Life, Liberty, Property, but Not in That Order

Thomas Jefferson’s “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” was presumably inspired by John Locke’s “life, liberty and property.”  Locke’s thinking influenced the U.S. Founding Guys more than any other single philosopher, and Locke said government is obligated to protect the life, liberty and property rights of the people. You would think teabaggers/Republicans would know this and respect it.

However, if you pay attention you notice that they’ve reworked the order — property first, then liberty, but life gets bumped off the list unless you are a fetus. Mark Joseph Stern provides several examples of Republicans putting liberty and property ahead of life. These include putting a right to refuse vaccination ahead of public health and their frantic crusade to stop the government from paying for health care.

Republicans are currently cheering on an anti-Obamacare lawsuit that could strip millions of health insurance. They’re willing to put Americans at risk of death just to score points against a law they hate. … Many conservatives are cheerfully unconcerned by this lawsuit’s potentially fatal consequences. In one op-ed titled “End Obamacare, and People Could Die. That’s Okay,” Michael R. Strain of the American Enterprise Institute insisted that the Supreme Court should have no compunction about rendering a decision that will kill Americans. A higher mortality rate, Strain wrote, is “an acceptable price to pay for certain goals,” including “less government coercion and more individual liberty.”

Liberty trumps life, in other words. Better dead than taxed, or something. If anyone knows on what planet that makes sense, do raise your hand. The Michael Strain op-ed is a chilling thing to read, but you know this “acceptable price” stuff is conventional wisdom among the privileged crew he rubs elbows with. They’re never going to have to pay that price, of course. But they’re kicking some of us to the curb for the Greater Good, and we’re supposed to be grateful. Yay, freedom!

I’ve been particularly infuriated by reports that the Koch Brother-led Americans for Prosperity has been going around strangling any movement toward expanding Medicaid in the non-Medicaid-expanding states, most recently Tennessee. Apparently the Koch Boys love freedom so much they’re determined to kill any poor, sick hillbillies that get in the way.

So, obviously, liberty is ranked ahead of life. But I would argue that for all their rhetoric about liberty, in truth the U.S. Right puts property ahead of liberty. The late 19th century Supreme Court was notorious for putting property rights above civil liberty, so this is not without precedent. But the base has been well trained to unquestioningly support everything from Citizen’s United to more tax cuts for the rich at the expense of everyone else to climate change denialism, because it’s in the best interests of the 1 percent to do so, and those policies are not promoting anyone’s liberty. Indeed, if you pay close attention you may notice that a lot of their arguments for “liberty” are mostly in favor of unrestricted acquisition of wealth.

It’s property first, then liberty when it doesn’t get in the way of property, and life for the post-born can be bumped off the table as necessary.

Update: How could I have forgotten that gun rights also trump life?  Little children killing themselves with guns is the price we pay for the freedom to keep loaded guns anywhere we want, right?

6 thoughts on “Life, Liberty, Property, but Not in That Order

  1. ‘A higher mortality rate, Strain wrote, is “an acceptable price to pay for certain goals,” including “less government coercion and more individual liberty.”’

    Ok, Bucky – you pay that price first!
    Ah, but you and yours are rich and/or powerful enough not to have to worry about medical care, or what it costs.
    Unlike we moochers, takers, leeches, and minions.
    We need insurance.
    But, who cares, when the liberty of assholes who think liberty is defined as “Whatever suits me!” is at stake?
    “Pay for you? I’d rather pay for your f*cking funeral, than for your health care!”

    And these are the “Pro-Life” folks?

    ‘Let the Fetus Soar!’
    While the living can all die – if they don’t have the money to pay for their medical care.

    Besides teeth, I’m starting to think that the Fluoride in the water hardened our skulls and out hearts.

  2. Republicans keep pushing and pushing– maybe they need to study the French Revolution instead of the American one and learn about the meaning of hubris:

    Look down and see the beggars at your feet
    Look down and show some mercy if you can
    Look down and see The sweepings of the streets
    Look down, look down Upon your fellow man…

  3. It’s even simpler than putting Property first.

    It’s putting ME first. My Property, My Liberty, and if this comes at the expense of Your Life, too bad.

  4. Unfortunately, the American masses continue to cling to their Bronze Age cults, Colt .45’s, reality TV, and Pabst Blue Ribbon Beers to notice what’s really going on.

    @Michael Tyrrhene: The sad and horrifying truth is that the only prospect for a successful violent revolution in this country is from the far right (they have the guns, the Air Force, and a divinely sanctioned bloodlust).

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