"Barbara O’Brien’s wide-ranging account of Zen history is conveyed with a master storyteller’s ability to keep the forest from getting lost in a myriad of trees. Wearing her scholarship lightly, she blends just the right amount of skepticism about her hagiographic sources with a deep appreciation for the Dharma." — Barry Magid, author of
Nothing Is Hidden and
Ending the Pursuit of Happiness Order here!
I think old people are resistant to change. One thing I missed right away was seeing the roll of recent comments on the lefthand sideboard. It stirred an immediate sense of anticipation in me of reading a comment by certain blog participants whose comments I always find enjoyable.
Now it's in the right-hand sideboard. Would you be happier if I put the side column on the left?
No, I think I can struggle through to make the adjustment. Although nothing is showing up on either of the sideboards on my monitor.As far as making me happier I don't think there's much that you can do for me…Mother nature has set me on an irretrievable path to curmudgeonhood. All I need now is to don a MAGA hat, and I'll be set to go.
You have to be on the home page to see the side column. If you are looking at just one post, it doesn't display.
Looks nice , maha!
I had a thought. This process could have made the beginning of a great series on some shitty backwater cable channel:
"Welcome to tonight's premier of our new show – 'Blog Remake!!!' ONLY on DSTV! DipShit TV & You: Better Together!"
Look great, how about this pic for the background of "we're number 1? It's uniquely Trumpian me thinks! When I write a comment there is a comment button is over the beginning of my first sentence, kind of weird?
Btw – I'm very proud of being a curmudgeon!
And as I'm sure you'll agree, at least as far as grouchy old men go, it's far better to be a "libtard" curmudgeon, than a grouchy old tRUMP MAGA KKKurmudgeon!
It looks great Barbara, I like it a lot. Much easier to read than previously. I do notice that in this comment box the little box with "comment" in it blocks the beginning of any comment and can't be moved or removed. I'm using Chrome on a Windows machine, all latest updates.
Testing out the youtube. Lounge version of a great stones song by the stones! We all get old!
first twit-filter, of course
I have no idea what special tweaks your site needs, beyond what's provided in a WordPress theme. To me, this site's appearance is a bit bland, it needs some pizzazz that the current theme lacks.
I'm also partial to dark themes – light backgrounds blind eyes that have spent way too many years staring at computer screens. I recently changed my own WP theme (for a site that's only viewable on my own computer), to a theme called mistu. I like that I can change the text color. So I have a dark background with green text and blue highlights. Definitely not a white blog. To each their own…
You did ask what do we think – you see my instinctive nature is not of the USA although I have lived here a long time (I have both a European Union passport and a US passport.) So, if I look at a new blog and see a prominent US flag my first impression is that it is a nationalistic blog, and I pass. Yours is not of course and I see also the irony of No. 1 and the derelict house in the background, plus I have been reading your blog for years. We usually place flags on government sites mostly, but I know that in the US it is a different affair. (At first I thought I had made a mistake and was not on your blog, and went back to check.) But it is the same if I click on a new blog and see a prominent cross – I take it that it is a religious Christian blog, and I pass. So that’s my first impression.
Then, since you did not have a long post I checked some of the links you list in your sideboard. I was wondering, do you keep some for history/background information? For example Bride of Acheron’s last post was in May 2010, Fallen Monk was in July 2016, Pharyngula in 2017 as well as The Reaction. Some had no server or no connection any longer such as Feministe, Attytood, Opinion You Should Have. I did not click on all of them, but am just curious as to why you have them listed on your new page – so that's my question.
I see no side boards at all??
Aj — the side column only displays on the home page. If you are reading comments you are not on the home page but on the page for that post, so it doesn’t display. I don’t make the rules.
Needs Buddha somewhere.
Beside that the added whitespace is a plus.
I wanna be the kind of curmudgeon who tells the children tales of how much better things were back when America was “a socialist country”, how screwed they are now, then cackles uncontrollably and slaps hands together while issuing a fart.
It takes a real glass half full kind of a guy to call that run down shack a fixer-upper. Dilapidated shack might be too much a glass half empty sort of descriptive. I am working with more of a pre-owned character rich relic with some salvageable unpainted barn board. Too bad someone had to mess some of them up. We only hope they did not use leaded paint.
The new format looks good to me and seems to work fine.
I like it a lot. I'm aging almost as fast as everybody else, and my eyes are grateful for the lack of clutter when I just want to read. Also – a very big thank you for not having advertising intruding on everything.
Paul Krugman link is still the outdated NYT one…
Clean slate and all.
Yeah, as soon as I’m done reviewing editing on my book I’ll update the blogroll. I thought I had done it just a couple of years ago, but it must have been longer ago than that.
Lurker here. I like it a lot. It's easier to read. Keep up the good work. I depend on you for sanity.