Christmas Eve

It’s suppose to be 73 degrees in Brooklyn by this afternoon. Make of that what you will

I know you’ve all been waiting for my annual cutesy animal videos, but out of deference to c u n d gulag, I’ll just post one this year.

Be sure to read Dave Barry’s 2015 Year in Review, but empty your bladder first.

17 thoughts on “Christmas Eve

  1. Lol!
    Too cute…

    Thanks, maha!

    And there’s no snow for Santa Flytrap either, but they mist him so the kids don’t miss him.
    Also, no need for Rudolf the Red-nosed Flytrap.

  2. Ok, now that my Christmas video stocking has been filled, you can give the other kids their cute little kitty and puppy video wishes!

    PS – don’t tell anyone, but I really do enjoy them too.
    (That’s not the start of a snake-hissing carol, that’s to keep that between you and me.) 😉

  3. hahaha.. I made Dave Berry’s list AND earlier in the year, I made to top slot in Dave Letterman’s top ten. (Top Ten Things Dumb Guys Ask the President)

    Obama was on that day in Letterman’s last week and the Number one question was, “When will I get my gyrocopter back?”

    They’re all laughing today as my run against DWS. If I get elected, take note as they stop laughing….

  4. Doug,
    Remember: ‘Those who laugh last, laugh best!

    I hope we’re all laughing, come the day after next year’s election!
    Both for your victory, and whoever the Democrats candidate is!!!

    Onwards to victory!

  5. Doug…..I have been reading about ya in the news…Flyboy…there is a lot of misconception about your motives and decision to Fly into the history books…Colorado is where I learned to fly, where I have been learning how to work in politics…sheesh…politics is hard, Doug…but I have been a supporter for your/our cause…I hope ya get your machine back, and I will support your run however I can…
    Ps….I take photos of candidates to use in campaign literature, and on the blogs….Portraits, and action photos…that sort of thing…I will be following you, and put me on your mailing list….thanks from a fellow pilot and fan of your “flight” into history….

  6. Thanks, Cund, I forgot that he retired. We just stream occasional video entertainment, so I am “unglued” in time. Can’t wait to find out how “Lost in Space” ends. I do hope the Robinsons get back safely.

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