The Week Ahead in Law and Crime News

Note — I am embarassed to say I need a small fundraiser to keep me going here and to keep me from hitting the credit cards for groceries before the September Social Security deposit appears. Here’s the gofundme page, and you can give to PayPal on the link on the right. (Any additional money will go into the Furniture Fund. Maybe someday I will have two chairs. Right now the only chair I own is a decrepit desk chair that seems to sink lower and lower every day.)

On to business — Tomorrow Mark Meadows will have a hearing about getting his Georgia trial moved to federal court. As I understand it, even if Meadows is successful about the only difference will be that he’ll enjoy a larger jury pool. The case would still be tried under Georgia RICO laws, and there will be no presidential pardons for any convictions. If his case is moved to federal court, apparently there’s a lot of confusion about how this would impact the case as a whole. Nobody knows how this is supposed to work.

Axios is reporting that the Georgia indictees are looking at five-figure legal fees for each motion filed, and most of them should expect to pay something well into six figures for their legal fees if they go to trial.  The less expensive option is to get a plea deal early on. I’m betting some of the indictees are already thinking about that real hard. They must all be looking for and talking to lawyers by now. This may be sinking in.

And I understand three of the fake electors in Georgia are saying their cases should be moved to federal court, too, on the grounds that they were taking direction from President Trump. Of course, they probably didn’t talk to Trump directly, but they were led to understand by White House figures that Trump wanted them to be his electors.

See also Tom Sullivan at Hullabaloo.

11 thoughts on “The Week Ahead in Law and Crime News

  1. You provide a service for free, a valuable service IMO.  No reason to be embarrassed to shake the tin cup.

    You forgot, as all media has, that the DC hearing on Trump is still scheduled. A likely outcome is a trial date for the federal DC charges.

  2. I just read that Trump hauled in 7 million dollars on his mug shot. Seems like money should be no object in picking up the tab for the Georgia indictees. Now they just have to wait for Trump to throw them a financial lifeline. Donny takes care of his people!

  3. “ three of the fake electorsin Georgia are saying their cases should be moved to federal court, too, on the grounds that they were taking direction from President Trump.” Ahhh-the”just following orders” defense. A darn shame they slept through history class in high school.

  4. As of 4PM today, a lawyer filed suit in Palm Beach County asking for a ruling to disqualify Trump on the basis of Article 3 of the 14th Amendment. The issue of standing is addressed – whether the judge will agree is the first hurdle. (I will be so happy to be wrong on the issue of standing.) 

    This is on the way to the USSC. I do not think the high court wants it, but I also think a majority of the USSC does not want a repeat of Trump. Also, the court needs to rule in time for the GOP to plot a new strategy if Trump can not be sworn in. Talk about your party in disarray if the front-runner for the GOP is shut out of running even as an independent.

    • Perhaps the presumptive Peace and Freedom Party presidential candidate could be a plaintiff in the lawsuit. That person would have standing.

  5. When I heard that Sidney Powell followed suit behind Chesebro, asking for a speedy trial, I had a strange thought.  Just craziness on my part probably, but I began to wonder if a pattern will emerge:

    Will the other defendants figure out that they'd have better odds of less severe outcomes if they are tried separately from the jerk who can't seem to resist daring the court system to take the matter seriously… and they understand that constantly needling the judge is not a good strategy.  

    Also, TFG is not a team player… who would want to stay on that team when the stakes get this serious?

    • Cheeze-whiz has an October 23 trial.  SO other members of the Flying Monkeys may be able to hang back and watch. Let's say Willis has a strong case and gets a conviction. Sydney Powell is also trying the same gambit – she's going to have problems, too.  The cases may go through appeal quickly – those two might be in jail before the end of the year.

      There's a problem with RICO being applied to those two. They fit into a pattern of criminality and the defense will try to make inadmissible the actions of the other defendants if they don't directly apply to the big cheese. The nuances of admissible evidence will be interesting. 

      Trump goes last. Let's say that the other fish have all been found guilty of other crimes related to their roles but many were not convicted under RICO because the pattern could not be established. The smaller fish are gonna flip on that hot grill. By the time the big fish are tried, the pattern is established for Don the Con, Rudy, and Eastman. The evidence and convictions of the other players can be introduced at the later trial. RICO will hold where it counts.  

      (I am not a lawyer and not familiar with RICO. I'm just calling it as I see it.)

  6. I keep thinking about all the people in Atlanta that had their life interrupted by the Trump perp parade.  At least a portion of them suffered real damages beyond the theft of their time.  Wary Tale points out the hazard of getting too close to Trump. He is one of those people who creates a damaging wake behind him.  Like the diesel pick-up drivers who "roll coal" on cyclists and pedestrians alike they think they are entitled to distress others.  It is a perversion of social status.  Their victims need some justice.  They don't usually even get a little sympathy.  

  7. I kicked in a few rubles to your paypal page!

    One story that caught my eye was this Judge who cancelled a hearing on a lawsuit coming from the Mexican government, they want to sue US gun manufacturers for arming the cartels (apparently up to 80% of the drug gang guns come from the good old USA). You would think with Rhoda Santis harping about taking down the Mexican Cartels on day one with US special forces someone in the political media info sphere would connect the two stories? Those gun companies sure got a bunch of people by the short hairs!

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