Americans are traveling to India, Singapore and Thailand to get low-cost surgery.
Scientists say global climate change already has changed the oceans.
America has a growing food crisis.
We’re still taking measure of how badly the Bush Administration ran the country into the ground.
The Senate room most likely to hold the Sotomayor hearings has been blessed with prayer and oil.
What a country.
A few months ago, I forwarded this article to some friends. It’s from The Agonist, called The Lost Decade:
The period from 2000 to 2008 will likely be viewed as the lost decade….
It’s worse than having simply lost eight years. We didn’t stand still; we went backward. In race relations, for example, Our society has become more like it was the 1920s. In women’s rights, the 1950s. In matters of church and state, whatever the hell decade Father Coughlin was screaming hatred into a radio mike. In wealth distribution and immigration issues, the 1890s. In some very impoartant ways, we’ve lost an entire century!
Speaking of priests, I see a “slip and fall” lawsuit or two in Anointin’ Rev. Rob’s future, if he doesn’t knock it off with the holy oil.
Those 8 years will cost us dearly, never to be recouped.
But it’s not just those 8 years. It’s been since Reagan, if not Nixon, that we’ve regressed. The past 8 years have brought into focus the bitter divisions that have split our country.
Slavery was slavery, a truly horrible institution that divided our country for decades – but the civil war that was fought over it was also about progress vs. the status quo. And slavery was also a metaphor for growth beyond manual labor and agrarianism.
Right now, the forces of regression/repression are growing more and more desperate. They had a taste of some power over the past 8 years, and want it to grow, not to recede. And so, what do we have now: Killing doctor’s, praying for the death of our President, and hoping that GM and the country fail.
We are in the middle of a civil war right now. And we had better win.
If only they knew how anointing oil was supposed to be made…