17 thoughts on “Brooklyn Bombs

  1. Maybe if, like in MA, we’d have put up an energetic younger candidate, instead of an old party apparatchik, we’d have done better there.


  2. Perry claims that he was spiritually and emotionally lost. I can see him playing the I was lost, but now I’m found card, but I think he over stepped his pandering by claiming to be emotionally lost. Jesus doesn’t do emotionally lost…Perry needs secular counseling.

  3. After reading the NY Times articles about the upset in Brooklyn, it confirms (to me at least) what I’ve been saying here for awhile: Obama has become a liability to the Democratic Party. Regardless of whether or not he is to blame for the sorry state of the country, he should do the decent thing and NOT run for re-election in 2012. If he does run, it will be a disaster. The Republicans will make a clean sweep.

    I know that we would all like to think that the American public would not be so stupid to vote for loons like Bachmann and Perry. But my real world experience is that it is very possible to get Americans to vote for nutcases with enthusiasm. They listen to Fox News and AM hate radio, they’re told that Obama is the spawn of Satan, and they believe every word of it. The US news media is more effective than Pravda was in the old USSR. With the lynch mob having focused all its hatred on Obama, liberals don’t stand a chance in the 2012 elections unless Obama doesn’t run.

    All the noises emanating from the White House indicate that Obama does indeed intend to run. And that leaves me in despair. So far, no prominent Democrat has been willing to even suggest mounting a primary challenge. If that doesn’t change soon, then 2012 may indeed be the “Armageddon” that the Christian End Timers want it to be. Only too late will they discover that they don’t get Raptured – they’ll have to stay on the sinking ship that they just torpedoed, along with everyone else.

    • Obama has become a liability to the Democratic Party.

      At the moment, I’d say most Democrats are a liability to the Democratic Party. But I really think the Brooklyn election had less to do with Obama and more to do with local issues plus Israel. The guy who won was mostly appealing to the social conservatives in his district and was running an anti-gay marriage, anti “ground zero mosque,” and pro-Israel campaign.

  4. “They listen to Fox News and AM hate radio, they’re told that Obama is the spawn of Satan, and they believe every word of it”

    I agree with you but what makes you think they won’t do the same to another candidate besides Obama. Unfortunately many liberals (like you seem to be) don’t have the stomach to play hardball with these corporate backed religious zealot wing-nuts. If all we do is keep retreating and changing direction / candidates every time FAUX news has succeeded in demonizing everything under the sun, then it will indeed be the end of progressive values in this country. The last time we primary’d a sitting democratic president we ended up with 12 years of reaganomics, didn’t work so well. Hike up your jockstrap and move forward!

  5. I kind of get Candide’s point – at least I can read into it that things haven’t gotten bad enough to drive us into the streets. It’s an (unfortunate) characteristic of human nature that we don’t act until things get so bad that unless we do act we won’t survive – literally. Just read a little history of man’s sojourn on this planet if you need evidence of that ‘unfortunate’ characteristic.

  6. “I kind of get Candide’s point”

    I do too, but what good does it do to direct frustration at the good guys. Like I said it don’t matter what democrat or progressive or liberal, insert name, the fascists at FAUX and the teabagger-republican party are going to make them look bad and given the lax campaign finance laws they are going to succeed. But it’s still one man one vote. Don’t fall into the trap that they have set for you, they are counting on despair amongst not only liberals but the nation in general, that’s why it aint nothing but bad news all the time.

    Concerning this particular election it looks to me that the orthodox community in Brooklyn has decided to be on the right side of the fascists this time?

  7. You’d need a candidate like Alan Grayson who can give it out at least as well as he gets it, who definitely understands he’s dealing with bullies and is unafraid of them, otherwise your generic liberal candidate will get the same Fox News steamroller treatment they’re giving to Obama.

  8. My question to all who despair is who are going to vote for???? Are you going to vote Republican? If so, you will be playing right into their hands and working with the Republicans to destroy America. In my mind, the Republicans stand for nothing except totalitarianism. Have you read the articles about the lengths Republicans are going to cheat in the elections like they did in 2000? These guys are getting very scary; and, I for one, will do what I can to keep them out of office.

  9. One other comment about re-electing Obama. In the second term, he may do all kinds of surprising things because he won’t have to run for re-election again. If he isn’t re-elected, we will have a Republican President to finish the job W started at completing the destruction of democracy in American.

  10. Grayson said some over-the-top things for his usually Republican district. But I agree with you, the machine can flatten nearly anybody.

  11. Bonnie, I don’t think Obama’s holding back because of re-election fears. I think he acts the way he does 1) it’s just his nature, and 2) the most intense opposition and difficult economic circumstance any president has faced in my memory. He feels he must compromise endlessly to get anything done.

  12. “I feel compelled to point out that Alan Grayson got steamrollered in the last election. The machine can flatten anyone”

    Alan Grayson Anyone? That schmuck lost cause he was a freshman representative with a big mouth and harry eyebrows.

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