23 thoughts on “Moonlight, Magnolias and Whackjobs

  1. I hear Antartica is nice this time of year, and all we’d have to tell them is that they were moving somewhere with no taxes and no government to interfere with… whatever it is they want.

  2. They are just a bunch of loons hoping to draw a response. Thats why these people are showing up with guns and shouting tyranny, Hitler, etc. They want that youtube video of Obama’s evil storm troopers taking their guns away and arresting them for being assholes. They are just like little spoiled children just looking for attention.

    I like how the big fat ass speaker talks about revolution, who’s gonna do the fighting, him? He had better lay off the all you can eat buffet for a while so he can get into fightin shape!

  3. I like how Perry whipped them all up, got their frothing and panting going, and then vacated on the Big Day. NICE… can you say, “used”?

  4. From what I have seen Rick Perry would pimp his mother for $10 in donations and his father for $20.

  5. Fantasy Island?

    otoh, I still say if Texas seceded, the average IQ in the remaining 49 would go up 10 points. 20 more points if Alaska goes too.

    Bye Sarah.

  6. This is a GREAT idea. Let the wingnuts have Texas. The 35 electoral votes has been a Republican counterbalance to California’s 55. If Texas will secede, that gives us a HUGE advantage in presidential politics. We can offer relocation assistance to Democrats who don’t want to live in the independent Fascist State of Texas. That will give neighboring states a boost. This is win-win for everyone. I say promote the Secesion of Texas!

  7. Let them secede. Then, we set up border patrols on the new borders and check for any illegal Texans trying to enter America. We take all Federal funds out of Texas. Then, when Mexico sees how weakened Texas is, Mexico will invade and take over Texas. Then, the people of Texas trying to get into America will no longer be illegal Texans; they will be illegal Mexicans. Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of people. I agree with Doug’s suggestion that we could offer relocation assistance to Democrats who are proud to be Americans.

  8. Galveston Island would be perfect for them… It’s right in the path of many hurricanes and will probably be underwater when the sea levels rise. They don’t like taxes and don’t want a government which will help them… well, Galveston will be a perfect for them to discover how it is to be entirely on your own.

  9. I too would prefer to somehow ship all the brainwashed delusional halfwits on the right to some nice quiet place they can call their own, where they can fight amongst themselves & learn that the Federal Government they despise was actually a damn good thing to have around.

    These people are pig ignorant and angry and I’m sick of them polluting the country with their offal.

    They upset me very much. 🙁

  10. I presume all those socialist-hating seniors will soon be lining up to burn their Medicare cards.

  11. This drivel being spouted about watering the tree of liberty with blood sounds great until the bullets start flying. My guess is most of those self named “patriots” are not so tough after several days without the basics. I saw many tough guys reduced to tears during the bad hurricane season we had 4 years ago.
    As Don Henley wrote: Armchair warriors often fail, we’ve been poisoned by these fairy tails….

  12. And yesterday in the NY Daily News they had a photo of a fat guy holding a sign that said:
    Obama is not a Nazi.
    He’s worse!

    Really! Worse than a Nazi?
    Pray tell us, in exactly what way, you ignorant fat $#@*?

  13. Sure it’s sickening and our gut reaction is to call them names but I’d really like to know more about their psychology. Aside from being on the lower left side of an intelligence bell curve is it possible that this is what passes enough filters so that we are witnessing an assembly consisting almost entirely of those with personality disorders?

    It’s almost as if there were a new kind of silent dog whistle that takes those so dysfunctional that their very scary world makes no sense and provides them with encouragement to “do it your way.”

    This stuff was always lurking beneath the surface in our population or any population. When Bush showed his true colors I became very concerned over the lack of respect for law by one absolute leader and what it would embolden. Maybe this is just a natural continuation of that. Each and every person a law unto themselves…anarchy, chaos or maybe fascism if they really thought they could cause the change they seek.

    What I’d give for a team of psychologists to lay out what ails these people. No one will beat, threaten or coerce smart into that bunch.

  14. What none of these retards realize is that their taxes would go up significantly if they seceded, since Texas gets more federal tax dollars than it pays in. Let’s see them pay for roads, police, fire, air traffic control, not to mention border patrols, with no federal dollars. For fucks sake, these assholes don’t even have astate income tax and they are complaining about high taxes?!?

  15. We Americans are such a serious, even humorless people, quick to take offense at even the most minor of offenses like the speeches of malcontents, which by the way are sometimes very necessary when to be content may lead to a democracy’s undoing.

    I like the Brit’s justification for establishing the Speaker’s Corner in Hyde Park, London. “…freedm of speech could not be limited to the inoffensive but extended also to the ‘irritating, the contentious, the eccentric, the heretical, the unwelcome and the provocative…'” How about an American Speaker’s Corner on the Washington Mall.

  16. Kudos for the link to the Texas Observer, a breath of fresh air and common sense! The late lamented Molly Ivins got her start there.

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