"Barbara O’Brien’s wide-ranging account of Zen history is conveyed with a master storyteller’s ability to keep the forest from getting lost in a myriad of trees. Wearing her scholarship lightly, she blends just the right amount of skepticism about her hagiographic sources with a deep appreciation for the Dharma." — Barry Magid, author of
Nothing Is Hidden and
Ending the Pursuit of Happiness Order here!
Lemme get this straight. There are no Scoop developers who will work for RedState because of its political ideology?
Um, in my experience, web developers would work for Satan if he promised to pay cash on the barrelhead.
Do these people imbibe victimhood with their mothers’ milk?
I laughed when I read this plea. The current version drops the paragraph about blaming liberals for their woes. Had they kept it, it would be the perfect example of right wing psychology, demonstrating many of their common pathologies. I thought about posting an exposition of this, but when I looked, RedState cleaned up their plea.
There are no conservative scoop developers because this technology – albeit eight years old – is too advanced for them. The conservative developers I know are still working on 1980s mainframes, still not having made the jump into the pc world, let alone the web world. Conservatives waste their energy denying reality instead of trying to learn about it, and this dearth of skilled experiise in a contemporary technology on the red state side is the natural, expected, and embarassing result. Only an open mind can have any hope of keeping up with the dizzying rate of change in the computer field, and these guys are dead last when it comes to open minds.
BTW, the posting on RedState is funny for another reason. You’ll note the big red Death Star – this is how they view themselves. They apparently don’t get that 1) the Death Star was destroyed, and more importantly 2) their identification with the Death Star puts them squarely on the side of Evil instead of Good. But leave it to a rightie to not “get” art, as well as to prominently, constantly reveal how totally clueless they are.
Good luck with that website, guys!
Also, kos has pointed out that he offered a tech exchange:
I had offered RedState a technology swap — they could have all of our improvements if their developer helped with some patches and whanot. I saw this as a way to spread out the costs of improving the platform amongst various sites.
But that doesn’t fit their narrative of being “censored” by those crazy liberals.