Christianity Is a Fast-Food Restaurant Chain, and Other Nonsense

Some pathetic, whiny dweeb named Douglas MacKinnon asks, “How long will I be allowed to remain a Christian?

With each passing month, that shocking question becomes more relevant and even more disturbing.

To say that Christians and Christianity are under a withering and brutal attack in certain areas of the world would be an understatement.

In various parts of the Middle East, there is a genocidal cleansing of Christians being carried out. Women, men, and their young children are being slaughtered because of their faith and world leaders and most of the media turn their backs in bored indifference.

Here in the United States, Christians and Christianity are mocked, belittled, smeared and attacked by some on a daily basis. This is a bigoted practice that is not only increasing exponentially, but is being encouraged and sanctioned by a number on the left.

There is indeed real oppression of Christians going on in the Middle East. And in various parts of the world there is real oppression of Muslims, of Jews, of Buddhists, of people of many religions. It’s not just Christians. But Christians never notice what’s going on with the other religions.

However, there is no oppression of Christians in the United States. Not even close. Pushing back against oppression by people who self-identify as Christians is not oppression of Christians.

The prevailing view in much of the media is that Christianity is aligned with Republicans, conservatives, or the views of President Trump — and therefore must be diminished and made suspect.

No, not Christianity. Just white evangelicals. See Ed Kilgore, “Nobody Likes Trump Except White Evangelicals.”

The New Yorker just described the opening of a few Chick-fil-A restaurants in New York City as “Pervasive Christian traditionalism,” and a “Creepy infiltration of New York City.”

Christianity is an “infiltration” to some on the left.

Christianity is not a fast-food restaurant chain. But let’s look at what the New Yorker said.

… the brand’s arrival here feels like an infiltration, in no small part because of its pervasive Christian traditionalism. Its headquarters, in Atlanta, are adorned with Bible verses and a statue of Jesus washing a disciple’s feet. Its stores close on Sundays. Its C.E.O., Dan Cathy, has been accused of bigotry for using the company’s charitable wing to fund anti-gay causes, including groups that oppose same-sex marriage. “We’re inviting God’s judgment on our nation,” he once said, “when we shake our fist at him and say, ‘We know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage.'” The company has since reaffirmed its intention to “treat every person with honor, dignity and respect,” but it has quietly continued to donate to anti-L.G.B.T. groups.

Clue, Mr. MacKinnon. It’s not Chick-fil-A’s association with the Sermon on the Mount that is causing the problem.

In college, they now teach about the evils of “Christian Privilege.”

A shame MacKinnon missed that.

In name, on the crucifix, and in art, Jesus Christ is desecrated in the most twisted and obscene of ways. In movies, on television and online, Christians are portrayed in the most dishonest, prejudiced and insulting of ways.

Especially on the Christian Broadcasting Network, she snarked. Seriously, I’m not seeing an uptick of people poking fun at Jesus.

Across the country, Christian colleges are under constant assault from “social justice warriors” seeking to strip their accreditation and put them out of business.

The only example of such a thing that I could find by googling is a 2014 article from the National Catholic Register, which worried that some colleges might lose accreditation if they didn’t stop discriminating against homosexual students. Are we seeing a pattern here?

Christian groups on campus are at times being persecuted, their offices and handouts vandalized, with members even being physically assaulted.

I could find no news stories, even old ones, claiming such a thing.

In a nation that is still majority Christian, those who follow the faith have been litigated or brow-beaten into being fearful to utter the words “Merry Christmas,” or to display a Nativity scene celebrating the one and only reason there is a Christmas Day.

Another bogus claim. Christian churches and individual Christians can put all the nativity scenes they want on their own property. The issue is whether they can be placed on public property. See above about the evils of “Christian Privilege.” And I’ve yet to find an actual verifiable example of anybody being punished for saying “Merry Christmas.”

MacKinnon goes on and on, making whiny claims of persecution that he appears to be hauling out of his ass. If we ever want to put together a public display of “Why Right-Wing Christians Are Annoying and Why People Don’t Like Them,” I propose putting MacKinnon on a pedestal in the middle of the exhibit.

MacKinnon: We don’t dislike you because of your faith; we dislike you because you’re a whiny intolerant asshole.

18 thoughts on “Christianity Is a Fast-Food Restaurant Chain, and Other Nonsense

  1. This (meaning both the blog post and the quoted material) seems to conflate two issues. The first, Christian privilege, is acknowledged. The second, which I'll call "anti-asshole prejudice" is not. People often discriminate against assholes. They even use their prior knowledge about the way these people behave to judge them. This is not a problem. The actual problem lies in our inability to openly call someone an asshole, so the real reason for the discrimination is misapplied to something else, say Christianity. Whether Christianity or something else, mislabeling of assholes seems to be the root of most complaints about alleged "SJWs."

  2. Problem is the a grieve ment and the persecution complex. Also don't complain when the right wing for 50 years  has set itself up as godly, moral self righteous,  sanctimonious,  patriotic  and demeaned the rest of us as immoral and corrupt. And now these same people who have spent 40 years creating their own alternate reality are embracing trumpism, trying to legally impose their denial  onto all the rest of us. (Before they get voted out of power )

  3. I've tried to explain this to Christians who complain about persecution, in a fashion similar to MacKinnon. They don't seem to get: if you align yourself with right wing "Christian" politicians, like George W Bush and Sarah Palin, expect the country to regard you as stupid fools who are making things worse.

  4. Mr. Persecuted wonders why people hate him and probably turns around and tells others what race they can date, what gender they are, and that they can’t have women’s healthcare in his county.

  5. At some point religious freedom infringes on our right of freedom from religion or the illusion of religion.  Some organizations wear the cloak of religion to take advantage of legal and tax advantages it seems, but who would dare wade into that morass.  

    The Westboro Baptist Church is a prime example.  More a wolf in sheep's clothing.  

  6. As the old saying goes, Christians only complain about persecution when they're stopped from doing the persecution.

  7. In MacKinnon's piece, Replace "Christianity" with "White evangelicalism" and then you get the real meaning of it.

    And if “persecution” is being held accountable for the false prophecy of their movement and the support of Donald Trump who, like many of them, don’t appear to have a “christian” bone in their bodies, then it is well deserved.

  8. With all if these White Evangelical "Christian" 'special-snowflakes' blowing gales of whiny hot air about being oppressed, it's practically a miracle that they don't melt their special selves.

    If you flakes feel oppressed, it's because the rest of us are doing whatever we can to try to keep you from oppressing others who aren't White Evangelical "Christians." 

    (Not-at-all) Dear White Evangelical "Christians:"

    Instead of spending time talking and whining, try reading your precious Bible.

    'I do not think that book means what you think it means. ' 

  9. There are, broadly speaking, two primary branches of Christianity in America. One teaches a Gospel of Service, which I think is consistent with the teachings of Jesus. The second branch, which includes Evangelicals preaches a Gospel of Power (and wealth). This is totally inconsistent with the teachings of Jesus but very appealing when you want your doctrine to be imposed on people who aren't part of your church. 

    If you are greedy and you want the admiration of people who gather in a building with a steeple, you go Evangelical, If you are judgemental and want to oppose a lifestyle different than what you publicly declare to be, you go Evangelical. If you think that by race or gender or any social distinction that your "tribe" is better than any other tribe, Evangelical you go Evangelical.

    The "power" aspect of their tribalism justifies an unconstitutional concept – that they can and should compete in the political arena to promote as a matter of law, their doctrine. This is also contrary to the teachings in the New Testament. "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesars, and to God the things that are God's."  The First Amendment is clear as written and the interpretation of the First Amendment is very clear.  Or has been in my lifetime until recently. 

    Trump is the manifestation of their doctrine. He can do anything and be forgiven because he manifests the godly quality of wealth. He could not be wealthy except that he has god's blessing and the degree of divine approval is clear in his declared wealth. 

    I make it as clear as I  can on FB and Twitter. What these people espouse is totally foreign to the teachings of Jesus. 'Truth in Advertising' if it could be applied, would require these people to not use the words "Christ" or "Christian" to describe or promote their beliefs.

  10. As usual, I really can't add much to what has already been posted, except to say that I've been have similar thoughts.

    There are a lot of contenders for the "buckle" on the Bible Belt and I live in one.  At this point in time the "religious" right seems either to be falling towards irrelevance as their numbers shrink or making their move for power.  On a personal level there are the classic contradictions, the Christians I know are generally admirable people.  I tend to favor the Episcopals and Catholics above the others, and the white evangelicals have nearly exhausted my patience.  (They're "getting on nerve number nine" as an African American friend of mine used to say.)  It's going to take a whole of of pain for them to see that they've basically been trashing their own religion for a long time, because that realization causes a lot of pain.  But, the long and short of it is that they can opine all they care to about morality, etc.  We all deserve freedom of conscience.  It was hard enough to stomach the likes of Pat Robertson, Mike Huckabee or Sarah Palin, but if you find yourself marching next to people with a Nazi flag or a Confederate flag, if you accept so much injustice and savage treatment of people with whom you disagree without speaking up, you have lost any claim to moral authority.  Each lie and distortion puts your integrity in question, and after so many there is not even the question left.

    Victimhood cleanses, it dilutes the culpability and worst of all it lowers moral or ethical barriers against savage reprisal.  In the mind of a victim extraordinary things are justified.  That's what makes our situation so dangerous.

    Thanks for the mention uncledad, that is one catchy tune.

    Here's the piece of music that wrecked my life, although I had to add in a bit of Dunning-Kruger for it to be effective.  I hope the link is live.


  11. "'Truth in Advertising' if it could be applied, would require these people to not use the words "Christ" or "Christian" to describe or promote their beliefs."

    Indeed, and upon reflection, "white evangelical" is even more appropriate for them, as their practical "religion" is white supremacy and otherwise greed and selfishness, and is as antithetical in practice to the  teachings of Jesus as are the concepts of Satan and evil.

  12. Doug says it right.  Statistically, American and European Christianity is in decline.  Part of the reason may have come from science falling away from religion (most scientists were Christians a century ago, today few are).  But evangelicals following them straight into the pit of materialism is increasingly making Jesus (and Service Christians) weep.  Whether Jesus was real or not, he foresaw the problems that materialism would present for faith.

  13. I think every one above has good points; but, I like to boil it down to living your life.  If on a daily basis you declare to everyone that you are a Christian; then, you are probably not.  If you lead a good life and are kind to every one you meet–helping those who need help with a quietness and good spirit, you are probably a Christian.  I have no use for the Roman Catholic church any more because that church has a deep, dark past of hurting more children than it ever, ever helped.  If you delve into their past, you find they made slaves out of children justifying it as the children's fault and it was the only way the children could get redemption.  Even up to recent history and the sex abuse by the priests of young boys.  That was going on even while the priests were preaching from their pulpits against homosexuality.  The evangelicals have lost all moral authority they thought/think they have by supporting the most contemptible, loathsome, odious, vile bag of sh_t (hat tip to Swami) by the name of Trump.  And, all Americans who voted for this reprehensible bag of shi_t are not Christian either, even if they think they are.  They are so oblivious to how badly they have hurt this country; and may have damaged it beyond repair purely for selfishness.

  14. Off Topic: so it looks like Hannity is involved in a bunch of illegal real estate deals connected to HUD through 20-some secret shell companies. 90 million worth. He may well be wishing soon that he *merely* had secret affair scandals rather than larceny on that scale.

    Notice The Don was not at B. Bush’s services,also. He sent Melanie, who looked pleased to be not attached to his arm.

  15. How long will I be "allowed" to remain a Christian?. Now, that's a heavy duty question! I would guess that because Jesus says: I will never leave you nor forsake you and that he'll be with you even until the end. That would mean you'd be allowed to remain a Christian until the end of eternity. Basically, Jesus is saying he ain't going to bail on you, so technically you'd allowed to be a Christian for as long as you want.

    I know that's a simple answer for a deeply profound theological question, but in actuality it's a profound answer for a simple question. I enjoy musing on heavy duty Christian thought.. One of my favorite theological conundrums was posed by Cheech and Chong in their Up in Smoke album…Can God make a rock so big that even he cant move it?

  16. Here's an idea for MacKinnon: practice your religion privately, and respect the privacy of others by allowing them to live in ignorance of your beliefs, and you will be able to do your Christian deal forever.

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