Jon Stewart was particularly brilliant last night —
You must not miss this story about an Arizona Republican who was nearly weeping about the poor immmigrant being bused to a shelter — this is not compassion, he said — when he was informed that the bus was actually carrying local kids going to a YMCA camp. D’oh! But, y’know, I wish he’d been pressed to explain what would be compassionate, considering the children are here. Making them re-cross the Rio Grande under gunfire? The wingnuts weep crocodile tears for these children but coming up with no response but “deport them.”
And I must say I’m disappointed with Gov.Martin O’Malley, who doesn’t want children sent to a facility in Maryland, but I appreciate his reasons:
O’Malley told Muñoz not to send any of the children to the facility in Westminster, Md., that the White House was looking at. It’s a conservative part of the state, he warned. The children were at risk of getting harassed, or worse, he said.
Gov. O’Malley’s aides say he’s looking for another facility that would be more suitable.
Republicans are nearly gleeful that they’ve finally found “Obama’s Katrina.” I’m not sure most Americans fully understand what’s going on, but I don’t think most Americas are yet so depraved they would throw refugee children into a meatgrinder to score political points. In time this could backfire on the GOP.
” In time this could backfire on the GOP”
I agree but I’m not sure it matters, the tea-tards will be at least 2-3 phony scandals down the road by then. Things have changed, corporate media no longer seems inclined to correct false reporting they just move on, false reporting is a feature not a bug? it’s a constant barrage of bullshit that never seems to end? To me Obama’s biggest problem seem to be the fact that few democrats seem willing to get out and defend him, point out the hypocrisy, challenge the lies being told by their republican colleges? Toward the end of BuShco’s term is was the same, the cons had pretty much abandoned him but he really fucked things up, Iraq, Katrina, the housing crisis, the great recession are just a few things that come to mind. President Obama has presided over a steady recovery, unemployment is way down, the markets are doing well, the deficits are down. Benghazi, IRS, fast and furious they are all complete bullshit and everyone knows it save the dullest of the dimwitted teabaggers. The problems we have now pale in comparison to when President Obama was elected. All this outrage is for the most part manufactured political fiction, and almost everyone in DC right, middle and left seem willing to play along?
“I’m not sure most Americans fully understand what’s going on, but I don’t think most Americas are yet so depraved they would throw refugee children into a meatgrinder to score political points.”
No, not MOST of them.
Just about 27% of them, and their psychopathic leaders, would be glad to.
“Hold yer fire, men!
Don’t shoot until you see the whites of their diapers!”
The problems we have now pale in comparison to when President Obama was elected. All this outrage is for the most part manufactured political fiction, and almost everyone in DC right, middle and left seem willing to play along?
My fear is that it is working. I get into arguments with conservatives often on comments pages, and they’re giddy with delight over Obama’s poll numbers, somewhat for discrediting their despised Obama, but especially for tarnishing the Democratic brand, as one of them put it. That’s really what the relentless hammering on the manufactured scandals is about.
BTW, I learned something in a recent fight. When you rebut a conservative over one of their manufactured scandals, they’ll often retort that you’re “a low information voter”. I’ve heard this so often, they’re apparently trained to respond in this way, and now I understand what it means: It means you’re 1) not aware of all the scandalous details put forth by their media, and/or 2) you’re not buying into the narrative their media is trying to create. It has a specific meaning, beyond just trying to shame you as being stupid (which is also what it’s about), and to try to hook you into joining the program. Don’t be shtupid, be a shmarty, come and join the Nazi party!
It’s also all about projection!
They’re projecting Nixon’s, Reagan’s, Bush I’s, and W’s, and their own weaknesses and problems, onto Obama and the Democrats.
Btw -You get extra-credit for “The Producers” reference!
It’s also all about projection!
They’re projecting Nixon’s, Reagan’s, Bush I’s, and W’s, and their own weaknesses and problems, onto Obama and the Democrats.
Btw -You get extra-credit for “The Producers” reference!
He could see the fear on their faces.
moonbat…Loved the video. Was that Rod Blagojevich who was playing Hitler?
First, I linked to that imbecile in an earlier post!
Second, that’s the late great comedian and actor, Dick Shawn.
And if my memory serves me correctly, back in the late 80”s he was doing a stand-up routine on death somewhre, and collapsed on stage.
For a long time, the audience laughed, figuring that was part of the routine.
It wasn’t. He had died on that stage, doing a comedy routine on dying.
The fascinating thing is they’re so good at gloating over how *terrible* this looks that there will be a lot of people who don’t know anything about the situation saying “well, I don’t think President Obama is handling this well at all.”
Because why would so many people talk about this if it wasn’t controversial?
And the big news story becomes the political upheaval, not “actually, Obama’s doing about everything he can do, just like with the Deepwater Horizon spill, but he just happened to be President when bad things were happening. So this does appear to be rank opportunism on the place of his opponents since they don’t have anything they suggest he do differently.”
And, if they were able to suggest something constructive, the second Obama agreed, they’d change their minds 180 degrees, to what they had just suggested!
When we liberals had Bush Derangement Syndrome, we had a lot, lot, of great reasons.
Republicans entire Obama Derangement Syndrome is based on the fact that he’s black, a Democrat, and beat their party rather resoundingly in 2 Presidential elections.
Fer cryin’ out loud. These are kids. How in all God’s universe can you ignore the injunction,
“Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.”???
The final decision for each case will be different. Some may be returned – some we will need to try to find homes for in the US. I hope a million people will call to the Clergy to weigh in on this issue – for the instructions of Christianity and probably a multitude of other religions is probably quite clear.
Yeah, ‘Gulag… that’s one of the things that’s so frustrating. Obama strikes me as the kind of guy who just loves to be able to cover all sides in glory. Accolades are cheap and if you’re willing to pile ’em on, you’ll sometimes bring out the best in people. I’d love to see what he’d do with a congress interested in running the country.
If the Republicans could put together a *good* plan for the refugee situation, I think he’d be glad to give them all the credit and pressure the Senate to find the votes to make it happen.
But the scary thing is, I can’t imagine them doing so. There’s no way for them to use it to lower taxes, bust a union, or deregulate, or approve the Keystone pipeline, or whatever their outrage du jour is.
The family (and I) just moved from the Westminster, MD area. It’s sad that Governor O’Malley is probably correct in his assessment.
It would be Obama’s Katrina if he sat idlely by while masses of the children died, seemingly oblivious to their plight. And if the repugs were screaming that Obama must do something to help these poor children. Hhhmmmmm, don’t think I’m seeing that.