Negroponte? Seriously?

I might not care that John Negroponte endorsed Hillary Clinton. What worries me is that she and her campaign think this is a good thing, and released a statement touting the endorsement.

Wonkette and Charles Pierce explain why Negroponte is not a person one wants to be seen with in public.


16 thoughts on “Negroponte? Seriously?

  1. Just what we liberals wanted!
    A torturing, child and nun kiiling, Dictator-loving, mass murderer!!!

    What’s NOT to love!?!?


    Kissinger, too!
    Oy X’s a Trillion?…………………………….

  2. This is something that has always played a big role in my negative view of Hillary Clinton: Whatever you say about her, even if you think she’s the smartest and most wonderful person in the whole wide world — look at the people she hangs out with, and has always hung out with. But few Hillary supporters (on the left) seem to be able to get their heads around that.

  3. I don’t care if every Republican neoconservative warmonger in the Project for a New American Century is lining up against Trump; I am still not voting for him. The man’s a buffoon.

  4. My god, the Pierce and Wonkette links were a depressing walk down “Memory Lane,” but, one we should all take from once in a while. Our times almost look like jubilant buffoonery by comparison, except that we seem to be still waiting for the curtain to rise.

    Two other events come to mind, the assassination of Orlando Latelier and the failed raid to recover the hostages in Iran. Oliver North was involved in the failed rescue. Some friends of mine who were beginning careers in journalism shared some interesting facts with me. I don’t subscribe to conspiracy theories, but, if I did, that would be the one I would choose.

  5. It’s stuff like this that makes this election so damn dismal. Here we are with the R’s having nominated a human void big enough to drive a brand-new double-wide Social Democrat through, but instead the D’s are driving a 24-year-old Triangulator compact.

  6. What about me, Maha…I never got a “well put” comment when I said that Trump is a big bag of shit. Of course that might not be the most eloquent way to express a sentiment, but it certainly qualifies for a “well put”.

  7. I haven’t been able to watch this video. I’m sure I’d bust a gut laughing, but I don’t like making fun of people no matter how ignorant as long as they are sincere. Edcucate them instead. Somewhat on point. This last July was the hotest July on record. You will not read about this fact on Drudge, Breitbart or other such places. If a person only listens to Fox and only reads Drudge of course they can easily believe global warming is a myth.

  8. Actually, Swami, he didn’t say merely that Trump is a bag of shit. He said that, considering the bag of shit Trump is, what a waste that his opponent had to be a DLC retread like Hillary Clinton, because a Sanders or a Warren would not only have wiped the floor with Trump, but would have transformed the Democratic Party while doing so.

    Unfortunately, even though the country is ready for candidates of that caliber, the Democratic establishment is not. But let’s see what the party looks like after November. It all depends on what Hillary does with her probable landslide. If she uses the mandate to revert to type, as I rather expect, she’ll soon find out that her support is much thinner than she thinks it is, and that the Berniecrats and crypto-Berniecrats have not gone away.

  9. Chocura: Actually, I came away from watching the video with something different from a chuckle. The participants initially show a lot of signs of anxiety and skepticism. After a while, they more or less start to play along. They’re in a group of like minded people, there’s a fellow who fits the image of the facilitator and they probably got some free food, so why not?. You can kind of see their resistance slowly dissolve, and they get into “focus group mode.”

    There’s something about the psychology of a group that comes out, or does it? At the end, when some of the participants record video statements, it seems to me that they’re in on the game. So, the whole thing might be staged.

    You’re right, making fun of people, especially if they are sincere, doesn’t help anyone or any cause. After, revisiting some traumatic history, I suppose I had a weak moment.

    Yes, this July has been a scorcher, the other day I saw a bird pull a worm out of the ground, with a potholder!

  10. Today’s the day t-RUMP gets his first national security update.

    I hope they only tell him what they know Putin already knows.

    Because, besides the internet and social media, there’s still telephone, telegraph, and tella-t-RUMP!

    How long will be it before he blurts-out something he’s not supposed to?
    I say, before the end of the day.

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