
Sorry about slow posting. Lily went downhill rapidly and she was euthanized yesterday, so I’m pretty bummed. I still have a chunk of a tab to pay off at the vet’s, so I’m rattling the tin cup one more time —

All help gratefully appreciated.

6 thoughts on “Lily

  1. Oh, maha, I’m so, so, very sorry.

    I’ll make a contribution later today – last week, something unexpected came up.

  2. I am sorry to hear about Lily and glad that you had some extra time together. Treasure that.

  3. I am so sorry for your loss, Maha. The love of a cat is a blessing and a privilege in this world.

  4. I am so deeply sorry for your loss barbara. Whether they have fur or feathers , they sure do weasel their way into ones heart don’t they?One thing is for sure: after all Lily learned in her time with you she most certainly will not come back as a tea bagger in the next life!

    My thoughts and sympathies are with you.I think most of us here can relate to some of what you must be feeling and it sucks that you are having to go thru it. From the point of someone who adores animals I want to thank you for being a good human to your cat.All cats should be so lucky.Because of you she had a good safe home and love. Hell a lot of humans don’t get that. You did all you could to make her life wonderful and that is a great thing!May your kindness be returned a million fold. Hugs from Iowa

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