"Barbara O’Brien’s wide-ranging account of Zen history is conveyed with a master storyteller’s ability to keep the forest from getting lost in a myriad of trees. Wearing her scholarship lightly, she blends just the right amount of skepticism about her hagiographic sources with a deep appreciation for the Dharma." — Barry Magid, author of
Nothing Is Hidden and
Ending the Pursuit of Happiness Order here!
Sarah “The Schnook of the North” Palin. Listen to your own advise: ‘Stop making stuff up!’
What’s the old adage? Lincoln, wasn’t it” ‘It’s better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you’re a fool than open it and remove all doubt.’
‘Nuff said!
Thanks for starting my day off right Maha!
Digby, over at Hullabaloo, had a Tom tomorrow cartoon yesterday that just destroyed the health care hecklers and “birthers”. As I posted over there, progressives should never lose their sense of humor or their ability to laugh st the other side. Humor can be a powerful weapon and conservatives are clearly at a disadvantage, as they have no sense of humor.
Or, you could cry. This meditation/lament is from David Michael Green’s My 1933 Nightmare:
“conservatives are clearly at a disadvantage, as they have no sense of humor.”
That’s debatable.. Rush Limbaugh’s little song Obama the Magic Negro was hailed by conservatives as an hilarious and knee slapping bit of humor.
To them all you need to do is start off the joke, “So, these two Rabbi’s, a “n”, a Spic, three dykes, and two fags walk into a biker bar…”
They will wet themselves. No punchline needed. Just the premise…