you must not follow, but I prepare a place for you if you continue to follow in my path.

      • Also something that would hit TFG where it hurts: fine him 500k for the first violation, and explain that the fine will go up by 250k for each subsequent instance.

  7. Also OT" (Maha's gonna ban me.)  John Laru got a letter back from DC Appeals Court re his objection to the Trump gag order that got laid on him on Monday. Turns out Laru isn't licensed in DC, at least not with the Appeals Court, and they bounced the appeal until Laro is in compliance. 

    Trump has hired the Keystone cops.

  8. Sidney Powell just took a guilty plea to election obstruction activities and agreed to testify.  A ray of sunshine.  

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