
There are reports that Moammar Qaddafi has been killed. Next: A rush of opinion pieces declaring vindication for George W. Bush’s foreign policies, with credit also going to Ronald Reagan, because. Of President Obama, it will be said that he either did too much or not enough and is in over his head.

6 thoughts on “Predictions

  1. Yeah, I’m still waiting for the first righie to officially credit this to Reagan, Father of Little Boots, Little Boots Bush himslef, and Darth Cheney.

    It’s taking longer than I thought.

    Maybe they’re not sure whether to credit the torture or the rendition.

    I think on Mubarack it was rendition, and bin Laden it was torture, so it’s probably rendition’s turn again.

    Oh, and if it’s true that he’s dead or captured, and didn’t run away, then you can say that the captain decided to go down with his shit.

  2. Wait, was that Mark Halperin I just saw on TV just now saying that this was good for John McCain?


    No. Sorry, just a figment of my imagination…

  3. I was just thinking, I wonder if that outfit Michelle Bachmann wore at the debate the other night was the last gift he ever gave anyone?

  4. “A rush of opinion pieces declaring vindication for George W. Bush’s foreign policies”

    That would be extremely hypocritical seeing how Bu$hco “normalized” relations with Qaddafi after he made friends with Cheney, so yes it will happen.

  5. Did he die clutching a photo of his lady love, Condoleezza?

    Oh wait, newsflash, Gulag’s comment above suggests Moammar had moved on…. (Nice one, btw.)

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