About every half hour there’s more news from Congress about what’s going on with health care reform. Recent developments:
Harry Reid sent a letter scorching letter to Mitch McConnell. Do read.
Alex Koppelman wonders if the Dems will get the votes.
The Senate parliamentarian may have just thrown Dems a curve ball. President Obama must sign the health reform bill into law before Congress can go ahead with reconciliation.
Ezra Klein explains that the biggest barrier to getting HRC done is the “corrosive mistrust” between the House and the Senate.
Wow, Harry Reid might finally have woken up! RumpleRiedkind may no longer be asleep at the wheel.
He puts things pretty well, I think.
Now, let’s see action match rhetoric. That’s usually not a Democratic strong-suit. At least not since Ted Kennedy got sick. Hell, who am I kidding, they play even winning hands like this as if they have a pair of dueces and every Repubican has a full “House” – which they just might come close to,* if the Dem’s don’t pass this HCR thing that’s been floating around for MORE THAN A CENTURY! (or, more than a year, in this administration).
*Yeah, I know it’s doubtful that Republicans can take over the house, but give the MSM time. And, sigh, give the Dem’s time. They could “F”-up a one car funeral procession…
Then there’s our good friend Alan Grayson who is cutting through the BS with a bill of his own:
You can sign Alan’s petition to support the bill here, which will send you an email, with another letter campaign directed to your House member encouraging them to co-sponsor (I like this level of organization). He’s already got quite a few co-sponsors, but more would obviously help. If you’d like to help Alan end-run the so-called “debate” on health care, this is your chance.
Gee, why the confusion? The process is running smooth and predictable like a Swiss watch.