…so part of Kristol’s grand strategy is to have Sarah Palin, of all people, bring up Rev. Wright again? With the right Reverend Hagee still running around out there and fresh video of some strange snake-handling Anti-Semite verbally tossing Israel into the fire and brimstone while performing the next best thing to a fundie exorcism on Palin?
Brilliant!! Obama will never know what hit him…
Truly, Kristol is making David Brooks seem smart.
(1) create existential panic and stampede the herd
(2) “middleclassism” flip-flop
“Cry havoc!, and let slip the dogs of triviality!”
Doesn’t have that Shakespearian ring to it, does it? Huh.
HAH! Bonus, he might not have time to write so many op eds. This made my morning, thanks. =)
Kristol, according to the Brit definition, became redundant years ago. Shortly before becoming redundant he voluntarily joined the group Leo Strauss called those of superior intellect and morals, men of insight and superior wisdom (who must rule the rest of us, by the way.) We know them as neocons.
Once identified, a self-indentification by the way, a member’s superior status means he never has to justify, explain or apologize for any pearls he throws our way – nor, of course, does he ever question their veracity.
I do wish that he and his fellow neocons would join an exclusive commune and spend their end days in mutually admiring each other and leave the rest of us alone – they would say to muddle through.
I’d be a bit more severe in the punishment, felicity, unless that colony was in Antarctica.
You would think that Kristol and all the other geniuses who helped to sell our grand misadventure in Iraq would have their credibility shot, but unfortunately, they fail upward, in Kristol’s case, he fails right into a New York Times column. Kristol gives a great example of the Peter Principle in action.
…so part of Kristol’s grand strategy is to have Sarah Palin, of all people, bring up Rev. Wright again? With the right Reverend Hagee still running around out there and fresh video of some strange snake-handling Anti-Semite verbally tossing Israel into the fire and brimstone while performing the next best thing to a fundie exorcism on Palin?
Brilliant!! Obama will never know what hit him…
Truly, Kristol is making David Brooks seem smart.
(1) create existential panic and stampede the herd
(2) “middleclassism” flip-flop
“Cry havoc!, and let slip the dogs of triviality!”
Doesn’t have that Shakespearian ring to it, does it? Huh.
HAH! Bonus, he might not have time to write so many op eds. This made my morning, thanks. =)
Kristol, according to the Brit definition, became redundant years ago. Shortly before becoming redundant he voluntarily joined the group Leo Strauss called those of superior intellect and morals, men of insight and superior wisdom (who must rule the rest of us, by the way.) We know them as neocons.
Once identified, a self-indentification by the way, a member’s superior status means he never has to justify, explain or apologize for any pearls he throws our way – nor, of course, does he ever question their veracity.
I do wish that he and his fellow neocons would join an exclusive commune and spend their end days in mutually admiring each other and leave the rest of us alone – they would say to muddle through.
I’d be a bit more severe in the punishment, felicity, unless that colony was in Antarctica.
You would think that Kristol and all the other geniuses who helped to sell our grand misadventure in Iraq would have their credibility shot, but unfortunately, they fail upward, in Kristol’s case, he fails right into a New York Times column. Kristol gives a great example of the Peter Principle in action.