"Barbara O’Brien’s wide-ranging account of Zen history is conveyed with a master storyteller’s ability to keep the forest from getting lost in a myriad of trees. Wearing her scholarship lightly, she blends just the right amount of skepticism about her hagiographic sources with a deep appreciation for the Dharma." — Barry Magid, author of
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Ending the Pursuit of Happiness Order here!
Several weeks ago, my wife asked me what I would like for Christmas. I said I really don’t need anything, but a couple of tee shirts would be great, or if she could find either “War At The Top Of the World” or “American Raj”; both books by Eric Margolis, that would really be sweet. Little did I know she searched for weeks and found them.I read the preface and several chapters of both yesterday.
I hope Mr. Obama reads at least one of the 2 books. All of Our major problems are due to the situation in the Levant. Until that problem is solved, we will continue in a downward spiral. That problem is inflaming the Muslim world and is sucking the life out of our economy and what’s left of our humanity
No significant change will come until that problem is solved.
I highly recommend reading “American Raj”.
Here’s to the hope that we can…….
Yeah that’s great; Wyclef Jean is quite the talented fellow. Redstate.hate has a post about how to rebuild the republican party through technology, ha ha ha. When I look at this video and think of the campaign Obama ran, it had in my opinion little to do with technology. It’s the positive message, then contrast that with the raging hate of the neo-con right-wing, and you have the reason why he won. Obama winning was great but the fact that maybe we Americans are sick of the negative bullshit coming from both sides is most encouraging. We will see. The establishment media and hate blogs really rely on a divided nation to peddle their propaganda so you can be sure that the positive messages will continue to get trampled. But you gotta love the You-Tubes.
uncledad – “…a divided nation to peddle their propaganda…” and unfortunately the left-wing jumps on the same bandwagon supporting a divided nation when it has screaming meemies over Rick Warren. (Of course we’re all almost sanctimonious when it comes to decrying the righties in their refusal to accept meeting with the likes of Ahmadinejad.)
As long as we, the Left, disallow inclusion of everyone under the American umbrella, the Right will continue to successfully divide us.
I thought much of the same when I hit post. But the Warren thing I think is different, he is part of the right-wing propaganda machine and Obama would do well to avoid him. Their will always be policy divisions as their should be. The problem comes (with me) on the so called “culture war” this is mostly the handi-work of the wingnut media. Maybe I was referring to social propaganda? They certainly tried to use Rev. Wright, Ayers, etc. it was the mainstay of McCain’s campaign and the media gladly played along. Even when it was a legitimate policy dispute such as taxes, the right used “Joe the plumberâ€, even know they were arguing tax policy they tried to trick people into a social issue (Obama is against this white middle-class working man). They couldn’t argue tax policy raw they knew they would lose. Anyway, I’m not brightest bulb in the bay, I know the left uses propaganda too, but I really thought Obama’s message was for the most part positive and that won him the election, lets hope he continues that strategy while actually governing.