Wingnut Wisdom

In the mood for something jaw-dropping stupid? Get this: The reason we lefties don’t support pointless and counterproductive wars in Muslim countries is that we’re atheists. See, if we were all Christians we’d understand why we’re supposed to be afraid of Muslims. Or something.

It’s a pathetic thing to watch a wingnut try to think. They fuss and strain, and eventually a moth pops out of their ear. Very sad.

6 thoughts on “Wingnut Wisdom

  1. Is it National Mental Health Awareness Week? I see the Anchoress is active in supporting the mentally challenged by featuring a link to the intellectually impaired Bookworm.

  2. Psychological studies have shown that sincere atheists are as immune to death-fear as sincere theists. Both have made their peace with the Reaper. What matters is certitude, not is content. It is the in-betweeners who are anxious.

  3. The person who wrote that is terribly misinformed.
    We have three cats living with us (notice how that is framed?) and all three have VERY distinct personalities, fears, “turn-ons”, etc.
    To say all atheists ,or for that matter, all believers are driven by the same fears or desires is just plain silly.

    Consider this story: A very powerful country club variety Republican dies and goes to heaven. After several years of sitting around basking in the divine light of God, listening to his mother (who passed away several years before him) prattle on, and listening to dreamy harp music, he longs to hop on his Harley and cruise down to Hooters for some wings, beeer, and a look at some tight young booty. OOPS, this is heaven, and not allowed. The pissed-off bored dude rallys other like minded souls behind him and mounts a take -over. They want their freedom, and God wishes to oppress them.An eternity of this stuff is just plain hell.

  4. This article dances around something that’s central to he issue. Genocide. Yes, there is an enemy – they are dangerous. But the battlefield is not WWII with stars painted on our tanks and swastikas on theirs. The ‘bad’ ones are mixed among 1.6 BILLION Muslims worldwide. Now if you want to make the argument they are ALL bad, then we are undertaking the extermination of 5 times the US population, if the rest of the world will stand by and let us.

    OK – so let’s move on to the other possability; some are ‘good’ Muslims’ and some are ‘bad’ Muslims. How do you tell them apart? Waterboard till they confess? Shoot ’em all and let Allah sort it out?

    Speaking for myslef, I have no problem with confronting the extremists. I have a problem with the collateral damage, which is diplo-speak for the innocent men, women & children who have died or are homeless or refugees in the chaos of the war we let loose on THEM.

    One question they will never put on the ballots if they ever have elections in that ‘Democracy’ is the popular one in American politics. “Are you better off now….”

  5. “They fuss and strain, and eventually a moth pops out of their ear.”

    Oh, dear God! I laughed so hard I think I may have wet myself.

    A classic for the ages!

  6. Perhaps we don’t support the war because it is unnecessary, colonialist, arrogant, unwinnable, over an out dated fuel that needs to be phased out of widespread use, based on a belief in the undeniable superiority of “us” over “them,” we don’t really need adversaries to keep our economy rolling along, waged by Christains who don’t see Muslims as human, ruinously expensive, based on lies, strategically absurd, and too much like our stupid wars in the Phillipines, Viet Nam, Mexico, Panama, carried out without regard to the Geneva Conventions, environmentally catastrophic, culturally ignorant, ill advised, ill conceived, and envisioned by men who had never been to war or protested one who call themselves followers of the Prince Of Peace.

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