Fun With Wikipedia

Just spotted at Wikipedia — I took a screenshot to preserve it for posterity —

Click for full size

Cain’s affiliation with the Federal Reserve (he is a former chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City) is causing a stir in some quarters of the Web, but not one that will be fatal to him, I don’t think. The Federal Reserve — not it’s current leadership, but the fact that it exists at all — has become something of a bogyman in the political fringes.

Someday when they write the history of warped campaign ads, this will be among them. Spoof, or legit? I can’t decide.

This is a real Cain ad, and it is pretty weird too.

6 thoughts on “Fun With Wikipedia

  1. Some have speculated that Cain is really just running for a job on Fox, and others have suggested that he may, in fact, be an amazing liberal performance artist doing a Colbert-on-steroids routine, and others say he’s so confident of the power of the Koch Bros. money that he doesn’t really need to act like a regular candidate. I don’t know, but it’s clear he’s not a normal candidate. If I were The Onion, I’d consider a lawsuit – Cain’s campaign is producing its own parody.

    If only they’d hired William B. Davis from the X Files. It would have made it even more surreal.

  2. I guess Jesus called someone, chewed them a new belly-button hole, and reminded them who really was the greatest man who ever lived.

    Also, too, or – Ronald Wilson Reagan.

  3. Hey! Cain has a campaign slogan we can all get behind:

    Nein – Nein – Nein!

    Let’s all chant in unison.

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