14 thoughts on “Is “Drumpf” German for “Stupid”?

  1. t-RUMPLE-Thin-Skin:
    “We found a few cockroaches in the t-RUMPY-Dump Towers kitchens, so I ordered adhesive diamonds sprinkled on all of the kitchen floors.
    And am paying for this by elminating all of our mouse and rat traps in your condo’s!

    “HE’S A F*CKING GENIUS!”, cry the t-RUMP-a-LOON-pa’s.

    We’re actually living in the opposite of the movie “Idiocracy::
    Somehow or other we managed to elect the dumbest rich MFer in the country as POTUS!

  2. His grandpa was a pimp, his dad was a slumlord. He’s in bed with Putin and his sons just got license to run massage parlors and escort services in China.
    Grabbing the world by the pussy indeed….

  3. US Marines just entered northern Syria. Under Russian air cover? Can’t see anything going wrong, can you?

  4. Off-topic: Did you all hear about the collapse of the Azure Window in Malta? Now, that is something that is really sad; but, seemingly inevitable.

    Back to the topic: The State of Washington is really dependent on the Coast Guard for many things on and around all the water we have. And, isn’t airport security where Trump should have begun to keep us safe from terrorists?

  5. Krugman on Tuesday failed to understand the whole point of repeal… The replace is, in fact, as he points out, designed to fail, but that is the whole point. Reps from the beginning knew that if the ACA took hold, it would be very popular. If they design the replacement to fail (while claiming the ACA was moments away from catastrophic failure), they get a win-win! Sad that so many people hate this country and the people in it…

  6. Comment of the day (I didn’t author it)

    Trump doesn’t understand this or much anything else about the government and that’s really the biggest problem.

    He’s appointed a bunch of extremists because somebody told him they were “good” people and he does what they tell him.

    We know ‘lil Atlas Ryan has always been a bag man for the 1%. We know Scott Pruitt lives in an alternate universe that even most of the fossil fuel industry doesn’t believe in. We know Jeff Beauregard Sessions is an unrepentant segregationist who committed perjury before Congress. We know Betsy DeVos knows nothing about public education except how to kill it and replace it with religious education (Mosaic Law or Sharia Law, there is no difference as both suck). We know Steve Bannon is a nationalistic racist, anti-semite who enjoys books about dark, feces-eating hordes taking over Europe. We know Tom Price thinks women are best off barefoot and pregnant. We know Steven Miller is so friggin’ creepy and has been angry at everyone his entire life that he even creeps the creeps out.

    We all know this but Trumpy does not. He’s a clueless man who isn’t inclined to get a clue. He likes these people because they’re suckups and syncophants but he has no ideas of his own that he hasn’t changed on a whim. He’s been a low-brow, loud-mouthed developer his entire life, born on third-base, thought he hit a triple and hasn’t even bothered to run to home because he’s been too busy telling the groundskeepers to get third-base painted the right tint of gold.

    This bunch is exactly what the dictionary definition of a kakistocracy is. We have a government of the most malicious, stupid and evil people in our history. They’re going to let people die for no good reason except a tiny tax cut for the 1%.

    God help us as this is how great democracies die…

  7. he cares about security when it is brown people, but white Russians attacking CIA are ok. wonder who he thinks is patrolling the waters by Mar a lago

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