10 thoughts on “Joe Scarborough Smackdown

  1. Zbig spanked Joey real good.A great lesson for all the Israel apoligists. Scarborough thinks he knows what’s happening, but like so many simply spouts slogans and nonsense.

    I just completed reading “American Raj” by Eric Margolis; the last chapter deals with the tragedy in Palestine, and Margolis has the same view as Zbig.
    “American Raj” is a must read for anyone interested in the truth regarding the Muslim world.

  2. Joe wanted to frame the argument that you are for Israel or you are for terrorism. ‘Stunningly superficial’ is a phrase that will stick with me for a long time. Getting engaged in the peace process will be risky for Obama, but not expensive. My guess is that Israel will ‘deal’ but they will demand that somebody verify that any concessions by the Pallistinians be verified & enforced. So the key question will be will the Pallistinians ‘deal’ or simply demand. The Arab world has no reason to trust the US & I wonder if we will need some other player at the table?

  3. That is great, even better Zbig’s daughter is Joe S’s partner sitting right next to him. Good stuff. Joe S’s talking points are typical of all the media coverage, the Palestinians are always militants, the Israeli’s are always soldiers, the Palestinians always start the conflict, Israel has a right to defend herself, etc. This bullshit has been going on for decades in our media. Any wonder why Arabs hate us so much? I would say that Arabs get the worst coverage of any group. Hopefully things will get better under Obama, although with HRC as SOS I doubt it, she has been and always will be an Israel firster. I really think Israel has fucked this situation so bad for so long that any chance at peace is long gone. Maybe our bad economic times will force us to halt aid to Israel. Then the problem will take care of itself eventually, and it won’t be pretty.

  4. Getting engaged in the peace process will be risky for Obama, but not expensive

    Doug, It could be very politically expensive for Obama. Israel will never make the concessions necessary for a possibly successful peace process, so to even touch a guaranteed failed/flawed process could very well cost Obama big time. There is a major element of irrationality that comprises the biggest part of the obstacles to be overcome to achieve peace, and unless Obama understands those elements, and is not deluded in thinking that a “Come, let us reason together” will work, than he might stand a slight chance at political success. But he’ll be walking into a lions den powerful interests just waiting to devour him.

    One thing I can say with absolute certainty is that Israel will never, never, never give up Jerusalem…which is an occupied city. And from that you can deduce that they never will retract back to the original state of Israel. And from that you can see how the equation for peace will have to be formulated…..congenital failure?

  5. That is great, even better Zbig’s daughter is Joe S’s partner sitting right next to him.

    Just before Zbig breaks out with the ‘you’re a superficial fuck’, Joe says something like ‘go back to Clinton in 2000 – watch Mika.

  6. I like the music in the background – Stevie Wonder’s ‘Superstitious’. I started creating a set of lyrics:

    “Stunningly superficial,
    On the Morning Joe…
    Scarborough thinks he knows more
    Than Brzezinski, ooh,

    And Joe believes in things
    That he don’t understand,
    And we suffer, oh,
    Superficial Morning Joe.”

    It amazes me that Joe would actually try to argue that he knows more than a former National Security Advisor who has spent his entire life studying (and shaping) international relations. A prick, indeed.

  7. Look….Joe has his strengths (dropping the “F” bomb on air) and his weaknesses (speaking about anything related to politics and assistants who end up dead in his office)….Other than the assistant who wound up dead in his office he is no different than any other on air personality (With the exception of Keith mind you!).I don’t believe ALL of the on air personalities can be THAT clueless to what is really going on is Israel…they just say what they are told. They are not paid to think, so it seems…

    Some years ago I heard a spokesman for Israel suggest that Arabs wanted to eliminate all Israelis…yet I had never heard this from an Arab…What I heard instead was Arabs wanting some land and the right to exist..But it dawned on me then that it was Israel in fact who were hell bent on eliminating Arabs from Israel. I hold no ill will against either group..Both groups like all groups have good and bad..I have no axe to grind and no reason to prefer one side to the other but for Israel to attack their weaker neighbor would be as unthinkable as us attacking a defenseless population in Iraq…….oh wait….we did that…Hmmm maybe that is why this goes on, ya think????(enter snark here) …Makes sense…since both the US and Israel SEEM to want the same thing(to make less Arab people on the planet) that we look the other way when one another is getting the job done…think REALLY sick big picture ! Hell why stop em when we can get in on the fun too!

    I have said it before and I will say it again. Israel and the Arab community are disturbing the PEACE of our entire world. Both on their own levels are acting like spoiled children and the time for the international community to step in as a whole is long over due.
    What do parents do when children fight over something so badly that is disrupts EVERYONE? IMHO a smart parent REMOVES the possibility of either of them ever having said object…so hears the deal…You(Israelis and Arabs have ONE WEEK to step TOGETHER to the international community(HMMMM could we band together all the nations and ask them to commit to WORLD PEACE???Since it would benefit us all??) )with a plan for living together in peace that divides the land or guess what? The international community owns Israel and you can all either live side by side or get out!NO ONE gets Israel..How about that?..It has come to this long ago…both have acted irresponsibly and it is time for the rest of the world to say “ENOUGH!!!!”As long as one group or the other has greater “ownership rights” there can never be a solution…both must be returned to equal ground(you BOTH HAVE NOTHING) And the world must rise to show both groups the collective interest for peace is greater than two groups who own nothing.Tell them everything they don’t settle is no longer going to belong to either, but instead to the world…it is worth a try? What have we got to lose???…Maybe it is a stupid idea…but I am not hearing a lot of others as the years tick by and the bodies pile up…I am to the point where I don’t expect much from my country when it comes to Israel( I swear they have photos of Lady Liberty with a goat or something)…so until we take over as someone worthy of looking to again for justice the world needs to stop waiting for us and band together in a major way to plan an intervention .
    We (being the world) need to form a mission statement about how we are all going to move forward and then we need to tell both groups that they will no longer be allowed to hold the rest of the world up from our path…pure and simple….

  8. ..I don’t believe ALL of the on air personalities can be THAT clueless to what is really going on is Israel…they just say what they are told. They are not paid to think, so it seems…

    I’m personally pretty clueless about I/P (as it’s called), and view it as a centuries old rivalry (to put it mildly). What I do care about is the triumph of attitude over intelligence in the on-air personalities, regardless of the subject at hand. Scarborough’s superficial knowledge is one thing, but his attitude, his “wearing his ignorance as though it were a badge of honor” is a total put-off. And in cheering what Zbig did, we’re really cheering the slapdown of every bobblehead with attitude like Scarborough, and there are dozens of them we’ve had to suffer for the last two decades. Pity the younger people who never saw Bill Moyers, for example, patiently tease apart a complex issue.

    I look at a family’s ability to intelligently and calmly deal with complex issues as a sign of health. When it’s missing, conversations are short, understanding is minimal to non-existent, and issues fester. The breakdown in communication among members of our national family, is hugely why our country is in so much trouble. Zbig’s pushback was a small step in correcting this national sickness. It isn’t about content (Israel/Palestine), it’s about process (can we talk?).

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