More Trial Commentary

Couple o’ things —

Elon James White:

In the Zimmerman Trial yesterday, the defense team noted that if George Zimmerman is, in fact, telling the truth, Trayvon Martin would need three hands.

How did the victim see this gun? Or is it just another lie that [Zimmerman] tells? [Martin]‘s holding one hand over his mouth, one hand over his noise and with that third hand he reaches for the gun?

You see, it’s that third hand that immediately makes young black men suspicious.

Charles Pierce:

The courthouse drones seem to think that the prosecution scored pretty heavily in the late innings, and that things may have gotten a little tighter for George Zimmerman, the wannabe cop who killed an unarmed teenager named Trayvon Martin for the crime of carrying snack food through a neighborhood where Zimmerman thought Martin didn’t belong. One of the reasons to believe that things may be turning just a bit is that Zimmerman’s partisans in the conservative peanut gallery — including his adoptive father, Sean Hannity — have begun to cast about for the hidden (and, of course, very dark) hands behind a possible conviction. …

…Some of them are on the black-savages-will-riot-we-hope-we-hope beat. Some of them are working the White-Man-Can’t-Catch-A-Break side of the street. And nothing good will come of this whole affair. Nothing.

Also, too, the gun testimony reminded me of this:

Predictions in Case of a Conviction

I see that the closing arguments in the Zimmerman trial have ended, which means the case is about to go to the jury. Before there’s a verdict I want to make some predictions in case Zimmerman is convicted of something.

If George Zimmerman is convicted of a crime —

Within a week of the verdict, someone in the Florida legislature will submit a revised “stand your ground” bill to close the “Zimmerman loophole.” Under this bill, if you shoot someone in Florida you cannot be charged with a crime unless the victim was an unarmed, elderly nun. Well, unless the nun was carrying a crucifix. Those things are dangerous. You could poke somebody’s eye out. The defendant was defending himself, obviously.

The Breitbrats will run an expose claiming that the jury was forced by the U. S. Justice Department to convict Zimmerman, because the government was afraid of widespread rioting in case of an acquittal. Or because Obama is a black socialist Muslim. Whatever.

Some white supremacist organization will release a self-pitying statement claiming that white men are now an endangered species, since they can no longer defend themselves from dangerous nonwhite thugs armed with Skittles.

I doubt there will be riots, however. Riots are too much work. Instead, expect scattered pro-Zimmerman rallies mostly attended by men with Confederate flag decals on their pickups. The men will shout and wave signs awhile, and then they will go home and sulk over their beer.


Update: In closing arguments, Zimmerman’s lawyer said that while Zimmerman was injured, Martin wasn’t injured in the fight except for being shot to death.