Too Pathetic

Following up the story by David Schuster blogged about yesterday — righties have declared David Schuster is lying. And how do they know? Because he contradicts stuff said awhile back by (get this) Andrea Mitchell and Bob Woodward.

In other words, this reporter must be lying, because that reporter (in Woodward’s case, someone entangled in the mess more than he’d like to admit; in Mitchell’s case, someone with a well-established track record of scrambling facts) said something else.

What can one say but — holy bleep.

Ugliest post I’ve seen so far comes from this guy, who clearly doesn’t understand that Plame-Wilson was in operations, not analysis. And some of the comments are even uglier. In their sick, twisted little world, Plame-Wilson is the traitor because … well, because. She must have done something wrong. Why wasn’t she home with her twins?

Glenn Greenwald does the heavy lifting and addresses the Kool-Aiders. I don’t have the energy for it right now.

One thought on “Too Pathetic

  1. Thank God for Sir Glenn’s fine-grained mind, he has more patience than most of us. The tenacity with which the Bush groupies cling to their make-believe world will soon get to the point where they will begin to insist to us that day is night. The proper response to fools is to laugh in their faces, and we on the left need to get into the habit of laughing at nonsense.

    A little OT, I’ve decided that I’m going to charge $300/hour to straighten out right wingers. They throw nonsense in my face, trying to slow me down, and it takes a lot of effort to get into their screwed up minds to deprogram them. I’m going to insist on the cash up front. I figure this is the language righties understand best, and it will shut them up – I don’t need to have my time wasted by idiots.

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