New Hampshire Postmortems

Some analyses of yesterday’s vote in New Hampshire. John Judis, The New Republic:

Clinton is still doing well among women (particularly older and married women), traditional Democrats, voters over 40, and among lower-middle income white voters without college degrees who are worried about the economy. Obama is doing fabulously among the young and very well among independents and upscale Independents. Both of these can also be important blocs for a Democrat to win in the fall.

Here are the groups in which Obama enjoyed a significant margin over Clinton: men, young voters (18-24), voters making more than $50,000, voters with post-graduate education (a good indication of professionals), independents, first time voters, voters without religious affiliation, men without children and single men, voters who said they were getting ahead financially, voters who thought the war in Iraq was the most important issue, who wanted change, and who wanted someone who could unite the country.

Here are Clinton’s groups: women, particularly married women, voters over 40, voters making less than $50,000, voters without a college degree, union voters, Democrats, Catholics (an important constituency for the Democrats), people very worried about the economy, voters who thought the economy was most important, voters who valued experience, and voters who evaluated candidates on whether they “care about people like me.”

I think this suggests Obama would be the far stronger candidate in a general election.

Via Skippy — Jeff Fecke at Shakesville speculates that the swing to Hillary among older women — which is what got her the last minute majority — was a backlash to MSM misogyny. He might be right.

Update: Shamanic is more cheerful than I am.

Update 2: The BooMan crunches numbers.

Update 3: One reason to be happy Clinton won New Hampshire.