4 thoughts on “Hey, Mr. President, Listen to Sen. Sanders

  1. Thank You. I think we all know what this means and have been saying the same thing for so long. When I look at this video it reminds me of the 5th Mindfulness Training of The Order of Interbeing, established my Thich Nhat Hahn. “…5. The Fifth Mindfulness Training: Simple, Healthy Living
    Aware that true happiness is rooted in peace, solidity, freedom, and compassion, and not in wealth or fame, we are determined not to take as the aim of our life fame, profit, wealth, or sensual pleasure, nor to accumulate wealth while millions are hungry and dying. We are committed to living simply and sharing our time, energy, and material resources with those in need. We will practice mindful consuming, not using alcohol, drugs, or any other products that bring toxins into our own and the collective body and consciousness. …”

  2. Here’s what I just sent The White House”
    Dear President Obama,

    The top 2% of the wealthy in this country have enough.
    The corporations have enough.
    They have too much, as a matter of fact. This country has the greatest income disparity since “The Gilded Age.” And yet, they want more -a “Platinum Age.”

    And how do they want us to pay for their “Platinum Age?”
    By wringing every last penny from the dying middle class. They want the last pennies of the old, the sick, the disabled, the poor, and the children.
    They’re to take, and we’re to give.

    You, Mr. President, need to stand up to them and say, “That’s enough! You have enough. There’s nothing wrong with wanting more – unless it’s at the cost of everyone else in this great country but you. THAT’S ENOUGH!
    Justice Holmes once said, ‘Taxes are the price we pay for civilization.’ And you are not paying your fair share. Your desire for more, and more, and more, while contributing less, and less, and less, is uncivilized. THAT’S ENOUGH!”

    President Obama, we are in a class war, and ‘We the people’ are losing the battle. Badly. And yet, despite winning, the ‘have enough’s,’ want more. Enough, Mr. President, enough.

    If we are to remain a functioning representative democracy, you need tell the nation that we all need to stand together and say, “That’s enough!”

    That if we continue to pad the wallets of the rich and powerful by raiding everyone else’s piggy banks, we will put an end to this great American experiment, and “We the people,’ will have failed. We will have failed because some of us didn’t realize that sometimes enough is too much. And that ‘never enough’ is not a goal, but a moral sickness.

    Mr. President, if we’re not going to turn this country from “The American Dream” into a paupers worst nightmare, you need to stand up and say, “THAT’S ENOUGH!”

    Do the right thing President Obama. ‘We, the people,’ need you. This is why I think you were the right person for the job. This is why I supported you. This is why I voted for you.
    Do the right thing.

    Ok, I’ve said enough.

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