Turning Tides

I do like this kind of talk — “Obama Positioned to Quickly Reverse Bush Actions.” Has a catchy ring to it, huh?

See also “Harsh Words About Obama? Never Mind Now.” Is it too harsh to say that Joe Lieberman is a douche?

The headline that most got my attention this morning is “Sarah Palin blamed by the US Secret Service over death threats against Barack Obama.”

The head is not entirely accurate. The Secret Service did not issue a statement blaming Sarah Palin for anything; the Secret Service doesn’t do that. They are an obsessively tight-lipped crew. The article is, essentially, a rewrite of Chapter 6 of the Newsweek special feature on the campaign that you should read if you can find the time. If you want to read just the “death threats” part, start on page 4, beginning with the second paragraph, which begins Palin skillfully handled her debate, then keep reading through page 5, seventh paragraph, which ends “OK, buddy, but remember—that goes both ways.”)

The cause-and-effect between Palin’s rhetoric and the spike in threats against Obama is unmistakable. But the Secret Service didn’t point it out publicly.