10 thoughts on “Jon Stewart Explains It All

  1. This is so over the top! The only thing missing was the vasoline-spawned tears, although Jon came close. Glenn Beck has been so ready for a send up, and Stewart is one of the very few capable of doing it. He’s created another classic.

  2. I loved this. But this wasn’t satire, it was mocking. Stewart is openly mocking Beck. It couldn’t happen to a nicer “goy…”

  3. Glenn Dreck had hemmoroids, Tush Limpballs got out of serving in Vietnam by having an ingrown hair on his ass. I see a pattern!

  4. “…the communists who want to socialise your nazism!”


    Of course, this is the funny thing about Glenn Beck, the Palinites, et al: they will spout some nonsense about “communism,” then “socialism” and then something about “fascism” and they don’t even understand that (certainly in the case of communism and fascism) these are mutually exclusive political ideologies.

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