7 thoughts on “Neil Armstrong, 1930-2012

  1. I still remember taping his famous words on a little Radio Shack reel-to-reel, as they were broadcast live over the teevee.

    Sad. I feel a bit older today than usual! Farewell to a man of courage and dignity.

  2. Who?

    Oh yeah, the faked moon-landing guy

    On a serious note, another little part of my childhood died today, in a never-ending series of mini-deaths…

    Ah, that was a time when we could all dream!
    A time when we were still, the “CAN DO!!!” nation.
    And not the, ”Well, we can’t afford to do that… or this… or, anything for that matter…,” nation.

    When you get there, Neil, say “HI!” to ‘Gidney and Cloyd’:

    If it was up to Conservatives, I doubt that we’d be able to put a ‘man’ in Passaic, NJ – even if that person lived there.
    Trains are “verboten!”

  3. RIP, Neil Armstrong. He showed the world what we could do with science, it’s a pity we are hastening to abandon scientific knowledge and dumb down everything.

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