Trump vs. Mother’s Milk, and Other Atrocities

Did you know the U.S. is now officially, on the record, opposed to encouraging breast feeding?

A resolution to encourage breast-feeding was expected to be approved quickly and easily by the hundreds of government delegates who gathered this spring in Geneva for the United Nations-affiliated World Health Assembly.

Based on decades of research, the resolution says that mother’s milk is healthiest for children and countries should strive to limit the inaccurate or misleading marketing of breast milk substitutes.

Then the United States delegation, embracing the interests of infant formula manufacturers, upended the deliberations.

American officials sought to water down the resolution by removing language that called on governments to “protect, promote and support breast-feeding” and another passage that called on policymakers to restrict the promotion of food products that many experts say can have deleterious effects on young children.

The basic scam is that formula corporations give new mothers bottles and samples of formula and sell them on the “superiority” of formula over breast milk. Often the sales reps pose as nurses and other medical professionals. In third world countries this has tragic consequences, as parents don’t always have access to clean water often dilute the formula to reduce cost. Here’s an 2012 expose from Business Insider on the baby formula scam, which says that millions of babies around the globe have died or suffered malnutrition so that formula corporations can make money. See also How formula milk firms target mothers who can least afford it.

Back to what went on in the UN:

When that failed, they turned to threats, according to diplomats and government officials who took part in the discussions. Ecuador, which had planned to introduce the measure, was the first to find itself in the cross hairs.

The Americans were blunt: If Ecuador refused to drop the resolution, Washington would unleash punishing trade measures and withdraw crucial military aid. The Ecuadorean government quickly acquiesced.

The showdown over the issue was recounted by more than a dozen participants from several countries, many of whom requested anonymity because they feared retaliation from the United States.

Health advocates scrambled to find another sponsor for the resolution, but at least a dozen countries, most of them poor nations in Africa and Latin America, backed off, citing fears of retaliation, according to officials from Uruguay, Mexico and the United States.

It’s not like American companies have a lock on the baby formula market. The worst offenders in the baby formula scam are Nestle (Swiss), Danone (French), and two U.S. companies, Mead Johnson and Abbott. This is just demented.

But that’s just one atrocity. See also:

Health Insurers Warn of Market Turmoil as Trump Suspends Billions in Payments

The Trump administration said Saturday that it was suspending a program that pays billions of dollars to insurers to stabilize health insurance markets under the Affordable Care Act, a freeze that could increase uncertainty in the markets and drive up premiums this fall.

Trump is bent on wrecking NATO. Prepare for catastrophe.

The fear is not only that Mr. Trump will spoil the “unity” of the summit with harangues before flying to Helsinki for a far friendlier meeting with Russian President Vladi­mir Putin. It is that, having shrugged off the strong support for NATO among his national security team, he is bent on wrecking a multilateral organization he regards as obsolete and a means for European nations to freeload at the expense of the United States.

Trump administration says it CAN’T meet July 26 deadline to reunite families separated at the border

Obviously, they never had a plan for reuniting families. See also Kids as young as 1 in US court, awaiting reunion with family.

9 thoughts on “Trump vs. Mother’s Milk, and Other Atrocities

  1. Putie will give the “enfant execrable” a nice big sucker when they meet.

  2. It's becoming obvious that Trump, Sessions and the ICE Gestapo had no plan to reunite parents and children BECAUSE the plan was to confiscate the children, deport the parents and end all attempts at legal asylum through terrorism against children. 

    The sheer depravity of this administration makes Nixon look like a Boy Scout.

    • “the plan was to confiscate the children, deport the parents and end all attempts at legal asylum through terrorism against children.” That’s certainly what it looks like.

  3. “…Nixon look like a Boy Scout.”

    At least Nixon had a brain. The Don is both vicious and dumber than brick.

  4. What a win for the gospel of greed, as the infant formula providers get backing from the ugliest of Americans.  I personally object to headlines suggesting America is in opposition to World Health recommendations.  The actions of the leader does, I suppose, reflect on the whole of America, but I think most of the world and lots of Americans think of him as deranged.  Maureen Dowd postulated yesterday that he suffers from addiction to twitter, and makes a case for that and a recent book on problems associated with social media.  Whatever the genesis of his problematic judgement, I do hope huge numbers of Americans vociferously support wise advice on infant nutrition from sane, rational, and stable people with good judgement and knowledge of its effects on infant health.  I would really like for them to denounce the false gospel of greed, but this would take quite a leap in the general moral judgement of Americans.  



  5. I would really like for them to denounce the false gospel of greed

    Won’t happen. It’s in this country’s DNA. Despite the lofty ideals expressed in documents like the Declaration of Independence, America is a nation of hustlers.

    Morris Berman – an academic who left the USA for Mexico during the Bush years – examines this in detail in a trilogy, whose third and final volume is called Why America Failed.

  6. Forgive them, Flying Spaghetti Monster.

    They really know not a fucking clue what they do.

    And worse, they care not who gets hurt.

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