Yes, in this perilous moment there is chaos and danger. Trump is causing a lot of it. I am not going to say he’s causing all of it, as the root causes of the chaos and danger are older than his administration. Indeed, many of the root causes are older than he is. And just as there is fear and anger across the political spectrum, there are hotheads across the political spectrum throwing fuel on the fire.
Today we’re learning that a man under investigation for the shooting of a Trump operative in Portland Saturday night is known to be aligned with antifa. He is a white man, which doesn’t surprise me. I was sorry to hear this, because until now there were no deaths that could be associated specifically with antifa, compared to multiple deaths caused by right-wing violence in recent years. But now that there’s one, Trump and his goons will make the most of it and want every leftie in the country rounded up.
Charles Pierce, after noting that police departments are on the side of Trump’s thugs:
I honestly don’t know where this all leads. The president* is all but encouraging this behavior. (His planned trip to Kenosha on Tuesday already is grotesque.) It’s becoming more clear by the day that many law enforcement officials have chosen sides. It’s come to guns already and who’s to say we won’t have armed and rowdy caravans turning up at polling places on election day? Will the cops block intersections to let them pass through? I certainly wouldn’t bet against it. And what would the reaction to this be from the other side? I hope nobody’s counting on the Feds to maintain order the way they did in Mississippi in 1962, because the teams have switched jerseys. The only short-term answer I can see is de-escalation and, unfortunately and unfairly, that may have to come from the side with legitimate grievances. I have been fairly nauseated over the past few days as white pundits instructed black people on proper civil disobedience etiquette. But I have no problem telling the Caucasian auxiliaries/hangers-on/vandals to back the hell off.
De-escalation doesn’t mean surrender. It doesn’t mean you abandon the field. It means discipline and intelligence and a willingness to sublimate your emotions to both. A former Black Panther once told me that “Spontaneity is the art of fools.” That still holds. It is incumbent upon all of us not to help the president* wreck what’s left of the country.
Why doesn’t it surprise me that the alleged Portland shooter is a white man? Because the white guys as a rule never learned to be disciplined, never learned when to back off, never had to be careful. In all my years of going to demonstrations and protests it was always white guys who were the biggest assholes in the crowd.
But now it’s clear that Trump’s plan going forward is to foment as much chaos and destruction as possible and blame it on the Left. Let’s not help him.
Here’s your reading assignment:
Paul Waldman, Trump’s strategy: If you feel uneasy enough, you’ll turn to the strongman.
Greg Sargent, Trump’s vile tweetstorm reveals the ugly core of his ‘law and order’ campaign
David Atkins, White Supremacists Are Invading American Cities To Incite a Civil War
Charles Blow, Trump, Vicar of Fear and Violence
Nicholas Kristof, The Lawbreakers Trump Loves
Franklin Foer, How Donald Trump Is Killing Politics
Yoni Appelbaum, How America Ends
That last one was first published in December 2019, but it’s very much worth reading. It argues that the U.S. Right is facing an existential threat from changing demographics, and it isn’t likely to go down without a fight.
Instead of reaching out and inviting new allies into its coalition, the political right hardens, turning against the democratic processes it fears will subsume it. A conservatism defined by ideas can hold its own against progressivism, winning converts to its principles and evolving with each generation. A conservatism defined by identity reduces the complex calculus of politics to a simple arithmetic question—and at some point, the numbers no longer add up.
Trump has led his party to this dead end, and it may well cost him his chance for reelection, presuming he is not removed through impeachment. But the president’s defeat would likely only deepen the despair that fueled his rise, confirming his supporters’ fear that the demographic tide has turned against them. That fear is the single greatest threat facing American democracy, the force that is already battering down precedents, leveling norms, and demolishing guardrails. When a group that has traditionally exercised power comes to believe that its eclipse is inevitable, and that the destruction of all it holds dear will follow, it will fight to preserve what it has—whatever the cost.
See also Joe Biden smacks down Trump in Pittsburgh.
How fitting if after being founded on racism, we die of racism.
I have nothing funny to say.
No quick quip.
The Navajo Nation sure wishes they weren’t going down with the ship…
Discipline. Message Discipline. Trying to sway the undecided voter. Turnout. Did I mention turnout. Election turnout. There's a war, with real injuries, real blood, real corpses. The battle is not for turf or wealth – it's for power, measured by votes.
So here's the message for Biden to proclaim. "Leave the guns at home!"
For Biden, the message should be, "Free speech for all." Bringing a weapon to a protest is not protected speech. It's at best, intimidation. At worst, it's a method of supressing speech through murder. Biden should call on the police to take on the difficult task of allowing free speech, protest and counter-protest BUT, disarm everyone. Stop and frisk. If the TSA won't allow it on a plane, confiscate it from any protester without regard to which side they are on.
'Free Speech for All, but weapons at a protest – for police ONLY."
The concept of "free speech" is nominally a paradigm of the curation of the public discourse. In this time and place, it is inapplicable, for many reasons. Foremost, there is no public discourse. There are bubbles; and there is "social media", which makes every participant a saboteur. So no one is actually listening.
Back when there was a public discourse — a situation that is quickly evaporating from living memory — it was always self-curating. There were always gatekeepers, and there were always taboos. The "shouting 'fire' in a crowded theater" test is still a very good one. It rules out incitement, and therefore, today, it rules out "the Right", whose message has been gradually distilled and purified over the decades until incitement is all that remains.
I agree that public discourse is being forgotten – not all problems can be distilled to a meme. However, the fact that thousands have remained on the streets for months demanding police reform is significant especially in light of the strategy of the police and city fathers to let them blow off steam for a few days, then go back to business as usual.
In many areas the persistence of protesters is drawing politicians into serious dialogue and exposing police departments who refuse to consider change.
Last, the public has been drawn by the drama to consider the substance of the issue.
Some of the more aggressive members of antiwar and other demonstrations in the vietnam war era were undercover cops.
Is Kevlar okay?
There's some sharp lookin' troops in the photo above. It reminds me of when we used to play army as kids. We used to accoutre ourselves with whatever war souvenirs and mementos our father dragged home from their service in WWII. It's good to see that kids are still kids. Thumbs up to the guy with the boonie hat, a kid after my own heart.
What really irks me is to see these assholes all gigged out to look bad like battle hardened warriors but never having the luxury of having tasted of combat. If they ever had that experience they'd shit their pants and cry for their momma. They might think they are bad with an AR-15 in their hands and that they have some cause to uphold and defend, but in real combat the first lesson learned, which come intuitively, is the realization of your total insignificance. You are nothing when you are measured against firepower. And your AR-15 only serves as a delusion to think you have any kind of power.
And the second lesson is the realization, which comes intuitively, is that you really don't want to be in the situation that you find yourself in. And any cause that might have lead you into that situation goes right out the window and is replaced with an overwhelming desire to just survive. You lose all interests in causes, intuitively.
The third lesson is that you don't want get involved in playing those army games until they show up at your doorstep, and there is no way to avoid it.
Their "power" comes yes from the weapon they haul around, but especially from the group-think that binds these kids together. The mindless, emotionally driven mob, with high powered weapons. My tribe is badder than yours, might makes right, and the end of politics as a solution to conflict.
Lots of good comments here; thanks everyone. I appreciate you all.