The Establishment Wants Us to Move On

You are no doubt aware that the Right went on ugly overdrive after the Zimmerman verdict, and then doubled down on the ugly after the President’s remarks on race last week. See, for example,

Nastiest conservative responses to Obama’s Trayvon speech

Top 12 Conservative Freakouts After Obama’s Race Speech

Fox News Host Calls Obama ‘Race-Baiter In Chief’ After Trayvon Martin Statement

Tea Party Host David Webb Hits Obama For ‘Playing Into Black-White Racist Dynamic’ With Zimmerman Speech

Sean Hannity Asks If Obama Is Like Trayvon Martin Because ‘He Smoked Pot’ And ‘Did A Little Blow’

I could go on and on. The mere mention of race drives the wingnuts into a rabid frenzy. It appears that even to treat racial injustice as a serious issue that deserves respectful discussion, or that African-Americans really do experience ill treatment because of race, is taboo. It must not be said in public. It’s like talking about your porn collection in church.

(One does not need a degree in psychology to know that the reason wingnuts feel this way is that they are in massive denial about their own racism. Which, in a way, is progress. Fifty years ago they would have been aiming their shotguns at freedom marchers. Now they’re mostly reduced to throwing tantrums. Well, except in “stand your ground” states.)

What I’m seeing today is, in a way, more insidious. For example, the Los Angeles Times has an op ed piece called “Rhetoric, race and reality in America” that fairly oozes with white paternalism. And yes, I realize one of the co-authors is black.

After criticizing the “hysterical response of some civil rights leaders” to the verdict, and their “message of victimhood and division,” the authors remind us that young black men kill other young black men at higher rates than whites kill young black men. Yes, but one suspects the police actually arrest the perpetrators within a reasonable amount of time.

And what would we do without Shelby Steele telling us that the civil rights establishment is in decline.

On television in recent weeks you could see black leaders from every background congealing into a chorus of umbrage and complaint. But they weren’t so much outraged at a horrible injustice as they were affronted by the disregard of their own authority. The jury effectively said to them, “You won’t call the tune here. We will work within the law.”

Never mind that the law is an outrage. Last year Steele was among the many right-wing media elites who willfully refused to acknowledge that the real issue was the inaction of the police. See also Conservatives Still Don’t Understand The Trayvon Martin Story from April 2012.

Whatever. The Establishment wants us to know that we’ve gone on long enough about Trayvon Martin, and it’s time to accept reality and move on.

Oh, and there are more threats to voting rights on the horizon, but I suppose we’re not supposed to notice that, either.