We Should All Be Laughing at Paul Ryan

Matt Taibbi gets it

“I’ve never thought much of Joe Biden. But man, did he get it right in last night’s debate, and not just because he walloped sniveling little Paul Ryan on the facts. What he got absolutely right, despite what you might read this morning (many outlets are criticizing Biden’s dramatic excesses), was his tone. Biden did absolutely roll his eyes, snort, laugh derisively and throw his hands up in the air whenever Ryan trotted out his little beady-eyed BS-isms.

“But he should have! He was absolutely right to be doing it. We all should be doing it. That includes all of us in the media, and not just paid obnoxious-opinion-merchants like me, but so-called “objective” news reporters as well. We should all be rolling our eyes, and scoffing and saying, “Come back when you’re serious.”

“The load of balls that both Romney and Ryan have been pushing out there for this whole election season is simply not intellectually serious. Most of their platform isn’t even a real platform, it’s a fourth-rate parlor trick designed to paper over the real agenda – cutting taxes even more for super-rich dickheads like Mitt Romney, and getting everyone else to pay the bill.”

The Right, of course, is outraged that old man Biden was not properly respectful of Prince Paul, and that biased Martha Raddatz should have kept bully Biden in check! In other words, they know their boy got whupped but can’t admit it.

38 thoughts on “We Should All Be Laughing at Paul Ryan

  1. This is what I dislike most about republicants, they can’t ever admit anything:

    Romney down in polls – polls are over sampling democrats
    7.8% unemployment – numbers are rigged
    Ryan gets his ass handed to him – Biden’s a bully, Raddatz was on the take

    etc…… it gets old!

  2. Bullies are often the biggest crybabies… This is how Ryan looks when he can’t deal with it the same way he did by having police evict an attendee asking a tough question at a charge-for-admission “town hall”.

    I’m surprised Taibbi is still struggling with the “bloviation” characterization that has dogged Biden off and on.

    I gotta hand it to Ryan though, he didn’t flinch. At the level the average person absorbs the debate the slightest flinch or grimace loses more points that does complete and utter shutdown regarding the facts. Sad but true. We’re talking cartoon or perhaps pro wrestling level of perception and judgment that tracks closely with the plummeting grade level complexity of Presidential addresses over the years.

    Therefore this will not change the minds of many who supported Ryan prior to the debate. But it will some and some might not be enough. Maybe it was mentioned here too but historically all incumbents but one lost their first debate in reelection bids (per MSNBC, Mathews I think).

  3. Uncledad; we all know the “lame stream media” is rigged against “conservatives”.
    Don’t forget to remind your friends and family that the GOP is the party of Rush Limbaugh. Romney comes off As reasonable at times, but a crocodile is still a crocodile.

  4. I took a brief cruise thru rightie-land last night, a yahoo posting on Biden/Ryan. It’s not that righties can’t admit their boy got whupped – which is true enough – it’s that they cannot see how unserious and ridiculous their candidates are. In other words, they’re the suckers who fall for the “fourth-rate parlor trick” Taibbai writes about.

    Rightie after rightie posted how Joe was laughing at the issues facing this country, and therefore he’s being completely disrespectful. No, I pointed out to them, the target of Joe’s behavior is the joke of a candidate they’re running. They don’t get this.

    Thank God for Matt Taibbai. He does get it.

  5. The right cheered Mitt’s ADD performance, but how was Joe Biden any more obnoxious than that smirking, interrupting, glaring, arrogant, finger-pointing, coked-up sociopathic fiend, Romney?

    If we had real journalists in our MSM, they’d openly howl, laugh, and point at what these Conservative fools and feckin’ idjits are saying.
    Drunk and high Chimpanzees trying to solve Rubix Cubes on camera should be treated with more respect than Newt, Nooners, Coulter, Malkin, Palin, Will, Santorum, Bachmann, Cain, King, Goemert (I could go on, but we’d be here all day).
    They either lie about everything, are certifiably insane, or are ignorant to the point of making a chunk of ignatius rock look like a legitimate MENSA candidate.
    On Sunday shows, Holocaust/climate change deniers, and Flat Earthers, should be given the same respectful and serious treatment as Concentration Camp survivors, Arctic scientists, and Physicists?
    The latter should be treated with respect. The former, if even invited to appear, need to be openly mocked for the amusement of the viewing audience.

    Why does a disgusting, amoral human being and sociopathic idealogue like Newt Gingrich get treated with respect? This former disgraced Speaker of the House, who does nothing but spout Conservative talking points, brings nothing to the table except for mendacity and hot air. If you want to invite him – MOCK HIM! If anyone’s earned it, Newt has.
    Paul Ryan, the latest Vodoo Economics grifter, who despite taking an economics class in college, still can’t add and subtract, should be questioned and probed, and if he can’t show the numbers – MOCK HIM!
    When a shape-shiftin racist Jesus grifting scumbag like Ralph Reed is brought on, and no one lists his crimes against God, country, and humanity, and you don’t openly MOCK HIM, you encourage other sociopaths to keep coming out of the woodwork, hoping for face-time and fast cash.

    When you show them respect, instead of treating them like sick, stupid, moronic jokes, you only encourage their sociopathic behavior.
    There’s no downside for them – UNTIL THEY’RE OPENLY MOCKED!
    Then, maybe they’ll either go to their natural home – FOX “News” – or crawl back under the rock that their parents should have buried them under once they realized that junior/juniorette was a raving sociopath.

  6. GOP says “Be kind, rewind”:

    Kennedy’s tax cut did spark growth in the economy, but it’s difficult to compare with Romney’s plan without some sort of details from Romney or Ryan about what the plan actually is. Still, according to Romney, his plan has never been tried before.

    Brendan Buck, a Ryan spokesman, said that the GOP vice presidential nominee was referring to bipartisanship when he said it’s been done. “Ryan was talking about Republicans and Democrats working together to lower tax rates — not the particular plan we’ve proposed,” Buck said.

    (from HuffPo, “Romney Agrees With Biden”)

    Uh, no sir, Ryan was NOT talking about “bipartisanship” at all.

    RYAN: You can – you can cut tax rates by 20 percent and still
    preserve these important preferences for middle-class taxpayers…

    BIDEN: Not mathematically possible.

    RYAN: It is mathematically possible. It’s been done before.
    It’s precisely what we’re proposing.

    BIDEN: It has never been done before.

    RYAN: It’s been done a couple of times, actually.

    BIDEN: It has never been done before.

    RYAN: Jack Kennedy lowered tax rates, increased growth. Ronald

    BIDEN: Oh, now you’re Jack Kennedy?

    (From the debate transcript.)

    Brendan, honey, I knew Ted Sorensen, and you’re no Ted Sorensen. Nice try though.

  7. In all fairness about Biden laughing, he had a lot of it stored up from his debate with Sarah Palin, when he had to stiffle his mocking laughter, or risk having to be carried of on a stretcher in a straight-jacket, after laughing like The Joker throughout his debate with her.

    Paulie just got some of the left-overs.

  8. @erinyes – This guy (David Siegel) is the same guy who admits/claims he single handedly helped GW Bush win the election (in 2000? 2004?), and probably illegally, he admits. Pretty easy for me to laugh at anyone who couldn’t see through that debacle. Yet another rich old dude trying to swing the country to the right.

    He and his 40 something trophy wife are featured in The Queen of Versailles, a hilarious documentary about how the real estate crash affected his fortunes, and forced the couple to downscale a bit. The first half of the movie is about their lavish lifestyle, and the second is how they dealt with the crash. It’s hilarious and weird at the same time. It’s in this film where he admits his role in helping GW Bush win.

  9. On the plus side for Paulie “The Workout Wonder Boy” Ryan, he educated the public on how important it is to stay hydrated.

    That guy took in more water than a bear drowming after slipping downstream into a raging river after having missed snatching a salmon.

    In all fairness, it’s important to replace any kind of sweat, especially flop-sweat, or else you might pass out – terribly embarrassing if you’re on camera in front of millions of people.

    The Janitors must have had a terrible time mopping up the flop-sweat and pee after the debate.

  10. Paulie the dunce. the wonderful, wonderful dunce..whenever he gets in a fix he reaches into bag of tricks! Paulie the dunce.

  11. I gotta hand it to Ryan though, he didn’t flinch.

    Pat..I have to diagree with you there..Maybe Paulie wore a stone face,but he was rattled to the core and it showed.Every deceit, distortion, and distraction that he pulled out was promptly smacked aside or dismissed for the trash that it was. All of Paulie’s magic failed him..His numbers didn’t work for him, his Hallmark card moments didn’t work, his encyclopedic knowledge of Afghanistan geography didn’t work for him. Nothing worked for him..
    He was shell shocked from the pummeling he got..He became disorientated to the point where he started rambling about Janesville, and a friend of a friend, and than the Bean..But it all had no relavance.. Basically, he was trying to retreat to the safety of the womb because his mask had be ripped off and he was naked and alone.. Sure he didn’t flinch, he took his whipping like a man.

    If anybody wants to judge how Paulie did in the debate consider the fact that Mitt Romney( Mr.Sincerity) congratulated Paulie for a job well done.. atta boy, Paulie.

  12. joan,
    Paulie as a Dickensian character – Oliver TWISTED, asking, “Please, Sir, may I have some more?”

    LET THE MOCKING BEGIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. This is off-topic as it is not about the debate; but, it is about the election. Here, in Washington State we have a gay marriage initative on the ballot. For several weeks, there have been some pro-gay marriage ads running that are really good–often even moving. Last night, I saw the first anti-gay marriage ad that did not even come close to address the issue in the manner the pro-gay marriage ads did. It came across as very hateful. But, I wish all political ads would copy the many pro-gay marriage ads that have been playing out here. They make a person look at the issue and evaluate how that person really feels about the issue.

  14. Bonnie,
    HATE SELLS! So do hateful ads.

    Nice ads get lost in the quicker pecker-upper ads with the couples in bathtubs on daytime and network TV.

    Is that two guys holding hands in the adjacent bathtubs? No!

  15. Bonnie …Of course it’s going to come across as hateful because hate is the spirit that it arises from. The Christian right is fond of saying: “Hate the sin, love the sinner” but they don’t understand that sexuality is an integral part being a human and it can’t be separated. Romney’s Mormon church is a big driver in trying to destroy the rights and equality of the LGBT community..

  16. Important Notice: There will be a secret meeting at the Young Guns Club House® tonight at 9:00 PM.
    Recent events have revealed a possible security breach concerning member Rodin. Mandatory attendance…informal attire authorized. The password and secret knock remain on the September schedule. Be prompt.

  17. I’m still trying to figure out the complaints that Biden didn’t give Ryan the respect he deserved. I’m sorry? What?

    Biden is not only the sitting Vice-President, he’d been a long-time Senator. Ryan is a jumped-up Congressman. They aren’t equals, just because they are both candidates for the same office. Ryan owes Biden some deference, not the other way around. If Ryan wants Biden’s respect he needs to earn it.

  18. Congress should hold hearings on Paulie’s candidate for stimulus money who does the pressure washing. Probably some repug turd holding his thumb over the end of a garden hose while collecting thousands of taxpayer dollars on Paulie vouching for him. I thought America’s mayor really humped the taxpayer with his stun gun enterprise, but that pales in comparison to giving someone money to do pressure washing.

  19. I would like to emphasize that it is the really good “pro” ads that have flooded the airways and are impacting the issue positively. These really good ads have been running for weeks now; and, I think, the hateful one I saw last night is the first in probably more. But, I believe these really good ads have made a definitive impact on the issue that will be difficult for the hateful ads to overcome. The ads are thoughtful and as I said earlier often very moving. There are about five or six of these really good ads versus the one hateful one. Yes, I know hate sells; but, I think, it is losing on this issue in this state, which is good. And, that was basically my point. It is nice to see “hate” losing and I commend the groups who created these ads.

  20. Has Mr. Romney asked Grover Norquest’s permission?

    Stay with me. Vitually ALL the GOP members of Congress have signed the Norquest pledge not to raise taxes. Period. Irrevocable. Non-negotiable. Stay with me.

    The R&R budget calls for a 20% tax cut for the 53% that Romney likes. But it’s deficit-neutral because the tax cuts at the bottom end would be offset by closing loopholes for the rich. Inescapably, this means a NET TAX INCREASE for the rich.

    Obama has proposed a net tax increase for those making over $250K and it’s an immoral violation of the pledge. Romney is proposing a tax increase for the rich in a different framework. (at least that what he says.) So I return to my opening question.

    Has Mr. Romney asked permission of Mr. Norquest?

  21. Moonbat, as strange as this sounds, there is only 3 degrees of separation between “that guy” and me.

  22. Looking at that photo of Paul Ryan working out, with his little baseball cap on backwards, I thought of a nickname for him:
    ‘The Fresh Prince of Hot Air.’

    Uhm, Paulie, forget showing off those feeble “guns,” you need to build up those Big Bird legs!

  23. Way OT – “The Onion” on the upcoming Bush Presidency, written in January of 2001.

    It’s remarkably clairvoyant:

    I left a comment at Balloon Juice, and checked out this link, and was absolutely stunned!
    I don’t know why I was stunned, as “The Onion,” “The Daily Show,” and now “Colbert,” are far and away a better news source than any of the nations major newspapers and TV news channels and shows.

    Oh, if only the NY Times’s editors had read this before Judy Miller started handing in Dick Cheney’s propagandistic war-porn papers, with his name erased, and hers crayoned in.

  24. To expand on something cund said on the 12th, I’m still trying to figure out how a person (Romney) can spew lie after lie and on that performance be judged the ‘winner’ of the debate. Romney is not a sophist, he’s a candidate for president.

    (Strange that the bulk of the discretionary budget is earmarked for Defense and nobody is talking about it? – especially given that everyone knows that the Pentagon is a monument to Murphy’s Law.)

  25. Ok for those who don’t know I do not belong to a political party. I am a registered independent. I also live in Iowa, a so- called swing state. I vote DEM, and when I was a well off housewife and had money to spare I gave a lot of money to the Dems over my years.

    With election season upon us, as you can imagine, the radio, tv, papers are filled with political ads. Even my postal box is STUFFED everyday with political fliers from both parties and their interests. Today something else came in the mail.A DVD. According to the flier it came it , it is a full 95 minute disk.There is no group it came from listed anywhere on the packaging. The front looks like the cover of a book and on the very top it says” The true origins of Obama’s life and politics?” (the question mark at the end is there and was not added by me)..Then the center says ‘Dreams from my real(real written in red, the rest of the words in black) Father”., it shows Photos of two black men, and Obama in the center and under the photos it says”A story of Reds and deception” and under that it says” directed by joel gilbert” . On the very bottom in a red banner it says” MUST WATCH DVD INSIDE” then “The bombshell documentary the mainstream media doesn’t want you to see”. inside the cover it says this”

    At age 18, Barack Obama admittedly arrived at Occidental college a committed revolutionary marxist. What was the source of Obama’s foundation in marxism? Throughout his 2008 presidential campaign and term in office, questions have been raised regarding Barack Obama’s family backround, economic philosophy,and fundamental political ideology. Dreams from my real father is the alternative Barack Obama”autobiography “, offering a divergent theory of what may have shaped our 44th president’s life and policies.

    In dreams from my real father, Barack Obama is portrayed by a voiceover actor who chronicles Barack Obama’s life journey in socialism,from birth through his election to the presidency.The film begins by presenting the case that Barack Obama’s real father was Frank Marshall Davis, a communist party USA propagandist who likely shaped Obama’s world view during his formative years. Barack Obam sold himself to America as the multi- cultural ideal, a man who stood above politics. Was the goat herding Kenyan father only a fairy tale to obscure a marxist agenda, irreconcilable with American values?

    This fascinating narrative is based in part on 2 years of research, interviews, newly un earthed footage and photos , and the writings of Davis and Obama himself. Dreams from my real father weaves together the proven facts with reasoned logic in an attempt to fill – in the obvious gaps in Obama’s history. This is the story Barack Obama should have told, revealing his true agenda for “fundamentally transforming America”? Director joel gilbert concludes “To understand Obama’s plans for America, the question is “Who is the real father?”…

    I have not watched this DVD sent to me by DFMRF,LLC..if you want the copy let me know I will send it to you. This crap is insane and the idea anyone will waste time to watch it is a joke,, but I just thought I would let you know the kinda crap they are pulling.

  26. When I see paulie ryan, I can’t help but fart — and the odd thing is, I am literally blowin’ more truth than he is!

  27. @justme – I am really really really glad I live in a blue state, having grown up in a swing state. We have our share of sunbelt conservatives/kooks, but they usually can’t get statewide traction. About the only political mailings I get are from local candidates, and some stuff from the Democratic party. It’s a completely manageable level of junk mail. Interesting local scuffle right now between two relatively liberal candidates Brad Sherman and Howard Berman – two incumbent politicians fighting, musical chairs-like, over a single remaining seat, since our area lost a seat due to redistricting. At least it’s Dem on Dem action, and not some idiot wingnut we have to fear.

    I get promotional CDs in the mail from time to time, and just wonder how much it costs to blanket Iowa with a free DVD for every voter not already in the Republican camp. It’s bad enough to have to put up with right wing TV/radio and all the hypnotized zombies who suck down that indoctrination, but to have such a piece of hateful propaganda sent to your door – it really sounds like hell. This particular video sounds like a low budget version of 2016: Obama’s America. Wonder who footed the bill?

  28. Moonbat I too wondered who footed the bill for this piece of crap …because frankly this kinda trash should be called to public attention and the forces behind brought to account. But then we would have a real person to call to the mat to defend it and whoever sent it obviously does not want that.Or more likely I suspect CANNOT defend the content.

    Anyway it was just more proof to me of what kind of element the republican party has become and I thought it was note worthy to point out just how low they could go and how extreme their views are. I find it sickening.

  29. This is the man, within days of being chosen as the republican VP candidate, LIED about his running time.
    He was not fit to get on the stage and Democrats need to remember that!!!!!

    Laughter is good for the soul and country!!!!

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