One Random Thing About Me

Somebody tagged me a few days ago; I’m supposed to write ten random things about me. I regret I haven’t had time to think about it. Most random things about me are boring, anyway. However, I do have personal theme songs. Most of them are schmaltzy and depressing, but this one’s not so bad.

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What people are talking about:

This is coming from the Left, mind you. We don’t need the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy when we’ve got each other. Well, go ahead and bellyache, peeps. Just do it without me. Call me naive (and I know you will), but I’m still waiting for the guy to, you know, become President and start doing President stuff before I throw my hands up and re-pack the bags for Canada.

Hasn’t it hit zero yet? I’m afraid to look.

  • The phrase on the tip of everyone’s tongue is “liquidity trap.”

Betcha can’t say it five times real fast.

Anything else going on? How’s the weather where you are?