Mitt Romney Wants to Turn the U.S. Into Bain Capital

Seriously. See this op ed in the Boston Globe.

Mitt Romney is lambasting federal aid in his campaign for the presidency, including derisive comments against those who receive government assistance. But he pulled all the stops to pursue federal aid as governor of Massachusetts, even hiring “revenue maximization” contractors to scour federal programs for every possible penny — and using financial schemes to maximize and then divert the aid from his needy constituents.

In his first budget proposal, Romney promised balancing the budget without tapping reserves, and “without the use of fiscal gimmicks.” However, buried in the details, he suggested tapping reserves such as taking $4 million from the Catastrophic Illness in Children Relief Fund, and he included fiscal gimmicks to maximize and divert federal aid into his general state coffers. …

… Buried in his 2004 budget, Romney proposed maximizing federal aid by taxing hospitals, shifting the resulting tax payments in and out of an uncompensated care fund, back to hospitals as adjustment payments, and diverting resulting federal Medicaid funds to state general revenue. He also proposed using taxes on nursing homes and pharmacies in his efforts to maximize and divert federal aid.

As Mark Halperin points out, Mitt is promising to convert many federal programs — such as Medicaid — into simple “block grants” given to states to do with as they will. So while granny loses her bed in the nursing home, the state legislature can divert the Medicaid money into general revenue and vote for more tax cuts for “job creators.”

16 thoughts on “Mitt Romney Wants to Turn the U.S. Into Bain Capital

  1. The most pathetic thing I can say about this country, is that if Obama was a white man, this race wouldn’t even be close, and he would win in a landslide.

    Not every Republican is a racist, sexist, xenophobic and/or homophobic bigot.

    But every racist, sexist, xenophobic and/or homophobic bigot, is a Republican.

    Let’s just hope that there’s less than 49.99999% of them that show up on Election Day.

  2. “The most pathetic thing I can say about this country, is that if Obama was a white man, this race wouldn’t even be close, and he would win in a landslide.”

    No. There are enough “R’s” out there to get over 40% votes for anybody on the Red team.

    Now, if the Brits could vote in the US– or the Poles or anybody in the EU, Mittens would be in the single digits……

  3. Alex Halperin wrote that piece; I don’t know if there is a relationship with Mark. I was startled that Mark Halperin would wrtie such a thing. 🙂

  4. Wow, that picture Paulie is despicable..To me it only shows what a fraud Paulie is, and I hope other people see it for what it is..How can you trust anybody who so blatantly tries to deceive you?..There’s an old saying..If you’re so wonderful you don’t have to tell people how wonderful you are, they’ll see it.

    Well, on a note of kindness..Paulie looks more convincing than Bush did wearing a carpenter’s tool apron with dress slacks.

  5. Bain is the French word for bath. Remember Grover Norquist wanting to make the government small enough to drown in the bathtub? And somone who loses out financially is said to have “taken a bath”. When you owe more on your house than it’s worth, you’re underwater. There seems to be a common theme here…

  6. Off topic…I got my Dreams from My Real Father DVD in the mail today.I was beginning to feel left nobody wanted to let me in on the truth.

  7. The Ryan family in the soup kitchen reminded me of Dubya serving our troops a plastic turkey on that happy Thanksgiving Day so many years down the memory hole. To some people, the best thing about our citizens in uniform and the poor is that they both make such effective props for photo opportunities. And they’re fungible!!

  8. Swami – I missed the season premiere of that soap. Who is Obama’s real father? I had “Fidel Castro” in the office pool!

  9. joanr16…

    The video was an interesting hack job..My copy was addressed to me and my daughter/or current resident, with an ampersand between our we were a couple..We are both registered independents. So evidently they got our names from voting rolls.

    The video had Karl Roves name written all over it.. Cheap sleaze!

  10. Oh lord, Swami, Mr. Davis also attended Friends University of Kansas, where my brother’s mother-in-law went to college! I think he’s my sister-in-law’s REAL dad!!!! I mean, come on, she has black hair, “olive” complexion (we all know what that means, right?), and the father named on her birth certificate “died in a car accident”… just like Barack Obama Senior! This is a massive conspiracy!

    And of course, that makes the President of the United States my nephew and niece’s half uncle. This is the coolest thing EVER!

    I never thought I’d say this, but… THANKS, Karl Rove!

  11. Rmoney doesn’t want to turn America into Bain Capital.
    Rmoney wants to turn America into a Foxconn dormitory.

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